Discussion List
Top Down/ Bottomup calculation question in business ruleSummary: Hi Experts, Recently, there was a discussion about the SET FRMLBOTTOMUP ON command, which should enforce bottom-up calculation even for complex formulas, such a…
Incremental data load FailingDear experts, Trying to do incremental data load for view based integration. It's failing at import stage. Account dimension is driver and we are trying to load numeric …
Does Oracle Cloud automatically lock a user after some days of inactivitySummary: Does Oracle Cloud automatically lock a user after some days of inactivity? If yes, by default, how many days of inactivity will trigger the lock? Can we change …
The dependence in the calculationHello everyone, I have one question about the dependence on the business rule. In the FIX statement, I fix 3 years FY26 vs FY27, FY28. FIX(FY26,FY27,FY28) OFS_Calculated…
Rest API for Artifact update reportsSummary: Looking to generate Artifact Update reports through rest API or EPMAutomate but dont see any resources available to get this information from automation of audi…
ASO vs BSO Financial Reporting FR Report has different rounding up/down handlingBSO FR report is the original report while ASO FR report is copied from BSO by only changing database connection to point to ASO cube. No other changes are done to ASO r…
Creating Instances After March 31, 2025 Without MyServicesSummary: I recently logged into MyService and saw that there was an announcement that after March 31, 2025 MyService will no longer be available and that we need to sign…
If MFA enabled - will REST API and EPM Automate work in same manner?Summary: We are using non SSO accounts obviously for REST, if we enable MFA will this continue to work in same manner OR what else should we consider before enabling thi…
How can we get Planning to let us know an item is inactive?We have an item number that exists in both a source organization and a requesting organization. At the requesting organization, the item is active, but at the source org…
Execution of Data Load Rule via API - From Mulesoft to EPM (EPBCS)Summary: We are planning to load the data using the data load rule via API. However, when we tried to trigger the data load, it failed, and we encountered an error. If t…
How to fix the header of the data screen in planningIs there any way to fix this by changing the header width on the planning data screen? The name of the form is not visible. It is very difficult to adjust the width each…
How to do a Top Down Forecast in Bottom Up AppSummary: Content (required): We currently have all our forecasting as bottom up. I was recently asked to do out years at a high level account and entity rollups. What is…
Epmautomate unable to reset passwordSummary: Hello, We have EPMAutomate jobs that are failing because of an expired EPMAutomate PW. When we try to reset the PW, this message appears How can we release the …
ASO SmartView retrieval time is much slower than BSOSummary: We have a SmartView ad hoc sheet with 30,000 rows of data, while BSO cube took around 2.5 mins but ASO took around 6 mins for retrieval. For ASO outline, No mem…
Parent member using data map from BSO to ASO did not match when the member storage property "store"Summary: Using data map to push BSO data to ASO and when we do data reconciliation, found that parent project member which storage type is "store" in both BSO and ASO co…
Create member sets based on valuesSummary: Is there a function to create a member set (member range) based on values? Example1: Create an Entity member set of those members with value 1 Example2: Return …
Non-Groovy: Transfer of Member into Smart Lists created from MembersHello everyone, I have a smart list called TransactionCompany created by @ILvl0Descendants(TransactionCompany) member. And I have a dimension called "Company". Now, I wa…
Request for a documentation for Out-Of-Box Workforce Business Rules in EPBCSRequest for a documentation for Out-Of-Box Workforce Business Rules in EPBCS, specially below rules OWP_Incremental Process Data with Synchronize Defaults OWP_Incrementa…
Data Integration - target cube 'missing' in DLRSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When I try to create a new DLR in data exchange or modify an existing DLR, I've noticed that the …
Drill Through to Source not workingI'm attempting to Drill Through to Source directly from Planning, and it doesn't seem to be working for me. Briefly, the URL comes up (…
Planning to utilize API to load data from external source to EPCBS data management.Planning to utilize API to load data from external source to EPCBS data management. Which data location folder does the API data should be directed to? And can you share…
Using PBCS Cloud, how to use the REST API to Get the attachment after executing a jobSummary: Using PBCS Cloud, how to use the REST API to Get the attachment after executing a job from Application > Overview > Export Data. I see the job execution & can m…
How to setup Project Budget Approval Workflow by converting the budget amount into USD currencySummary: How to setup Project Budget Approval Workflow where Project Currency is different from Planning Currency (USD) and approval threshold is in USD. Content (please…
Data Exchange refresh metadata option is throwing error after adding a new dimensionSummary: I have added a new dimension to an existing application and i want that dimension to be available in data exchange so that it can be used in the integration pro…
Period mappings not working properly for data integrationI'll admit; the title of the question isn't totally accurate as I know for a fact it's something I'm doing wrong, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to fix it…
"Unable to retrieve source budget name" error during EPM to ERP (BC) integrationWe've run integrations several times over the past couple of years to move data from Planning to Budgetary Control in ERP, but this is the first time I've gotten this er…
Multi-Column load is not picking up data for the last few columnsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We do a revenue file load using the data integration. The integration is setup as Multi-colum…
Create Choice List for Integration FiltersSummary: Create a drop-down list for Integration filters Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, I found this document using "Choice List" to …
Predictive Cash Forecasting seeded integrations to Receivables, Payables, and Cash ManagementSummary: Is there a confirmed timeframe for the release of the seeded integrations to receivables, payables, and cash management for Predictive Cash Forecasting? Content…
Set Number of Seconds Before Rules Run in Background Not workingSummary: Set Number of Seconds Before Rules Run in Background Not working Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In application→Settings we have …