Fusion Financial reporting
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In Maternity Leave - Absence Type Balance is not Showing for the EmployeeSummary: Created a Maternity leave with Qualification Plan. But Absence Type Balance i am not able to see the number of balance days.
How to schedule FRS reports in Fusion FinancialsSummary: I need to run an FRS report in Fusion Financials using scheduling. In EPM the process would be to create a batch and then add the batch to the schedule. In Fusi…Robert of STAU 33 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Robert of STAU Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Flexfield Feature at BIP Model using where LexicalSummary: I want to make a report that similar to Budgetary Control Analysis. My current report, I define the segment1 as balancing segment, segment2 as natural account, …
Deliver BIP report to sharepointSummary: Ability to deliver BIP report to sharepoint seems possible, but documentation is from 2007 and doesn't seem to line up with current sharepoint screens. Content …Alex Glose 33 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Swapnil Kashid Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Define a global function in BI reportsDear All, Is there a way to define a global function in BI reports to use it across all reports? For instance, NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS?George Mattar 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Alex Kaleas Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Error when invoking ESSWebService submitRequest method from SoapUiHi, I'm trying to submit a request to run the job "ItalianSalesVatRegister" and I receive the following error: oracle.as.scheduler.RuntimeServiceAccessControlException: …
How to get only Month and year without days in otbi report Pivot table?Hi everyone, I'm working on an OTBI report and I'm stuck with a visualization challenge. I'm using an accounting date in a pivot table, but I want to display each year a…
List of seeded reports & analyses for Procurement Contracts/ Enterprise Contracts module in oracle fSummary List of seeded reports & analyses for Procurement Contracts/ Enterprise Contracts module in oracle fusionContent Hi, Is there any way to get the list of all the …Aman Vasishtha-Oracle 479 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Bill McLarty55-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for ERP
ISO Format for the positive pay templateSummary ISO Format for the positive pay templateContent Hello All, We got a requirement for the positive pay in the ISO format but as of now we have only an etext seeded…Koteswararao Yenikepalli 164 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Ruthwij Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Varalakshmi 32 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Abhilash K - Deloitte USI Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Italian AR E-Invoicing ProgressivoInvio NumberHi, As per Italian reporting requirement we are developing Italian AR E-Invoicing report with XML output. We have a tag called 'ProgressivoInvio', as per the customer re…
BIP Global Level Function Data not getting included in output after bursting.Summary Aggregate functions data show's up at report level which are involved in GLOBAL Level functions, but the same Data attributes wont show up, if we burst the file.…
Unable to view the data in data model with lexical parameterSummary: Unable to view the data in data model with lexical parameter Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We are trying to create a BI rep…JithendraKCV 34 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by JithendraKCV Reporting and Analytics for ERP
How to join from Subledger Accounting (XLA) to transaction application entity code PJBACCOUNTINGSummary: Hi, How do we join to get transaction details in the subledger application from XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES where SOURCE_APPLICATION_ID = '10036' (Project Accounti…
Customization of 'Print Receivables Transactions' and 'Print Receivables Transactions: Invoices'Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, This is regarding ESS Job 'Print Receivables Transactions' which in turn calls another ESS Jo…JithendraKCV 327 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by JithendraKCV Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Procure to Pay DashboardsSummary: Procure to Pay Dashboards Content (required): How can these be added to the home dashboard once the user is login, instead of going to reports and analytics and…
Subject Area to capture Employee detailsSummary: Content (required): Hi, Can someone please let me know the subject area to be used if the requirement is to capture the username, employee first name, employee …Sheneli98 809 views 12 comments 1 point Most recent by Nareshbabu Mallela Reporting and Analytics for ERP
FUSIONAPPSS_REQUEST_IDSummary: I'm trying to modify the ChartOfAccounts report in order to add new filters to the query, but as soon as I add the parameter :fusionapps_request__id the DM stop…Victor Bocardo Negrete 1 view 0 comments 0 points Started by Victor Bocardo Negrete BI Publisher Learning Center
Is there any functionality to have dynamic reporting parameters while scheduling FRS Reports.Summary: While we are scheduling FRS Reports, we need to add the ability to have dynamic reporting parameters for FRS reports. Recreating applicable schedules every mont…Abhishek khanduja 241 views 2 comments 3 points Most recent by Henry Pao Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Sql Query to get data security applied on Chart of AccountsHello, I need an sql query to get my user's data security on the chart of accounts values. Thanks,
Cash to General Ledger Reconciliation ReportSummary Cash to General Ledger Reconciliation BI ReportContent Hi Friends, Did anybody Customized " Cash to General Ledger Reconciliation Report" or developed new report…OraFusionworld 112 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Vicky Adwani Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Duplicate descriptions across summary vs postable valuesSummary GL_SEGMENT_HIER_INTERFACEContent Will it cause issues if there are duplicate descriptions on a Summary/Non Postable value vs a Non Summary/Postable value? I've m…
Issue with OTBI Subject Area "Installed Base - Meter Based Asset Usage Real Time"Summary: Our issue is with the OTBI subject area called “Installed Base – Meter Based Asset Usage Real Time”. We can’t figure out how to exclude the canceled readings fr…Ajeez K-Oracle 22 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for ERP
date masking reverting date back a daySummary: We have customized the AP invoice approval report to add fields needed. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Issue is that the date in…
A report that tracks user access activity historySummary A report for security that tracks user login history what data or module was touchedContent Does anyone know how/where I can get this information together? This …Kimberly Nguyen 286 views 18 comments 0 points Most recent by Mayur_P Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Statement of Directions on FRS in Cloud ERP?Hi, Does anyone know if/when FRS is going to be retired in Oracle Cloud ERP and moved to Management Reporting like is being done in EPM? Trying ot understand if we wait …Hyperion_Junkie 21 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Hyperion_Junkie Reporting and Analytics for ERP
How to get output character set in ANSI for etext templateSummary: In Oracle etext template is set to "iso-8859-1", what value we need to provide to change it to ASCI. Content (required): Version (include the version you are u…SireeshaJaladi 408 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Yves Chanel Reporting and Analytics for ERP
We need to display the Tax Rate value of the Purchase Order line in OTBI.Summary: We need to display the Tax Rate value of the Purchase Order line in OTBI. So, we need to find out the subject area that we can create OTBI and display the value…Gamal 47 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for ERP
How To get Cancelled Invoice Amount in AP Invoice in Oracle FusionIs there any ways to retrieve Cancelled AP Invoice Amount in Oracle Fusion Using SQL Script.EPNSLsupport 350 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by EPNSLsupport Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Can I have a link for data lineage for 24 A versionSummary: Can I have a link for data lineage for 24 A version Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, i…Prateek Dhawan 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Nathan CCC Reporting and Analytics for ERP