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Question for a Survey Reporting Filter

edited Jan 27, 2016 7:26PM in Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service 2 comments


We have recently began exploring surveying in our business. We are interested in creating a scheduled report based on a few criteria.

On this specific report we would like see surveys where for a Choice Question "Satisfaction" the choice was "Very Dissatisfied" where the Text Question "Additional Feedback" was also populated.

I have been able to filter down to a report that only shows Additional Feedback and Satisfaction: Very Dissatisfied but I still see requests where only one or the other is present, rather than both.

In the image you see 3 incidents. 1st with the Text only, 2nd with the Choice only, and 3rd with both. The 3rd is an example of what I would like to capture exclusively.

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