Discussion List
Explore Repository Adding File ExtensionsSummary How do you add a file extension type to import a file to the Explore RepositoryContent HI We are trying to upload macro enabled excel files (.xlsm) to the Explor…
Extracting Smart Lists data into a file extract in Data ManagementContent Hello, Is it possible extract the data from accounts associated to Smart Lists? This can be either the entries or the IDs. The use case is for the integration of…
Unable to run reports since patch on 12/20/2019. Anyone else?Summary Since the latest patch was rolled out to PBCS on 12/20/2019, we cannot run any reports in PBCS. The screen freezes when we try to select POV on the POV selection…
Block Creation AdviceSummary Tested a number of different ways to create blocks and the least desirable - SET CREATENONMISSINGBLK - seems to be the only option.Content Hi, apologies if this …
Calc Mgr ADF Issue in Chrome post 19.12 PatchSummary Encountering a fatal ADF error in Calc manager in ChromeContent G'day guys, just want to confirm if anyone else is seeing it before I raise an SR Post the Test P…
Dashboards in PBCS, putting instructions next to a formSummary Dashboards in PBCS, putting instructions next to a formContent Hi, I'm building my first Dashboard in PBCS. I can place a form, and I want to put instructions ne…
Smartpush Database SuppressionSummary Sparse Dynamic calcs still getting pushed in Smartpush with database suppression onContent G'day Guys, just seeing some interesting behaviour with a smartpush. W…
Error when try to select Designer Mode in Calc MgrSummary When I open rule in Calc Manager, if it is in "Edit Mode' and I try to change it to "Designer Mode" I get an error message: An error occurred during conversion.{…
Using Smart View Save Smart Form FunctionalitySummary This is the second in a series of articles exploring rarely used (or in this case newer) functionality in Smart View. Currently we will be exploring Smart Forms.…
Export Job Console is not capturing Smart PushSummary When we download the Job Console via REST API, we can see records for Data Map, but not Smart Push, even though Smart Push shows on the Job Console in the UICont…
Dashboards - input forms do not have the "Save" buttonSummary Dashboards - input forms do not have the "Save" button even when maximizedContent I have been successful with Dashboards which only contain report forms. With th…User_2025-01-30-02-55-20-807 53 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-30-02-55-20-807 Planning
Custom Business Rules in EPM Standard Planning ApplicationSummary Features of EPM Standard Planning ApplicationContent Hi All, Can we create custom business rules in a EPM Standard Planning Application. If yes, will it impact o…
PBCS REST API Upload File behavior changeSummary The PBCS Retst API Upload file process appears to have a behavior change if the file existsContent Gday Guys, just want to check whether this is an intended beha…
Existing PBCS CustomersSummary Road map for existing PBCS CustomersContent Hi All, PBCS Customers: For existing PBCS customers, when they due for license renewal, will they need to migrate/ mo…
Write Back Data in to Fusion GL From PBCS is not workingSummary Prevalidating Budget data errored. Error message: There exist multiple ledgers associated with different Chart Of Accounts and Calendar. All ledgers in a single …User_2025-01-28-06-44-57-704 22 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-28-06-44-57-704 Planning
Using Groovy to integrate data between differrent PBCS applicationsSummary Is it possible to use groovy to integrate data between PBCS applications?Content We are planning to migrate several Planning applications from on-premise to the …
Password Policy for PBCS (native)Summary Details?Content Hi, I know the native password policy for PBCS is; - Password must be >= 8 characters long, Must include upper case, must include lower case, mus…
Roadmap to remove Adobe Flash from PBCS?Summary Is there a Roadmap for removing all Adobe Flash content from PBCS?Content Is there a Roadmap for removing all Adobe Flash content from PBCS? Adobe announced its …
Drill Through doesnt pick up the all the Dimensions while drillingSummary Drill Through doesnt pick up the all the Dimensions while drillingContent Hi All , I have created an integration with Fusion GL with Planning and all went well. …
ERP Custom BI extract is successfully pushed to EPM but fails to loadSummary ERP Custom BI extract is successfully pushed to EPM but fails to loadContent Howdy Folks, I'm trying to load a custom ERP BI query in Planning but I'm getting a …
Maintaining Old Budget ScenariosContent Hello Everyone. In our PBCS application, we have a lot of old budget scenarios. These scenarios cannot have their numbers changed. So, every time we make any cha…User_2025-01-28-02-48-16-296 65 views 12 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-28-02-48-16-296 Planning
Run Smart Push In BackgroundSummary What is the disadvantage to running the Smart Push in the background?Content Is there a disadvantage when enabling the option to "Run the Smart Push in Backgroun…User_2025-01-30-02-55-20-807 47 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-30-02-55-20-807 Planning
Restriction on artifact label in Navigation flowSummary Restriction on artifact label in Navigation flowContent All, I observed some restrictions being applied by PBCS application while defining the artifact labels in…
Unable to add new account members in PBCSContent Hi All, Have you seen this error when you try to add new members to the Account dimension? Please advise if you have seen this and how to resolve, Unable to add …
ePBCS - Daily Maintenance Time is 1 hour off since DST changeSummary Daily maintenance is colliding with automated tasksContent My daily maintenance time is set for 3:00 AM, but since DST ended a few weeks ago, it's actually runni…
Unannounced Planning Patch ReleaseSummary Unexpected Planning Bug FixContent Hi, As part of our monthly processes,we have very structured release management activities on EPM Cloud, involving release not…
Running Business Rule via Batch File in ParellSummary Running Business Rule via Batch File in ParellContent Hello experts, We have a batch file that execute the following process - Clear the cube - Load Data - Conso…
Did you know … the Oracle Help Center is the one-stop shop for all Planning User Assistance AssetsSummary The Planning Help Center provides documentation, videos and Learning PathsContent Please bookmark this link to the Planning library: https://docs.oracle.com/en/c…