Error Missing Routing Rules when Self Testing Receive from OBN Invoice cXML 1.2.007 in OBN
Summary: We have been using OBN to transmit POs from punchout orders and would like to start receiving invoices from the trading partners. We have checked our set ups. We are using the seeded BPM rule FinApIncompleteInvoiceHold.
Steps in OBN
Messaging>Self Testing>Document Direction = Receive from OBN>Enter test doc nbr>Business Document = Invoice-cXML 1.2.007>Payload: Choose file sent from trading partner>Test
We have receive the error - Missing routing rules (Routing exception found. Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma has not correctly added support to Send transaction type: Invoice) XHUB-148.
Has anyone successfully done a self test to receive an invoice through OBN?