Discussion List
How to import PBCS report into NRCSHi, We want to export a report from PBCS environment to a NRCS environment. We've tried exporting the report in XML format through the Migration card. When we try to imp…Guntuka VenkataKrishna 13 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Guntuka VenkataKrishna Narrative Reporting
Is there a way to automatically push an external file into the Narrative Reporting LibrarySummary: A)- The main objective: will be to automatically integrate these external documents into: 1- Report Packages : Meaning integrate documents (Pdf, Excel, Jason, W…
UUID - for Bursting through a business ruleSummary: I am trying to understand where do I find the UUID to run a report via a business rule. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Where can…
Invalid file type while Importing file in EPRCSSummary: The import functionality in the NR application is not working for any file type (e.g., DOCX, PDF). The error message displayed is: "Invalid file type for Import…
How long can audit log reports be stored in Narrative Reporting?Summary: In Narrative Reporting, I created audit report from Library > Audit Logs > Create > System Logs menu. Please tell me how long can the audit report be stored in …
Excel HsGetValue Central Document Linked to Multiple Report PackagesSummary: I am looking to put together 23 different report packages that stem from a centralized Excel document containing HsGetValues and different graphs and charts. Th…
Create review instanceSummary: Power User unable to create a Review Instance. Report Administrator role has also been assigned. Also, Power User is not able to Start the Review cycle as well.…
Oracle Best Practice of Creating Management Reports Remote Library (Planning) or NRSummary: Hello experts, we are in the process of building Budget Book with around 50+ Management Reports, need oracle's recommendations on the below 2 scenarios. Create …
Can Export NR library folder include history such as commentary?Summary: We are trying to look at the option of bringing a report package into another environment to consolidate our applications. The source report package carries doc…
How to Export NR Library Folder Contents to an External DirectorySummary: Seeking a solution to get 500+ bursted PDFs out of Narrative Reporting Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Because we have 500+ membe…
Logo and Footer formatting loss after new releaseSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all It seems that since the new April upgrade, we are seeing that the Style template formattin…
Is Bar chart formatting possible in a grid as shown in screenshot?Summary: Business need attached report in narrative reporting (last 2 columns in the report) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Any response …
Is it possible to limit a power user role?Summary: We have scenarios where we want to limit Power users' role to maintain data privacy within Narrative Reporting. Power users can create any folder and create art…
How to purge files from 'Bursting'directories?Hi, We have a very large amount of '*.XLSX' reprorts that were generated by bursting. These reside on the NR server in directories we created. There are literally thousa…
Ability to integrate report snapshot from third party tools like PowerBISummary We currently have some report dashboards based out of bulk transactional data in PowerBI and want to automate EPRCS report/report package get the snapshot from o…
Duplicate Reports CreatedSummary: Report is duplicated in Reports folder when copying to another folder. Content (required): When we copy a report from the Reports folder in the Library, it is b…
Why are folders duplicated and showing up as empty in Narrative Reporting?Summary: When establishing a SmartView connection to Narrative Reporting, folders are duplicated, and the duplicate folders are showing up as empty when the original fol…
Cannot run report in Narrative Reporting that has connection to Oracle ERP by EPM Power UserSummary: Content (required): We are using the EPM only user "BU User" that has Power User Role in EPM instances. In Narrative Reporting, we logged in using a Service Adm…
How to create native ID to define Data Source in Narrative ReportingSummary: Currently we have SSO User id for EPM in IDCS OCI GEN2. Kindly advise how to create native ID Content (required): Read through the document. It mentioned "You m…Sukittima Siwapetcharakorn 72 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Krishna Kumar-Support-Oracle Narrative Reporting
Supplemental Data in Narrative ReportingSummary: Hi All, There is a requirement to connect supplemental data of FCCS with Narrative Reporting. Can we bring/integrate supplemental data of FCCS in the Narrative …
Bursting definition - outputSummary: Hi all, I have 2 questions concerning bursting definitions (ran from EPBCS): 1) When running a burst with Library selected as output channel, I do receive a not…
What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 21.06Summary Learn about what’s new in the EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports 21.06 release.Content Going forward this monthly post will include the announcements and …Dave Roberts_-Oracle 26 views 1 comment 3 points Most recent by Tom LeFebvre-Oracle Narrative Reporting
Bursting Definition EPM automate command and scheduleSummary: Content (required): Hi Experts, I am trying to use the EPM Automate to execute the Bursting Definitions by this command epmAutomate executeBurstDefinition "libr…
Narrative Reporting Data SourceSummary: Content (required): Hi Experts, We connect the below applications with the Narrative Reporting but I am not able to understand the exact difference between them…
How can others see my Reporting PackagesSummary: When I create a reporting package and save it in the library, people on my team that I designate as owners are not able to see the file in the folder where I sa…User_2025-02-11-09-50-09-390 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dave Roberts_-Oracle Narrative Reporting
Automated ID Field in Narrative ReportSummary: Automated ID Field in Narrative Report Content (required): Is there a way to generate an automatic, auto-incremented ID field in the very first column of a Narr…
How to synchronized automatically PBCS Reports Changes with Narrative Reporting LibrarySummary: How to synchronize automatically the PBCS Reports Changes with Narrative Reporting Library - same reports Content (required): We are looking for a solution to s…
How to prevent report table(Grid) in a report package shifting partially to next page?Summary: We have 3 report Grids inserted in a report package in a single doclet, so wanted to know how to prevent the report table(Grid) in a report package from shiftin…
What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 22.03What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 22.03 Please refer to the March 2022 What's New Guide to understand the new features included in EPM Clou…Dave Roberts_-Oracle 31 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Dave Roberts_-Oracle Narrative Reporting
Facing issue while connecting EPRCS with TRCSSummary: I am trying to import CbCR DataSource and CbCR Report in EPRCS (Narrative Reporting) Content (required): I have successfully imported the DataSource and report …