Fusion Project reporting
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How to add Reports to Task Menu (Reports and Analytics) in UI?Summary How to add Reports to Task Menu (Reports and Analytics) in UI?Content Hi How to add Reports to Task Menu (Reports and Analytics) in UI? We have requirement like …
How to query committed cost of projects?Using Oracle ERP/ FSCM, there is a requirement to add data related to "Project Committed Cost" to our data warehouse. We mostly use the PVOs to import data in DW, What a…SHAHRAM SALAMI 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Gershatprg Reporting and Analytics for ERP
ESS Print Job Queue - Oracle Fusion CloudSummary Accessing the ESS Print Job Queue from Oracle Fusion Cloud.Content Hi, As part of performance testing we ran Invoice Print Program for a wide range of dates, cus…
OTBI - YTD -For - Period NameSummary YTDContent All->How to calculate Year-To-Date YTD (total amount for a given period) for a amount column from OTBI. when a user selects Period Name from Parameter…
What is the subject area of Project Definition DFF on OTBI on Projects module?Summary: We cannot find Project Definition DFF on OTBI. What is the subject area of this attribute on Projects module. DFF is BI enabled, we run "Import Oracle Fusion Da…
Project Class Category Causes Duplicate Rows for Project Financial Information in OTBI and BI PUBSummary: When we want to report on the Project Classifications class categories for a project number there is no clean way to do it. The current solution we are doing re…
Reporting Capability Maturity Matrix : Reporting Road MapSummary: I'm trying to develop a notion or framework for "Reporting Capability Maturity", as something organisations could use to assess how good they are at Oracle repo…
Need to know the Accounting Status identifier from Projects expenditure/costing tablesSummary: We have a requirement to create a report/integration listing Expenditure / Costing information along with Billing information. For this request we need to know …
Prompts are not currently supported for analysis that combine criteriaSummary: Combined two SA i.e "Projects Billing - Revenue Real Time" + "Project Performance Reporting Real time" and want to have 'Project name' as Prompt Value and it is…SBJ_PPM_1210 79 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Tomasz Kaniuk Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Obtain the number of SQL executions or the number of executions of the BIP itselfSummary: I want to create a query to extract the number of data model runs or BIP reports run in ERP's BI publisher. Content (required): The objective is to extract the …YUTA TOGASHI-Oracle 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by YUTA TOGASHI-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for ERP
What role or privilege do we need to access "Inherit Segment Value Attributes" ESS JobSummary: We would like to understand what role or privilege do we need to access "Inherit Segment Value Attributes" ESS Job. We tried searching for this in OTBI and "Man…Tawfeeq.Khan 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Umamaheswara Reddy Karri Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Connecting Workiva Cloud Service with ERP Cloud for SEC ReportingSummary Would like to know if anybody has done this connection and how worksContent Hello, I'm trying to learn from somebody that already experienced how to connect Work…
Child account not reflecting under Parent account in Smart ViewSummary Child account not reflecting under Parent account in Smart ViewContent After creating a new account, when refreshing Smartview report I noticed Its not reflectin…
Archive/Unarchive buttons missing in Catalog ReportsSummary Archive/Unarchive buttons missing in Catalog ReportsContent Hi All, Archive/Unarchive buttons missing in Catalog Reports Thanks, Dev Thota. Version 21BDevendra Thota 353 views 3 comments 3 points Most recent by Skolli-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Ctreating a report for my PPM moduleDear all I am creating a report for my PPM module I just want to list the project name - task name and number - Cost and Resource I found all the above except the Resour…Mickel.Rmeily 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anders W. Langholm Reporting and Analytics for ERP
OTBI HOW TO TURN MEASURE COLUMN INTO ITD YTD PTDSummary OTBI HOW TO TURN MEASURE COLUMN INTO ITD YTD PTDContent I spent (as a newbie in OTBI) a couple of days trying to display the same column measure but with differe…
PPM: Data Security in Custom I Publisher ReportSummary: We need some sort of Data Security to be handled in Custom BI Publisher Reports related to Projects module. We are looking for options related to the seeded Sec…Balachander G-Oracle 153 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by David Wright - More4apps Reporting and Analytics for ERP
How do I find the OTBI Analysis behind a standard Infolet for Project ManagementContent Hi, My understanding (from other posts on this forum) is that I should be able to find the path to a standard Infolet by activating a Sandpit in Page Composer mo…
Project Detail not showing up in Subject Area: Financials - Asset Transactions in FAWSummary: In Fusion Analytics Warehouse: Subject area: Financials - Asset Transactions: when we are pulling Asset Detail: Asset ID, Asset Number and Asset Name with Proje…Nilanjan Biswas-Oracle 12 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Nilanjan Biswas-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Invoice Line level Subject Area in FAW OACSummary: Hello, We need to create a Invoice line level report in FAW OAC, but do not find ant relevant Subject area in ERP Financials. Content (required): the Prebuilt A…Yogesh Dhanorkar-Oracle 54 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Nathan CCC Reporting and Analytics for ERP
What table(s) contain 'Invoice Method' and 'Revenue Method'?Hi, I'm trying to find what tables/views contain the following fields for: 'Invoice Method' - Cash basis, cost reimbursement, event-based, milestone, proportional perfor…
Need the know table and field name for enterprise contract page to prepare BI reportSummary: I need to prepare BI report on Enterprise Sell contract as per client requirement. Please let me know the how to identify the behind table name on Billing and F…Manivannan V-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Raghavan p-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for ERP
OTBI report generating several months in 1 reportDear All I am trying to create an OTBI report that can give me a sequence of months in 1 report I have the PPM module I want to know for each month the cost and the reve…Mickel.Rmeily 51 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Mickel.Rmeily Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Asset Transactions Real Time'. Which subject area can be joined to get the project informations.Summary: Hello Team, I am using this subject area to get the asset transactional details. I need project information. Which subject area can we join so that we can get t…Suhitha K-Oracle 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Saurabh Poddar-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Privileges required to view output on a custom version of a seeded reportSummary: Privileges required to view the output of the Import Project Budget report when a custom copy of the seeded report has been created (relevant to any seeded repo…LawrenceKillick 104 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by LawrenceKillick Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Calculate revenue % distribution for each project with in Business unitSummary: We have the below requirement Project1 Revenue amount-20 project2 Revenue amount-30 project3 revenue amount-16 Total BU revenue amount 66 (this is achieved by e…
List of All Tables for Oracle Fusion ERP in PDF FormSummary: We need to have a List of All Tables for Oracle Fusion ERP in PDF Form along with its corresponding descriptions Content (required): We need to have a List of A…Gene Garcia 781 views 13 comments 0 points Most recent by Agnes.Ramos Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Setup dynamic column from analysis in subject line of email sent using AgentSummary: Setup dynamic column from analysis in subject line of email sent using Agent For ex: Email subject should include " Project Name: needs renewal" Any inputs on …Santhi Sree 106 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Santhi Sree Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Suggest Some Price List table in oracle fusionSummary Please suggest some price list table in oracle fusion and where can we find themContent Please suggest some price list table in oracle fusion and where can we fi…Nageshwaran1 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Waleed Fetoh Reporting and Analytics for ERP