Discussion List
HCM Integration to OEP_WF and OEP_WFSCSummary: Wanted to see if anyone has experience with the HCM data integration to Workforce Planning. We are using the OOTB extracts and one of the feilds in the Asignmen…
File renaming issue in EPBCSSummary: I want to rename the file after unzipping the data export file. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I tried several ways to schedule …
Request for a documentation for Out-Of-Box Workforce Business Rules in EPBCSRequest for a documentation for Out-Of-Box Workforce Business Rules in EPBCS, specially below rules OWP_Incremental Process Data with Synchronize Defaults OWP_Incrementa…
WFM archival - PBCS customhi team we are on PBCS custom with 11 dimensions in WFM cube (do employee level planning with 20k employees across multiple countries) + 10 dimension Expense cubes. Abou…
Multicurrency Configuration in Workforce with Fixed USD ExpenditureUse Case: Multicurrency configuration in Oracle EPBCS with USD as the reporting currency and various input currencies, such as EUR. Most employee-related expenses, like …
The member [NONE] does not exist for the specified cube or you do not have access to itSummary: The member [NONE] does not exist for the specified cube. It is currency dimension. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I found this s…
EPM WFP forms in version 2.0 are not working properlySummary: All forms in the application were changed to version 2.0 Now mandatory features are not working in the form: - transfer out, - transfer in, - 1 step transfer - …
New hires to existing employees side by side comparisonIn oracle epbcs workforce, I have a new hire requisition H1 for $5000/month salary for a given entity in Jan'25 in my frozen budget. I keep also a working forecast with …
What is the best practice for removing old employees workforce without losing the data?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am looking for a good way to remove old employees from workforce so that we don't keep growing …
Can I seed PLAN into Forecast by leveraging load rule "copy forecast working to prior FRCST" rule?Summary: Can I seed PLAN into Forecast by leveraging load rule "copy forecast working to prior FRCST" rule? I am trying to avoid reentering all data again. I was thinkin…
What is the fastest way to add these multiple requisitions to workforceUse case: Using workforce configured with employee and job granularity. I need to add 4 new requisitions for the plan year under the same entity into Plan working. I wan…
User is getting error, when trying to change Entity on any Workforce formIn EPBCS, Workforce OOTB module- User is getting error, when trying to change Entity on any Workforce form. We have restricted those Users from seeing compensation by as…
HCM to EPM Workforce IntegrationSummary: We are implementing the Oracle HCM to EPM Workforce delivered integration. After connecting and extracting initial data, it appears we are only receiving employ…
How to incorporate actuals for prior months into forecast scenario in EPBCS workforceUse case: For a POC, I need to track employee hiring in workforce: actuals compared to plan and forecast. Just workforce module is configured. I need to find out how to …
Make Year Dynamic in Hourly Payrate Member formulaSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I need to make the year dynamic in the salary member formula. I need it to use FY25 or FY26 or FY…
Groovy to transfer data between cubeSummary: I planned to transfer headcount data between cubes by using groovy. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have tried to use datagrid …
Steps Required to Purge Employees in Production Environment (Go-Live)Summary: Hi, Currently, we are able to execute one scheduled process to purge the employees in non-prod instances (Dev, Uat, Test, Parallel) by using "Purging Person Dat…
What's the recommended way to incorporate actuals into the forecast scenario for workforce planningSummary: In the Forecast scenario in Workforce planning you load data into the current month and then run process loaded data to push out to future months. That's all ok…
How do I use an attribute in a workforce business ruleSummary: Content (required): When we copy data from workforce to the plan cube, we need to break out the employees by Class. We do not have Class in the Workforce cube, …
After running the rule, imported WFP data disappearedSummary: Hello, I have imported workforce data from the file, my configuration for the salary, benefits and taxes configured but without values (configure page). I have …
Custom Expense in Workforce - Calculates after Sync Def, but clears after Calc CompSummary: Title says it all. Calc Compensation clears out our earnings account but Sync Def populates it. Content (required): We have a custom Earnings (setup as "OWP_Ear…
Unable to perform Transfer In in the Workforce EPMHello Everyone! Summary: In the Manage employee page I did Transfer Out and 1 step Transfer, those rules are working and pop-up windows look correct. But when I go to th…
Planned Schedule Request HDL is read only and able to edit from UISummary: Hello, We have loaded planned schedules using HDL and data is loaded we are not able to edit the shifts from UI either from manger or admin role. Can someone he…Muniraja Gunakala 46 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Jonalyn Cabrera Salonga HCM Data Loader (HDL)
REST API : Import dataslice size limitationSummary: I couldn’t find specific documentation regarding the size limitation for REST APIImport DataSlice. Does anyone know if it’s the same as the 500k limit for Flexi…
What would cause FUTA to calculate wrong for one archiveSummary: FUTA Glitch? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Last week when I archived our forecast in NovFcst the FUTA tax was wrong. It was muc…
Workforce Planning Task ListIn Workforce planning, whenever any promotion or transfer request is raised, it goes for approval at each line item level to higher level of authority in the organizatio…
Is there any way to change the Alias of New Hire Hierarchy of Employee Dimension?Summary: For Workforce Module in EPBCS application , Is there any way to change the Alias of out of Box New Hire Hierarchy of Employee Dimension? Content (please ensure …
Custom Benefits are populating for status months set as "Leave of Absence"Summary: When an employee's status is changed to "Leave of Absence", Benefit/Taxes/Additional Earnings using the Simple or Rate Component types do not calculate for LOA …
Merit Increase is not calculatingSummary: Merit Increase is not getting calculated Content (required): We have set up the Merit assumption, Merit Month assumption, loaded employee details and also execu…
Has anyone mapped benefits into workforce via data management and the out of the box hcm extract?Summary: We adjusted the HCM extract for assignment data provided by Oracle to include all benefits for employees. I am trying to get it mapped and loaded into Workforce…