Discussion List
Is Dynamic Time Series still used!?Summary DTS or not to DTSContent Hi All, I'd be interested to hear if anyone is still using Dynamic Time Series? Thanks, Mark Version 20.11.70
FR Batch/Bursting not sending emailsContent Curious is anyone is experiencing issues in their Test pods where emails from batches/batch bursting are not being sent. The scheduler says it was successful and…
What's New in 21.05?Summary A lot of cool technical updates plus more features!Content Well, I'm sure you are all celebrating the 5th anniversary of the Planning Modules in the EPM Cloud (f…
What's New in 21.02?Summary We kick-off the new year in style!Content Faithful followers may have noticed I skipped the 21.01 update last month. The January update tends to be lighter given…
What's New in 21.03?Summary A really big Enhancement!Content Well, to say I'm excited to share this post may be an understatement and I believe you may very well share my excitement! In fac…
API / Rest / EPM Automate for e-mail batch reportsSummary API / Rest / EPM Automate for e-mail batch reportsContent Simple question, is there any means to mass load the configure for one-off sending of batch reports for…
- How to define prompts in Book?Summary How to define prompts in Book?Content Hello, Would like to ask if anyone here happen to encounter issues in creating and migrating book from one instance to anot…
When the Planning version 21.02 be available on Test?Content Hello, I check today our Planning Test env but these wasn't updated to the new version, in addition I checkout the Oracle Demo and it wasn't updated too. When wi…
New Generation Next Reports - Security - EPM CloudSummary User role does not have access to new kind of reporting in PBCSContent I migrated a FR report to Reports and when a user role tried to open the new report. He ha…
Dashboards 2.0 - Does not take into account "Scale"Summary Why does Dashboards 2.0 not take into the Currency Scale when calculating "Value Scale"?Content Dashboards 2.0 can automatically scale numbers to K (thousands) M…
Import FR reports via Smartview using XML connections fileContent I'd like to use a smartview connections file to support connecting to multiple pods via shared connections but haven't found a way to access FR content. Does any…
Member Selection for Prompt for Department determines which Generation appears in ReportContent We have a request to show the Level 0 members when the top parent is chosen otherwise show just the member selected. I have attempted using an IfThen() statement…
New UpdateSummary There are a lot of new functionality how does existing PBCS customers will get the new versionContent Hi we are a PBCS customer and I saw that with feburary rele…
Migration of Management ReportContent Hi, I have migrated the financial report to the Management report but now I want to migrate that report to production from the test. I have checked the options b…
REST to Get List of FR ReportsSummary Is there a way to "get" all FR Reports using REST?Content Is there a way to "get" all FR Reports using REST? I did a couple documentation searches but could only…
"Planner" Users unable to open new reportsContent Hi all, We are testing the new report functionalities, however it seems that Planner Users are not able to open the new report section: They get the following er…
Download FR Report as PDF saves as HTMLContent We are no longer able to download FR Reports as PDF files even when the report output is set to PDF. Instead it wants to save the PDF report as an HTML file. Has…
4 new video tutorials for ReportsSummary New reporting solutionContent We are pleased to announce the availability of the following 4 new video tutorials for Reports: Reporting in the new Cloud EPM Plat…
Suppression is not working for Formula and Text Row in HFRContent Hello All, In HFR have enabled the basic suppression option but it is surprising only data rows, not a formula and text row which I have used for Header purpose.…
Maximun Threshold Values for FR (PBCS)Summary The report is not opening with multiple members and with Expand All Functionality.Content Hello, We have created one report and it is not opening when the client…
PBCS Batch SchedulerSummary Deleting Batch Schedule JobsContent Anybody else have issues when trying to delete batch schedule jobs? I tried to clean up our batch scheduler job box in PBCS. …
How to create a formula row for Grand Total in Financial Reporting Web StudioContent Hello everyone, Need some help with a report build in FRWS. We have a report where we have on Pages the children of entity, in this way we get, let say a P&L for…
Archive Versions vs Archive ScenariosContent I was talking with an old colleague about archive version/scenarios and wanted to get a broader opinion. The requirement is to archive off the forecast every mon…
What's New in 20.12?Summary Wrap-up for a Strange YearContent Well, this concludes a strange year (to say the least) but one with lots of new features. We've snuck several more for this mon…
Creating an IfThen() formula based on the selected dimension memberSummary Creating an IfThen() formula based on the selected dimension member in FR Web StudioContent Hi, I am trying to create a dynamic condition in my FR reports based …
Normal "Planner" Users seems to have Power User rightsContent Hi all, It seems that all normal "Planner" users are able to see all reports in EPBCS, when they navigate to explore repository they don't have access to the sam…