How to show in a report the icon of the channel from which an incident has been raised
Hi all,
I have a report the shows all the incidents associated to a contact and the icon (or image) of the channel from which the incident has been raised (eg. Twitter, Chat, YouTube, etc...).
The icons are shown in a column of the report by means of the following function:
to_char(if(substr(incidents.subject,1, 7)='Twitter',1,if(substr(incidents.subject,1, 8)='Facebook',2,if(substr(incidents.subject,1, 7)='YouTube',3,if(incidents.source_lvl2=3001,4,if(incidents.source_lvl2=1001,5,if(incidents.source_lvl2=5001,6,if(incidents.source_lvl2 = 1017,7,if(incidents.source_lvl2 = 5002,7,if(incidents.source_lvl2 = 9002,8,if(substr(incidents.subject,17, 8)='Fan Page',2,if(substr(incidents.subject,1, 8)='Rightnow',9))))))))))))