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How to encode files with base64

Applies to:

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later

Linux x86-64


This document outlines the steps required to encode a file using base64


If there are issues in uploading data or the data files are rejected by the Customer Portal (including sosreports ), there are a number of options that will help to get the data uploaded

The example here relates to an sosreport, but the data could be anything that is rejected by the Support Portal.

Option 1 – Encode the file with base64

Use base64 to encode the file.

$ sudo base64 sosreport-ab-c-def-ghi-jkl-2024-11-29-hostname.tar.xz > sosreport-ab-c-def-ghi-jkl-2024-11-29-hostname.tar.xz.base64

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