Requirement-Combination of Approval Group and with in that Supervisory Approval for Expense Reports
We have the requirement of sending the expense reports to be routed to multiple levels of approvals as follows -
- Supervisory Approval (Mandatory Step irrespective of the amount)
- Approval Groups (based on the authorized approval limits) Ex: Group 1 for amount < 1K USD, Group 2 for amount 1K to 5K USD, Group 3 for amount between 5K to 10K USD, Group 4 for amount between 10K USD to 20K USD, Group 5 for amount between 20K to 50K USD, Group 6 for amount between 50K to 100K USD, Group 7 for amount > 100K USD.
- The trickiest part is here -
a. If the approver himself / herself is the submitter of expense report, and the amount limit is within their approval limit, then the second level of approval should be skipped and auto approved.