Oracle Linux
Discussion List
OCI: How To Run a Filesystem Check On A Boot VolumeAPPLIES TO Linux OS – Version Oracle Linux 8 and Oracle Linux 9 Linux x86_64 on Oracle Public Cloud GOAL Run a file system check on another OCI Linux server’s boot volum…
How To Setup Cluster NFS Service with LVM For Corosyn&PacemakerApplies to:Corosync/Pacemaker Oracle Linux 8 and 9 Goal: This Document will describe how to setup a clustered NFS service on a Corosync/Pacemaker cluster using shared st…
OCI - How to Avoid the Prelogin Messages on SSH Session: ssh opc@x.x.x.x “\S Kernel \r on an \m"APPLIES TO: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Linux x86_64 SYMPTOMS: When using ssh to log in to a server, the following messages are showing before password prompt. lo…
Oracle Linux Cloud Developer 8 compute instance image on OCI always free refuses ssh connectionSummary: Hello, I am having trouble connecting to a newly created compute instance of Oracle Linux Cloud Developer 8. I have waited about 30 minutes and still cannot con…
Oracle Linux: Resolving Missing Repositories During Oracle Linux 7 to 8 Upgrade Using LeappApplies to: Linux OS - Version Oracle Linux 7.9 Linux x86-64 Symptoms: After running the `leapp preupgrade --oci` command, the following errors and inhibitors appear in …
OCI: OSMH Clients Not Receiving Latest UpdatesAPPLIES TO: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Linux OSMH SYMPTOMS Nodes managed by OSMH are not receiving latest security available patches. E.G. If a node is patched o…
OCI: How To Install Tomcat on Oracle LinuxApplies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure – Linux OS - Version Oracle Linux 7.0 and later Goal Steps for installing Tomcat and Apache on Oracle Linux Solution For Oracle C…
Steps to changing the SSH port on Ubuntu and Oracle Linux compute instance on OCI Always Free?Summary: Attempting to change the SSH port on a newly created instance of Oracle Linux vm on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Always Free tier using the VM.Standard…
OCI: YUM Commands Fail with KeyError: 'X-RHN-Auth-Expire-Offset'Applies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Symptoms: When attempting to execute yum commands such as 'yum update -y', the following err…
Oracle Linux: Post Leapp Upgrade, Server Gets Stuck During Final Reboot.APPLIES TO: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Linux SYMPTOMS: Leapp Pre-Upgrade and Upgrade steps where successfully completed, no errors or unexpected inhibitors repor…
Yum OPENSSH Package Upgrade Fails with Error“unpacking of archive failed on file”Applies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Symptoms Unable to update openssh-client & openssh-server packages and it reports error “unp…
How to Configure setroubleshoot to Receive e-mail Reports for SELinux AVC DenialsApplies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux OS Goal How to configure setroubleshoot to receive e-mail reports for SELinux AVC denials. Solution What is setroubleshoot?…
OCI : Docker Service Failing To Start After Leapp Upgrade from OL7 to OL8Applies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Symptoms Docker service Start Failing with below error [root@xxxx ~]# systemctl status docke…
OCI: How to use CLI command to download file from OCI bucket to local Windows folderSummary: How to use CLI command to download file from OCI bucket to local Windows folder Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, OCI CLI ha…
OCI: Is it Possible to Perform Oracle Linux Leapp Upgrade to a Specific Minor VersionApplies To: OracleCloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Question Is it possible to perform a Leapp upgrade to a specific minor version, i.e. OL7.9 to…
OCI – Error Updating Package tuned-profiles-oci-2.22.1-4.0.1.el8_10Applies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Oracle Linux 8 Symptoms While performing a dnf update, the following error occurs: Error: Problem: packag…
How install true type fonts on Oracle Linux 8 compute instance?How install true type fonts on Oracle Linux 8 compute instance?
How to Determine Which User or Process is Mounting or Unmounting Devices Using auditdApplies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Linux OS Question How to determine which user or process is mounting or unmounting devices using the auditd service? Solut…
Oracle Linux: How to Update the glibc Package on Oracle Linux 8Applies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Linux 8 Goal: Ensure the glibc package is updated correctly on Oracle Linux 8. Solution: 1. Enable Required Repositories T…
OCI : Network Service Fails To Start with Error "No such file or directory" and "command not found"Applies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Oracle Linux x86-64 Goal To start the network service successfully without failure Symptoms Below error i…
OCI: "mount: /mnt: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'APPLIES TO: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux OS - Version Oracle Linux 8.0 and later SYMPTOMS When attempting to mount a boot volume backup attached as an additional vo…
OCI: How to Check if DBCS is Using iSCSI or Paravirtualized StorageApplies To Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux OS - Version Oracle Linux 7.0 and later Goal To verify whether a (DBCS) instance in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) is uti…
OCI - Server Hangs Due To Third Party McAfee Module "mfe_fileaccess"APPLIES TO Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux OS SYMPTOMS Server hangs due to third party McAfee module "mfe_fileaccess" CAUSE Server hangs with below Call Trace from mes…
OSMH: Failed to Update tuned-profiles-oci Packages in OCIApplies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Linux 7 or 8 OS Management Hub Symptoms When updating packages in Oracle Linux using OSMH, the following error is seen: pa…
OCI – Problem with glibc libraries - relocation errorApplies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Symptoms $ sudo ls -ltr /lib64l/* ls: relocation error: /lib64/ symbol _dl…
OCI: OSMH Unable to Promote Software Source to a Lifecycle StageApplies To Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Symptom Unable to promote a software source to Lifecycle stage as shown below. Cause Software…
OCI: sar Command Fails After Leapp UpgradeAPPLIES TO: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux OS SYMPTOMS The sar command fails after upgrading the OS via Leapp utility: # sar Invalid system activity file: /var/log/sa…
OCI - Instance Unable to Boot Due to Missing Symlinks (softlinks)Applies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Symptoms The system fails to boot and the following is seen at the serial console: [ OK ] St…
How to encode files with base64Applies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Goal: This document outlines the steps required to encode a file using base64 Solution: If t…
OCI: Leapp Upgrade Fails with the Error "DNF execution failed with non zero exit code"Applies To Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux OS - Version Oracle Linux 7.0 and later Symptoms: Leapp upgrade from Oracle Linux 7 to Oracle Linux …