BI Publisher
Discussion List
Needed more information around tables for Courses and OfferingsSummary Created a content >> used HDL to create a Course, OfferingNumber and Selfpaced ActivityContent Created a content >> used HDL to create a Course, OfferingNumber a…
Double Rows coming in Report for Single Employee who have been assigned Same Course Multiple timesContent Hi, I have attached a Query where Single Employee who have been assigned Course "2000_Make Our Customers Love Landmark_L&G_BFL" multiple times by Same Admin/Diff…Sivakumar Thirumalaisami 78 views 0 comments 2 points Most recent by Sivakumar Thirumalaisami Learning
Oracle BI NotificationSummary How can the long string email address be changed?Content Hello Are Oracle seeking client input into improving the standard notifaction and alert template email t…
Flexfield BI AnalysisSummary Was not able to find the flexfield createdContent I ticked the BI Analysis in a flexfield that I created in WLF_LI_COURSE. The flexfield is working correctly. Th…
Assessment Score ExtractSummary I would like to extract the assessment score detailsContent Can anyone provide help on how to extract assessment score details? I know, reporting on assessments …
BI Results layout not user friendlySummary BI Results layout not user friendlyContent Morning - has anyone using BI managed to get the Results layout to display all the colums across the screen, without h…
Reconcile Dynamic Assignments no longer assigning coursesSummary since 18C patch this job no longer distributes offerings or coursesContent Hi, Just wondering if anyone else is impacted by this? We have approx 15 SCORM learns …
Learning Assessments - Report on ResponsesSummary I would like to report on Learning Assessment responsesContent Can anyone provide any guidance on how to report on Learning Assessment questionnaire responses, s…
Learning Completion - TimeSummary Is there a way to report on completion time?Content When a learner completes a learning item, it marks the completion date. However, is there a way to capture th…
Table names to fetch Score, Primary Instructor & Primary Location?Summary What are the table names to fetch Scores, Primary Instructor & Primary Location?Content 1. I want to create a Data Model to fetch the Primary Instructor & Primar…