Oracle Linux: Login Fails with " Access denied for user user by PAM account configuration [preauth]"
in Linux
Applies to:
Linux OS - Version Oracle Linux 6.0 and later
While trying to login with a local user, the following is shown in /var/log/secure
hostname sshd[105661]:info: Postponed publickey for user from xx.xx.xx.xx port 2xxx6 ssh2 [preauth] hostname sshd[105661]:info: Failed publickey for user from xx.xx.xx.xx port 2xxx6 ssh2: RSA SHA256:<hash> hostname sshd[105661]:crit: fatal: Access denied for user user by PAM account configuration [preauth]
furthermore messages like
Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info
are displayed as well.
had missing entries ( files
) in the shadow line