BI Publisher
Discussion List
How to add a report tile/link to the Learning or Transcript pageSummary How to add a report tile/link to the Learning or Transcript pageContent I remember seeing a thread on this awhile ago and now I need it and can’t find it. How do…
Access Groups tableContent Hi there! I would like to seek for your advise if there is an Access Groups table which we can call in order to filter our custom dashboard with the correct acce…
Learn And Carreer development details in reportContent Hi Experts, We have updated our talent management UI to responsive UI. Use case:- Under career development we have enabled the learning feature such that employe…User_2025-02-04-18-44-32-580 59 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-18-44-32-580 Learning
Transaction analysis for Learner critera not showing up in the search pageSummary Transaction analysis for Learner critera not showing up in the search pageContent Created a course and an offering Created an analysis and saved it in custom BI …
Learning in OTBI - subject areas changing in 2021?Summary In a recent product forum or webinar it was highlighted that by 21B there will be a subject area called 'Learning Assignments' deprecatedContent In a recent prod…
Email NotificationsSummary Disable email notifications for all those who are on long leaveContent Team, we have few employees who are on long leave due to reasons like Maternity leave or P…
Learn ReportsSummary Delivered Learn Reports and where to find themContent Hi all, has anyone got a list of all delivered Learn reports? I feel that the list I have got is incomplete…User_2025-02-06-21-35-46-444 58 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by User_2025-02-06-21-35-46-444 Learning
Page Composer: Align text to the rightContent Hi all, we have customized our "Request Learning"-page and beside others we have added a link. Now we have the requirement, that the text of the link should be d…User_2025-02-07-08-20-40-999 26 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-07-08-20-40-999 Learning
Learning initiatives can we use bi publisher report instead of an OTBI ?Summary Learning initiatives can we use bi publisher report instead of an OTBI ?Content Hello, In learning enrolment initiatives -We would like to have initiatives based…
Query to get the learner detail with learning ItemsSummary Query to get the learner detail with learning ItemsContent Hi Team, We are trying the get the learner detail with learning Items as per the attached screenshot. …
Join between WLF_RESOURCES_TL and PER_ALL_PEOPLE_FSummary Join between WLF_RESOURCES_TL and PER_ALL_PEOPLE_FContent Team, Please help me with Join Condition between WLF_RESOURCES_TL , PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F. We have requireme…
Unable to provide a dynamic image in the background of a Custom AlertContent While developing a custom mail alert, there is a requirement to provide the Covert Art of the course as a background image with text on it. Is there any advice o…
Table names which store learner's video progressSummary Tracking the progress of a video contentContent Hello Folks, Is there any table that tracks the progress of a video for a learner indicating how much they have c…
Table for Learning initiatives CriteriaSummary Table for Learning initiatives CriteriaContent Hi Everyone can anyone help me in the table name that contain the all criteria name of Learning Initiatives ? Plea…
To find table for course " Default Assignment Rules" in oracle Learning cloudSummary To find table for course " Default Assignment Rules" in oracle Learning cloudContent Hello everyone, Please help me to find the tables for course "Default Assign…
OTBI - unable to extract catalog request justificationSummary Tried to pull a report in OTBI with the justifications that our employees submitted when they requested for catalog items, but did not manage to do so.Content He…
HDL upload marking Learner Assignment as 'Bypass Completed"Summary HDL upload marking Learning Record Assignment as 'Bypass Completed"Content Hi Experts, We have used the HDL upload functionality for few Learning Records history…
Query of courses in LearningSummary Course query where all offering data is fetchedContent Hi everyone can anyone please provide me the query of courses where all offerings data are fetched. Please…
Criteria table for learning InitiativesSummary Table for Learning initiatives CriteriaContent Hi Everyone can anyone help me in the table name that contain the all criteria name of Learning Initiatives ? Plea…
Table for courses in learningSummary For courses, under offering, the active and completed learner count tableContent Hi, Need table that contain the active and completed learner count table for cou…
Help on Learning assignment Table for OLCSummary Provide table for Learning AssignmentContent Hi, Please help us to provide me the Learning assignment table for OLC Report. Thanks Niti Version 20B
Set different hyperlinks for different languages with Page ComposerContent Hi all, we have the following problem: We have customized the "Request noncatalog item"-page. Therefor, among other things, we have insterted a hyperlink that re…User_2025-02-07-08-20-40-999 20 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-07-08-20-40-999 Learning
ER Diagrams for LearningSummary Are ER Diagrams for Learning availableContent Hi, Does anyone know if ER Diagrams for Learning release 18C are available. Looks like quite a few things have chan…User_2025-01-31-00-03-33-089 83 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-08-00-10-23-022 Learning
Approval Rules: learning Assignment by ManagerSummary When a Manager creates an assignment for his team, is it possible to set up an approval transaction?Content Hi,I need your help!When a Manager creates an assignm…
Identifying tables behind PageSummary Looking if there's a table which I can query to determine the table/s behind the pages in Learning cloud.Content I'm new to cloud and was wondering if there's a …
Which table holds Learning Initiative DataSummary Which table holds Learning Initiative DataContent Hi All, We are missing link to identify the only Initiative enrolled for specialization. We had built the below…
Learning Metrics on how often the course has been searched or openedSummary search Metrics similar to SEOContent Hi All, We have a requirement to report on the metrics on the number of times thecourse / specialization is opened by employ…
Learn BIP Approval notificationsSummary BIP Approval notifications for learnContent Hi Jamie, Can i get timelines for the BIP notification for Learn, currently only Learning request and Learning withdr…Sahana Lokanatha-Oracle 54 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Sahana Lokanatha-Oracle Learning
Learning Cloud Alerts and Notification to customizeSummary Is it possible to create new alerts in addition to those provided by the system?Content Is it possible to create new alerts in addition to those provided by the …
OLC: Query for deep linksSummary BIP query for deep links in OLCContent Hi everyone, Has anyone written a query in BIP that could be used to extract deep links for learning items? I am reviewing…