Discussion List
Typing members into formula bar returns error (in Reporting Web Studio)Summary Sometimes, entering a member into the formula bar directly returns an "invalid member" error messageContent Sometimes, but not all the times, and I have yet to u…
Combined Refresh RestructureSummary Requirement is to schedule a Planning Refresh and database Restructure weekly.Content Scheduling a refreshCube will only restructure when a dense member is updat…
Standard and Enterprise PlanningSummary Hybrid BSO and Custom Planning FunctionallityContent Hi, Can someone advise on where Hybrid BSO comes in to play in the new EPM Standard Cloud Service. It seems …
PlanningFunctions.getUserVarValueSummary PlanningFunctions.getUserVarValueContent Hi, does anyone have use this planning functions [[PlanningFunctions.getUserVarValue("VarUsrSucursal")]] in PBCS? Imeage…
ODTUG Boston Area Meetup Wednesday 28-Aug-2019 11:30AM - 8PMSummary ...ends with Happy Hour!Content If you are in the Boston area, please join us for the ODTUG meetup at the Oracle Burlington, MA Network Drive campus. I'll be act…
Calculation Performance issue - execution taking more timeSummary Calculation Performance issue - execution taking more timeContent Hi Team, We are facing calculation performance issue for below application and as details are b…User_2025-01-30-22-17-55-523 35 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-29-03-17-36-982 Planning
Smart View Standard vs NativeSummary Want to use the new Standard functionality, but cannot update existing Native ad hocContent We have a quite a few ad hoc slices and data blocks running reports o…
What's New in 19.08?Summary Here we go again...Content Here we are as another month approaches with a new release. I’m sure you’ve already read the What’s New for August update but here’s m…Mark Rinaldi-Oracle 54 views 3 comments 7 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-06-58-21-785 Planning
What is the size limit for imported file using DMSummary What is the size limit for imported file using DMContent Hi All We are trying to load a file using into the DM inbox and we are getting an error that the file is…
Ad hoc read only user role still allowing data submission, why?Content I'm trying to prevent users from submitting data in situations where a form is opened in SV then user clicks "Analyze". The user in question is assigned "User" r…
Groovy to create file in inbox/outboxSummary Ability to create a txt file using Groovy in inbox/outbox folderContent With the July updates, we can now pull data from web service which offers data in JSON fo…
What is the latest pricing model for Hyperion Public Sector Planning and Budgeting On-Prem?Summary What is the latest pricing model for Hyperion Public Sector Planning and Budgeting On-Prem?Content Trying to understand this product is still available? If yes, …User_2025-01-30-01-37-34-387 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mark Rinaldi-Oracle Planning
PBCS Cube refresh fails with Essbase Cube : Finance Error code: 1060252 Message : A91020Summary PBCS Cube refresh fails with Essbase Cube : Finance Error code: 1060252 Message : A91020Content Hi , We are working on a On Prem to Cloud migration project in wh…
What's New in 19.05?Summary Lots of stuff...Content Did you miss me posting this topic last month? I hope you were able to get by without any counseling necessary. As you saw via email, we …Mark Rinaldi-Oracle 184 views 19 comments 7 points Most recent by User_2025-01-27-23-37-42-527 Planning
Considerations for converting from PBCS to EPBCSContent Referencing this document: https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/planning-budgeting-cloud/epbca/conversion_considerations_pbcs_to_epbcs_100x639ccf07.html * It do…
PBCS ASO database synchronisation issues?Summary Changes in PBCS not reflecting in member formula validation or Smart View refreshContent Hi all Wondering if anyone else has experienced the issue where you make…
Dashboard promptsSummary Dashboard prompts for members when run rule, yet rule is set to use members on form aContent Newly created Dashboard prompts for members when run rule, even thou…
What's New in 19.06?Summary ... some big changes!Content It's been a busy week with our big announcement, so here goes with this month's What's New post. As always, please be sure to read t…
Integration: HCM Cloud and EPBCS, requires Workforce Planning module (EPM)?Summary I'm looking for customer experiences integrating HCM Cloud and EPBCSContent Hi Guys.I'm just finished to implement HCM Cloud and the next steps include integrate…CRISTHIAN JAVIER OBREGÓN LAZARTE 108 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Mark Rinaldi-Oracle Planning
What's New in 19.07?Summary ... not as much as last month but sill enough for your enjoyment!Content Okay, this post is going to pale in comparison to that last one but work continues none-…
How to Move ASO Data to a BSO CubeSummary From an architectural perspective and best practices, BSO cubes are usually used for modeling input data using complex calculations and business logic for produc…User_2025-01-31-22-04-43-801 101 views 10 comments 2 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-21-31-53-411 Planning
Calc Manager in Google ChromeSummary Having issues with Calc manager in Chrome.Content G'day All, Having issues with Calc manager in Chrome. Basically as soon as I hit anything that is flash based (…
EPM cloud update vs ERP cloud updateSummary Does the updates of EPM cloud coincide with the updates for ERP cloudContent Hello According to what I could find EPM cloud is updated monthly whilst ERP cloud i…
Understanding the PBCS Copy Data FunctionalitySummary Can somebody confirm that the Copy Data functionality in PBCS does a "replace" copy?Content I've tested this and it sure looks as if the Copy Data function in PB…
Dimension securityContent Hi All, On a dimension which has security enabled and has members which have read/write permissions and there are members with out any security defined. For a us…
Having an issue creating an EPM ConnectionSummary EPM Connection creation fails due to application type defaulting to Financial Consolidation and Close during creationContent EPMConnect0.jpg (attached document) …
Converting on premise BSO cube to PBCS ASOContent Hi All, I have a requirement to convert the on-premise BSO cube to the PBCS ASO cube. On-premise BSO cube is mainly used by the client's users as a reporting cub…