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OOTB Workforce TBH New Hire Requisition addition not showing the Base Salary member label at the botSummary OOTB Workforce TBH New Hire Requisition addition not showing the Base Salary member label at the bottom in EPBCSContent Please refer to the attached screen shot.…
What's New in 20.10?Summary Many things but especially another long-awaited enhancement...Content Wow, this crazy year keeps flying by. We've got another great update this month. As always,…
Benefits are getting calculated incorrectly for all employee's despite what is inputted in Benefit SSummary Benefits are getting calculated incorrectly for all employee's despite what is inputted in Benefit Selector FormContent Benefits are getting calculated incorrect…
EPBCS Workforce OOB - ConfigurationContent Hi Has anyone tried to do the following in the Job-Employee granularity configuration settings? * Load Bonus % by Employee * Load Commissions by Employee * Load …
Transfer Data from Test to ProdSummary Transferring Data from test to Prod for Hybrid Application Content Hi Friends- We have a hybrid based PBCS - which means it doesn't allow us to load incremental …
What's New in 20.09?Summary ...Some cool stuff!Content Well, here we are again. Another monthly release with lots of exciting updates. As always, please be sure to read the official What's …
Unable to push compensation data from Workforce ASO to Financial BSO (Custom) cube due to Block CreaSummary We are trying to push compensation data from Workforce ASO to Financials BSO (Custom) using a calc script with 30+ XREFs however the data load fails due to missi…
Period resets each night to prior month. "Planning and Forecast Preparation"Summary Value of Period in "Planning and Forecast Preparation" is set to Jul and saved. The next data it is set to Jun.Content Application>Configure>Finanacials> "Planni…
Cannot add rows to Flex Form in EPBCSSummary Created a Flex Form. Was able to open the form but cannot add any rows to it.Content I have added new rows with valid intersections which has data. But the row j…
Cannot Import Data from Nightly BackupSummary It's Giving error while importing just the data from Backup (any backup)Content Experts, Is this new ? that we can't import just data back from nightly backups, …
Viewing Comments to New Hire RequisitionsSummary Unable to view comments made on New Hire Requisition Form in Workforce planningContent I am attempting to add a New Hire Requisition within the Workforce cube of…
What's New in 20.07?Summary Let's dive into this month's New FeaturesContent Well, it's that time again. Sorry for the delay as the US Holiday last week and some other reasons have led to t…
Workforce Planning demo snapshotSummary Some snapshot to use for demo?Content Hello, I just wondering if there is way to get a Workforce Planning sample application (like Vision) in order to practice a…
OWP_Action smart listContent Hi All, In the EPBCS workforce application, for change existing details , the OWP_action prompts as below. We do not want to see the Disability option in the pro…
AvB Reporting requirement in Workforce OOTBSummary How to achieve comparable data points in a AvB report in OOTB WorkforceContent Hello Experts, We have a reporting requirement in Workforce OOTB where we compare …
WF -- Transfer -- FTE not cleared -- Year 1Summary WF Transfer process does not clear FTE data for transferred out months - from source entityContent Hello All, * Steps (V - 20.04.66) * Transfer Asset - from one …
SmartView Ad-Hoc Sheet With Smart List gives error while submitting data in EPBC Workforce Jul ReleaSummary SmartView Ad-Hoc Sheet With Smart List gives error while submitting data in EPBC Workforce Jul ReleaseContent SmartView Ad-Hoc Sheet With Smart List gives error …
I not finding new feature in 20.07 update - "NEW GROOVY RULES TO RUN PRE-DEFINED WORKFORCE DATA MAPSSummary I am not finding new feature in 20.07 update - "NEW GROOVY RULES TO RUN PRE-DEFINED WORKFORCE DATA MAPS"Content Hi All, The Test environment is updated with a ne…
Workforce - Data not getting loaded to OWP_Value and OWP_Basic Salary intersection from DATA MANAGEMSummary Workforce - Data not getting loaded to OWP_Value and OWP_Basic Salary intersection from DATA MANAGEMENTContent Workforce - Data not getting loaded to OWP_Value a…
53rd week in Monthly App (P12) - incremental enablementSummary Can I just update for 53 weeks without re-build to P13 application?Content I have an existing EPBCS (P12) application which I want to keep as a P12 application b…
Block Update/Access to one cube within EPBCS applicationSummary Is it possible to Block Update/Access to one BSO Cube?Content We have EPBCS with 3 cubes (1 ASO, 2 BSO) and we would like to block updates/access to one BSO cube…
Latest update impact on Workforce Load processes - Actual MonthContent We have been working through the latest updates and wanted to highlight to the community a finding that is impacting us but though it might impact others. It app…
Workforce cube design helpContent Hi Experts, We are buiding a EPBCS workforce cube for 10k employees across 6k jobs. In addition to these members in Employees and Jobs we have 3 custom dimension…
What's New in 20.06?Summary Many things but especially a long-awaited enhancement...Content I hope this post finds you well and that you are allowed to leave the house! Well, here we are ag…
ePBCS - Workforce - OWP_Calculate Employee Compensation not calculating according to start dateSummary ePBCS - Workforce - OWP_Calculate Employee Compensation not calculating according to start dateContent In Workforce our OWP_Calculate Existing Employee Compensat…