Discussion List
Issue in Calculating Depreciation for CIP Asset in Capital ModuleSummary: Issue in Calculating Depreciation for CIP Assets from Projects in Capital Module Content (required): We are trying to Calculate the Depreciation for the CIP Ass…
Issue in Calculating Accumulated Depreciation for New AssetsSummary: Accumulated Depreciation not calculating for New Assets Content (required): Hello All, I'm trying to add a new Tangible Assets, calculate Depreciation for the A…
Capturing Site level expenses to Site level during Allocate Expense to Asset in ProjectsSummary: Capturing site level expense from Project,push to assets at same site level in Capital. Content (required): Hello All, Here we are adding various expenses for a…
Capital Asset work in progressSummary: Customer is using Financial, Workforce and Capital module and would like to have feature of Capital Work in progress at asset level . Is there any option of mar…
Capital module Asset UploadSummary: Content (required): Hi, How many assets we can upload to capital module annually? is there a recommended number, In order to maitain the performance of the cube…
Difference in calculations between Oracle Fixed Assets and EPBCS CAPEXSummary: When an asset is tagged to 200DBL in the Oracle Fixed Assets Module it is calculated using a rate table that provides the forecasted depreciation based on those…
Issue in Converting Intangible Asset New to ExistingSummary: Convert New to Existing Asset option is not available for Intangible Asset Content (required): Hello, We are trying to Convert Intangible Asset from New to Exis…
Encountering issue while calculating Assets with Monthly and Yearly PlanSummary: Issue while calculating Assets with Monthly and Yearly Plan Content (required): Hi All, I'm trying to calculate assets on two methods - Monthly and Yearly.First…
Encountering error while calculating All Existing Tangible AssetsSummary: Facing issue while executing All Existing Tangible Assets Business rule. Content (required): Hello All, Here i tried to calculate Depreciation for all my loaded…
Encountering issue after enabling features in Capital CubeSummary: Encountering issue after enabling features in Capital Cube Content (required): Hi All, I Enabled Intangible Asset feature in the Capital module, while enabling …
How to view retired assets in CapexHi, can anyone advise the best way to review all assets that have been retired in Capex using the 'retire asset' functionality?
OOB Calculation logic of Existing and New Asset in Capital PlanningSummary: Would like to know the high level logic of calculating Existing Asset and New Asset in Capital Planning. Content (required): Hello All, I have added the existin…
Error while loading special character member data in Data ManagementSummary: Content (required): Hi All, Here we are trying to load data for the members containing special characters like -,(,),", in the EPBCS application using Data Mana…
Capex : BIP Report Data Integration does not workSummary: Content (required): Hi All, Here we are trying to integrate data from FA module - Capex Module with the BIP report using Data Management - Multi Column All Data…
2 new Hands-on Tutorials for Capital PlanningWe are pleased to announce the availability of the following 2 new Hands-on Tutorials for Capital Planning. These Hands-On Tutorials provide step-by-step instruction on …
EPBCS/Planning: Implementation of 'Best Practice' solutionsSummary: 1) Finance: Planning of additional details to support Account level. 2) Projects/Capital: Loading of Opening balances from prior year. Content (required): Good …
Improve Asset in CapexContent Hi All, Does anyone have any information on the "Improve Asset" functionality in the Capex module of Planning? Am I correct in thinking that we need to enable dy…
Artefacts labels not showing in SmartViewSummary Artefacts labels not showing in SmartViewContent Hi, I updated the artefact label of Smartlist entry of Depreciation Method Smartlist for the "Custom" entry in t…
Lease asset planning on pre-built Capex ModuleContent Hi, I came across an issue with the capital planning module with respect to lease planning. I am currently on 21.07.72 version. When I create a lease (for e.g. 2…
What is recommended approach - Financial Statement reports - with FRS tool in Oracle GL or with EPMSummary What is recommended approach - Financial Statement reports - with FRS tool in Oracle GL or with EPM toolContent Looking for some expert advice about the best app…
Typical Implementation times for Capital, Projects and WorkforceContent Hi All, Can anyone help with any experiences around implementation times for Capital, Projects and Workforce modules of Planning? I know this is a “How long is a…
Why there is no function to convert new assets to existing assets for Intangible assets in Capital PContent Hi All, I am new to the Planning and was going through the guide and application and saw that there is no option to convert the new assets to existing assets for…
Why there is no function to convert to existing assets option for Intangible assets in Capital PlannContent Hi All, I am new to the Planning and was going through the guide and application and saw that there is no option to convert the new assets to existing assets for…
Capital Module Integration - Lease PaymentsSummary Is there any reason why there is no option to integrate lease payments with the Financials module?Content We are integrating the Capital Module with the Financia…
Data Management export takes too long.Content Hi We have integrated planning module with profitability, and we are extracting actuals from profitability module. It is taking so much time for data load rule t…