EXM_EREPT_SUBMIT_ACCT_ERR - Error while submitting Expense Report
Summary: Error "EXM_EREPT_SUBMIT_ACCT_ERR" while submitting expense report
Cost center segment qualifier is assigned to Department COA Segment. Still, I am receiving same error "EXM_EREPT_SUBMIT_ACCT_ERR" while submitting expense report. Please advise.
Complete Error Message -
You''re missing a valid expense account for an expense item. Please remove the item to continue with the expense report and contact your help desk. (EXM-630424). See <a href=https://docs.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=fa-latest&id=EXM_EREPT_SUBMIT_ACCT_ERR> https://docs.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=fa-latest&id=EXM_EREPT_SUBMIT_ACCT_ERR</a> in the Oracle Help Center.