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Reporting Capability Maturity Matrix : Reporting Road MapSummary: I'm trying to develop a notion or framework for "Reporting Capability Maturity", as something organisations could use to assess how good they are at Oracle repo…
Analysis Report Prompt is not appearing when running from the InvoicesSummary: Prompt added to the analysis report is not appearing when running it using invoice window. Content (required): Hi, I have created a OTBI analysis report (Not fo…Miyuru Guruge 77 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Raz Baboorian Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Identifying active agents across the instanceSummary: Is there a way to view all agents currently active in OTBI across both shared and private folders? We have a report being sent via an agent where the recipients…Michael Molea 22 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Nathan CCC Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Need OTBI Analysis/Logical SQL behind Standard InfoletsSummary Need OTBI Analysis/Logical SQL behind Standard InfoletsContent Dear All, How to get the OTBI Analysis/Logical SQL behind the Standard Infolets Ex:Invoices Home …Siva Kumar-Oracle 56 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Manishsrf7 Reporting and Analytics for ERP
subledgerSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Analysis ("Payables Invoices - Transactions Real Time") - Need to Add a new columnI'm building an analysis ("Payables Invoices - Transactions Real Time") in OTBI and wanted to know if it's possible to add a new column which is not in the "Payables Inv…
Prompts are not currently supported for analysis that combine criteriaSummary: Combined two SA i.e "Projects Billing - Revenue Real Time" + "Project Performance Reporting Real time" and want to have 'Project name' as Prompt Value and it is…SBJ_PPM_1210 79 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Tomasz Kaniuk Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Is it possible to add a new filed in data model query of Payable Trial Balance seeded report?Summary: We have a requirement to get Supplier name in Arabic in Payable Trial Balance report. User don't want to customize the seeded report as they are using same repo…SireeshaJaladi 136 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by SireeshaJaladi Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Unable to add a new field to oracle seeded report "Payable Trial Balance Report"Summary: We have a requirement to add a new field "Vendor_name_alt" to seeded report (Payable Trial Balance Report), after added new field and ran ess job it is throwing…SireeshaJaladi 31 views 0 comments 0 points Started by SireeshaJaladi Reporting and Analytics for ERP
GL Budgets not being returned from General Ledger - Balances Real TimeSummary: Subject area General Ledger - Balances Real Time not returning data for GL Budgets (budgets are loaded) Content (required): Hi, I have followed Doc ID 2177122.1…Ian.Gooderham 91 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Nathan CCC Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Convert Period Name to DateSummary: Trying to convert period name format to date format mm/dd/yy Content (required): Hi All, I'm trying to convert the column "Fixed Assets - Asset Depreciation Rea…
rtf template balance lines between two adjacent cellsSummary: RTF Template - Balance lines between two adjacent cells Content (required): We've modified our invoice print template to include serial numbers when applicable.…WTX Sysadmin 12 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Aaron Leggett Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Query to fetch List of OTBI usersHi Team, We do have a requirement to Create a report for List of users having OTBI access. Regards, RamuVadde Ramu 54 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Dharmendra Shukla Reporting and Analytics for ERP
How to check Agent HistorySummary: How to check Agent History Content (required): As JOb history in BI shows executions of BI reports, do we have similar place to see executions of Agents ? Versi…
Getting an error while trying to open Supplier Master OTBI reportSummary: Unable to open Supplier Master report created in OTBI Content (required): Hi, I have created a supplier master report in OTBI with the fields such as Supplier N…
Custom sort OTBI ColumnI have a column in my otbi analysis. They return me the values Exceeds Performance Expectations, Inadequate, Meets Performance Expectations ,Nearly there, No PMS Rating.…VDoolhur 73 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Anders W. Langholm Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Add Segment Description to OTBI ReportSummary: We have a report that uses the subject area General Ledger - Journals Real Time subject area, and we want to add the segment description for our 5 segment. We k…
Extracting Other language description in OTBI ReportSummary: Extracting Other language description for Account Hierarchy in OTBI Report Content (required): Hi All, We are trying to build a OTBI report which displays Accou…
Need report that shows all approval assignees who have NOT approved invoiceSummary We are trying to build a report that provides only “open/incomplete” invoice approvals (i.e. only those approval assignees who have NOT approved yet)Content We a…User_2025-01-28-19-14-07-225 528 views 16 comments 2 points Most recent by Dahlia Gaggan Reporting and Analytics for ERP
How to create deep links with parameters for supplier qualification moduleSummary: As a business requirement, we should create custom Overview page in supplier qualification module. we built a analysis on the new page and when we click on resu…
How to use the "is based on the results of another analysis" filter operatorSummary: We created two analysis in OTBI and put them in a dashboard. The one report drills to the second report via action links. The second report is using the filter …
Showing Payables Invoice Lines with Amounts for Net, VAT and GrossSummary: Users require indirect taxes for payables invoices to be shown against each line, thus for each invoice line they want to see line amounts for Net, VAT, Gross. …
Access DBCS tables in SaaS BI Publisher ReportsSummary Is it possible to access DBCS tables while creating BI publisher reports in SaaSContent Hello We have a requirement to build some BIP reports out of the tables t…
How invoke an Web service using an Analysis in OTBI?Summary: Use an Invoke web service get and push the information in another system Content (required): We have a proposal to active an web service when a field in Transac…Ricardo V. 100 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Bhaskar Konar Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Disable auto run in OTBI analysisSummary Need to stop run reports automatically on initial page entryContent Hi Team, OTBI analysis report running automatically and resulting it displaying the “No Resul…
OTBI Analysis exceeded the Maximum query governing execution timeSummary When users run a OTBI analysis gets the error exceeded the Maximum query governing execution time - what is the time limitContent I have a user that is running a…amy hardtke 242 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Saurabh Poddar-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for ERP
No access privilege for subject area errorSummary: User getting this error No access privilege for subject area when trying to access OTBI Reports using Order Management – Fulfillment Lines Real Time subject are…SakshiA 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Need help with querySummary: May I know what is wrong in this query Content (required): SELECT order_key, dfla.source_order_number, dfla.source_line_number, DFLA.ordered_qty using_requireme…kalyan gade 101 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Raghavan p-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for ERP
How to use INSTRING function to retrieve string Position in OTBI Formulae column?Summary: How to use INSTRING function to retrieve string Position in OTBI Formulae column? Thanks, ImmanuelImmanuel Abishek 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Nathan CCC Reporting and Analytics for ERP
OTBI User sessions not shown in Manage sessionsSummary: Other user's OTBI sessions don't seem to be always passed through and visible in Admin>Manage sessions, even when using report with prefix set to: SET VARIABLE …