Alternative to using 'FIRST' and 'LAST' in filters
Hi there - I'm wondering if someone might be able to help me with this.
I have two incident 'types' - call them 1 and 2. I need a report that shows me only contacts that meet both conditions below:
1) have at least one incident of type 1 and at least one incident of type 2.
2) the date.created of the last incident of type 2 is within 30 days of the first incident of type 1.
I can easily achieve the first point by adding 3 tables to the report: 'contacts', 'incidents1', and 'incidents2' with inner joins (both incidents1 and incidents2 joined to the root which is 'contacts'). Then, I filter for incidents1.type = 1 and incidents2.type = 2. This will accomplish point 1 above.