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Customization Impact on cloning/overriding the BML library functionsWe need to customize the out-of-the-box (OOTB) libraries for Asset-Based Ordering (ABO). This will require overriding the default ABO libraries. Will overriding the libr…Bhagyalakshmi 29 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dillon Witt-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
Actions → Send an email using BML processingContent (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I would like to send an email using BML with an Action created in Processes → Document → Actions. I plan t…
Sleep/Delay BML functionSummary: I have a BML library function that loops through an array of items and makes a call to an external API for each item. I would like to add a delay of a second or…
How to use CPQ BML constants - BM_CONFIGURATION_KEYSummary: What is the correct use of BML constants? I tried to return BM_CONFIGURATION_KEY from Recommendation rule - and got below error: Compilation error: Variable 'BM…sanaa 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Emmanuel Zambrano-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
Identify Inactive Quotes to Prevention User from making changes which causes Error.Summary: Inactive Quotes - User Error Prevention Changes. We are using Oracle Fusion Sales Cloud. User creates multiple quotes from same Sales opportunity but once on an…Aniket_Nagnath_Gade 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Emmanuel Zambrano-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
How to transfer CPQ attachments from one transaction to another transaction on click of action.Summary: How to transfer CPQ attachments from one transaction to another transaction on click of action. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): W…Aniket_Nagnath_Gade 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Adrian-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
How can we identify the line items that are selected?Summary: There is a system attribute which is _system_selected_document_number. When we attempt to use this to identify what line item has been selected in a transaction…
Field to display current pending approvalSummary: We would like to run are report on pending approval quotes and sort it out based on the group on which the quote is currently pending for approval. while doing …
How get the action code updated when we modify simple productsSummary: We have simple products(quick add items) created as asset. When we want to modify the simple product from ABO work bench, the item is being added with "-"(no up…Raja Siva Krishna 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Raja Siva Krishna Configure Price Quote
CPQ Order ClosureHi all Context: we create CPQ Order and submit it to FOM Sales Order. FOM notifies back the fulfillment line status. We have this requirement: when all CPQ transaction l…
Run BML script on schedule basis in CPQSummary: We are using Salesforce (SF) as our CRM, we are facing issue with mismatch in data between SF and CPQ due to various reasons. like, Scenario 1: Most approvers w…
Attach Proposal Document to eSignature attachment field without using a Print ActionThe need is to be able to attach the generated proposal document to a eSIgnature file attachment attribute on a click of a button (Other than Print - A pop up box is not…Neeha24 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ganesan Viswanathan -Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
OCR IN Oracle CPQSummary: We have a requirement where in contents of a PDF needs to be identified, specially a QR Code which resolves to a specific keyword. This is needed to identify a …
populate action is not working on AccountsSummary: when we try to populate account information on the customer details screen nothin happened Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Versio…Ahmed Mahrous 42 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Girish Kumar Reddy-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
how to mass update transaction attribute via REST API Call using Mass Update processHi, I need to update some columns which is empty in transaction header using "SAve" action . which is to be performed by REST API using Mass Update function. it will be …Rahaman Baig 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Haripriya Samasi-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
How to identify on click of submit that quote will escalate for approval or Autosubmit?Summary: We have a requirement where we need to run some business logic when quote approves completely. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We…
Mass Update of TransactionsSummary: I have found the knowledge article (Doc ID 1660324.1) for mass updates of transactions. I want to perform a mass update of 1 quote field for a couple of hundred…
I want to create a data table for all products with todays list price and selling priceSummary: I want to create a data table for all products with todays list price and selling price so that I can export the records from this data table to an sftp server.…
how to insert rows in a cpq data table by using bmql in batch mode to run once every daySummary: Where to write the bmql code and how to trigger it every day to run so that it can insert rows in data table. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…
string limitation for payload sent as input to CPQ REST APIDear Team, Please help with the below query we are having. Is there any way we can store data(json format) in files or other format for 20 million plus characters and fe…
Why from step transitions commerce libraries are not accessible?Summary: Even though step transitions are part of commerce, why we could not invoke commerce libraries from step transitions? currently only util libraries are accessibl…
How to call commerce library from oicSummary: Can we call Commerce library from OIC? and pass inputs Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using…
Issue with removed menu values affecting existing transactionsSummary: We have removed the two values from the menu attribute. However, after removal, users encountered issues with existing transactions that contains these menu val…
BML Script to be able to get the duplicate product in the data tableIs there a way for me to be able to get the duplicate product in the data table and update the data in the row like its price using a BML script? Currently I have this s…DRVP 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Emmanuel Zambrano-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
Is it possible to Update a Data Table using a commerce action?Summary: I would like to ask if there is a way to be able to update a data table using a commerce action/BML triggered by a button? For context, We have "prices" data ta…
How to call a Commerce Action in Mass Update of Transactions in Oracle CPQ?Summary: We have a commerce action called "Sync", which passes the line item details to ICM through a REST Call. There is a requirement for Syncing for existing quotes f…
Special char in CPQ Text FieldsProblem Statement: CPQ BML error is displayed when Sales users add special char (|) in CPQ text fields and Saves the quote What are the special characters allowed in CPQ…
How to call Commerce Action from Mass Update Query in Oracle CPQ Application ?Summary: There is an requirement for updating the attribute for existing quotes for which the values are showing incorrect. If we call Synch (Custom Action), that will a…
Generate DB sequence in CPQWe have a requirement to generate a unique ID for a class of products, this ID is selected from a predefined range and a checksum is concatenated at the end. To avoid du…