Oracle Linux
Discussion List
OCI: BareMatel Server Rebooted with Kernel panic - not syncing: Timeout during microcode update!APPLIES TO Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux OS SYMPTOMS BareMetal servers rebooted automatically post patching. We see the following logs messages file: Feb 16 15:59:49…
OCI - OOM (Out-Of-Memory) is Killing dnf on Newly Created Compute Instance while Performing dnfAPPLIES TO: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux OS SYMPTOMS While performing dnf install , OOM ( Out-Of-Memory ) is killing dnf command on newly created Oracle Linux 8 com…Baisakhi Mahapatra -Oracle 529 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Baisakhi Mahapatra -Oracle Linux
Postfix Cannot Start Due to "fatal: parameter inet_interfaces: no local interface found for ::1"Applies to: Linux OS - Version Oracle Linux 7.0 and later Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Symptoms postfix.service cannot start due to t…Alejandro Rodriguez L.-Oracle 69 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Alejandro Rodriguez L.-Oracle Linux
How to Read the dnf history Output?Applies to: Linux OS - Version 8 and later Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Goal Possible values and descriptions of the columns shown wh…
How To Disable SSH Server Weak Key Exchange Algorithms in OL7APPLIES TO: Linux OS - Version Oracle Linux 7.0 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 GOAL: The diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 and diffie-hellman-…
OCI - How To Disable Password Quality Checks in Oracle LinuxApplies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux x86-64 Goal: By default, when creating a password for a user in Oracle Linux, multiple password quality checks are enforced…
OCI: Unable To Log In to Instance After Upgrade From OL7 to OL8Applies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Linux Symptoms: Customer unable to log in to Oracle cloud instance after a upgrade from OL7 to OL8 Logs in /var/log/secure…
OCI - Dependency Failed for nfs-server.serviceApplies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Sypmtoms Attempt to restart “nfs-server” service fails with the error: # sudo systemctl star…
How to validate that sudoers files and its included files have the correct syntaxAPPLIES TO: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux x86-64 GOAL: When editing /etc/sudoers file it is recommended to do it with visudo since it validates the syntax for errors…
OCI – Yum Update Error: <URL>: [Errno 14] HTTP Error 403 – Forbidden Trying other mirror.APPLIES TO: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux OS SYMPTOMS yum update oryum repolist command showing error HTTP Error 403 – Forbidden Trying other mirror # yum repolist L…
OCI - Receiving openssl "error:0A000152:SSL routines::unsafe legacy renegotiation disabled"Applies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux OS Symptoms While accessing an secure URL, getting below error message: "error:0A000152:SSL routines::unsafe legacy renegot…
OCI: User Exceeded Maximum Active ConnectionsApplies to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux x86-64 Symptoms The following is seen in the /var/log/messages logs: Apr 26 08:58:42 usiadecnobiap01 dbus-daemon[1675]: [sys…
OCI: How to add secondary AD servers in SSSDAPPLIES TO: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux x86-64 GOAL: By default SSSD only allows a primary and a secondary AD using ad_server_primary ad_server_backup To add more …
OCI: Yum Update Is Ending Up With Error Error Package tuned-profiles-oci (@ol7_optional_latest)Applies to: OCI Compute - Version N/A and later Linux OS - Version Oracle Linux 7.0 and later Symptoms: #yum update Loaded plugins: langpacks, ulninfo Resolving Dependen…
OCI: OL8 ARM Instance rpm process high memory usage followed by OOM and hungApplies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux x86-64 Symptoms: OL8 ARM Instance rpm process consumed high memory usage followed by OOM and hung. rpm-4.14.3-26.0.1.el8.a…
OCI: Port 80 and 443 Became Inaccessible After RebootAPPLIES TO Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 SYMPTOMS 3rd party Web Application Site became inaccessible after server reboot even the port…
OCI: Unable to find sctp module in uek7 kernel “ Module sctp not found.”APPLIES TO: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Symptoms Unable to find module sctp in the UEK7 kernel. $ modinfo sctp modinfo: ERROR: Modul…
How to enable dhcpcdv6?How can I configure the DHCP client on Oracle Linux so that it will pull an IPv6 address? Network, routing and security lists are all up. "dhclient -6 enp0s3" works only…
Oracle Linux 7/8: iscsid Service Fails When Using Oracle Ksplice and SELinux in Enforcing ModeApplies to: Linux OS - Version Oracle Linux 7.0 to Oracle Linux 8.0 [Release OL7 to OL8] Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux x86-64 Linux ARM 64-bit Symptoms Starting the …
OCI: Instance created from boot volume clone /backup failed to bootApplies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Linux Symptoms: An instance created from a boot volume clone /backup failed to boot with error below in the console logs: …
httpd Startup Error: "(13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address"Applies to: Linux OS - Version Oracle Linux 7.0 to Oracle Linux 9.0 [Release OL7 to OL9] Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux x86-64 Linux ARM 64-bit Symptoms When trying t…
OCI: mkfs.btrfs does not always trigger an entry in /dev/disk/by- uuidApplies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux x86-64 Symptoms: Unable to mount brtfs filesystem intermittently via fstab using UUID $ mount -av mount: /aplm/scratch does…
Oracle Linux: "ABORT_TASK: Sending TMR" Messages Caused System Crash or HangApplies to: Linux OS - Version Oracle Linux 6.0 to Oracle Linux 7.9 [Release OL6 to OL7U9] Linux x86-64 Symptoms: The system is experiencing crashes or hangs and "ABORT_…
Forwarding to a different port in the security list.Hey, On my oracle cloud subnet security list, I am trying to use an ingress rule to forward port 465 to 22. Whenever I set a source port in an ingress rule I can no long…
OCI: Two OS Versions Are Displayed in "cat /etc/oracle-release" Command OutputApplies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux OS Symptoms Two different OS versions are displayed in "cat /etc/oracle-release" command output: # cat /etc/oracle-release …
Generate a key file upon logging into the OPC accountSummary: If the password for our OPC account expires and needs to be changed, do we also need to regenerate the associated key file for accessing? Content (please ensure…
OCI – How to install/update specific CVE and ELSA in Oracle Linux using yum commandsAPPLIES TO: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux OS SYMPTOMS How to install/update specific CVE & ELSA number in Linux using yum command Solution Follow the below commands …
OSMS: No OS Management information and error “ 403 403 Client Error”APPLIES TO Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux x86-64 Symptoms OCI Linux Instance OSMS Agent Tab shows error “No OS management information is available for this resource.”…
checksctp Command Fails with Error: "Protocol not supported"Applies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Symptoms: Unable to start or run the checksctp command: # /usr/bin/checksctp checksctp: Prot…
OCI: Unable to run sudo to root with error "sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting"Applies To Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux x86-64 Symptoms Unable to run “sudo su –“ command due to issues seen in files located the /etc/sudoers.d / directory $ sudo …