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Time of incident in agent's inbox

edited Jun 17, 2015 3:54PM in Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service 2 comments



I'm trying to run a report on the time elapsed when an incident gets assigned to an agent and the time the report is run. This is to report on agents which "forget" incidents in their Inbox.

Apart from other filters and setting, I'm using the following formula to get the time:

max(to_number( to_char( if(incidents.assgn_acct_id = transactions.acct_id, if( transactions.trans_type = 4, date_diff( sysdate(), transactions.created ) ) ) ) ) )

Meaning, time difference between the system time and the time when the incident was assigned to the agent. Somehow the report is working, however to get to this I have copied it from a different report, adjusted the datapoints and added some functions to get it to work.

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