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Oracle Linux: How to Update the glibc Package on Oracle Linux 8

Applies To:

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Oracle Linux 8


Ensure the glibc package is updated correctly on Oracle Linux 8.


1. Enable Required Repositories

To access the appropriate version of the glibc package, enable the following repositories based on your system requirements:

For Ksplice users:

# dnf config-manager --enable ol8_x86_64_userspace_ksplice --enable ol8_ksplice

For non-Ksplice users:

# dnf config-manager --enable ol8_x86_64_baseos_latest

2. Refresh Metadata

Run the following command to refresh the repository metadata:

#dnf clean all && dnf makecache

3. Search for the glibc Package

Verify the availability of the required package:

# dnf list available glibc

4. Update or Install glibc

To update the package:

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