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Need assistance to customizing the LinkedIn integration with Oracle learning CloudSummary: Hi Team, We have a requirement to update the Descriptive flex fields(DFFs) in oracle from LinkedIn integration within an Oracle learning cloud. Please let us kn…
Difference between "Donwload for my direct Reports" and "Download for my Organization" Action?Hello everyone Do you know difference between "Donwload for my direct Reports" and "Download for my Organization" Action in "My Team" section for Manager? I've attached …
What is the limit of templates that can be used for the 'send alert' functionality?Hi all, What is the limit of templates that can be used for the 'send alert' functionality? Thank you, Fabio
25A: Self-Paced Learning: Deactivate and Delete ContentSummary: Could not see "Deactivate" button on Self-paced Learning screen. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I've added the below privileges …
Dominknow integrationSummary: Hi Team, Does oracle support integration with Dominknow third party vendor? Basically Dominknow provides AICC URL's and once a learner clicks on the link they w…
Is it possible hide information about uploader?Hi all, I've added a related materials into the offering and compare information about a "uploader" in this case Sofia Viola as into the screen. Is it possible hide this…
MS - Teams Error "Access Forbidden to use Vilt Provider features"Hi all I've configured MS - Teams External provider but If I click on "View Error" section compare the error "Access Forbidden to use Vilt Provider features". I've attac…
Is it possible hide current course of their direct reports for Manager?Hi all, Is it possible to hide the current courses of their direct reports from the manager? Our client wants the manager to only see the completed courses. I've attache…
Possible to trigger Learning Alert from Learning Status?Summary: Hello, Are we able to configure Learning alerts that will be triggered when a Learning Assignment is changed to a particular status? For example, Exempted, Not …
Is it possible hide withdraw action at the level of Learning item?Hi all, Do you now if is it possible hide withdraw action at the level of learning item? I've attached the screen for more clarify Thank you Fabio
Is is possible create a rule to allow student to withdraw from the offer/activity up to 24 hours?Hello everyone, Our client needs to allow the student to withdraw from the offer/activity up to 24 hours before the start. For example: at 23 hours and 59 minutes, he/sh…
How can I see detailed information about learner activity?I am a Learning Admin. After taking a service call today, I found that our leaders have the ability to withdraw their direct reports from required training. Even those t…McLeod Health LMS Coordinator 10 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sunder.Velagala-Oracle Learning
How to Reconcile Learning Assignments DailySummary: We have to manually go into the Assignment/Specialization actions to Reconcile Learning Assignments. Is there a job we can run that automatically does this dail…
Closed Captioning in Oracle LMS CoursesSummary: I found something on this from 2017 but am hoping it is more developed by now. Can you tell me how we would add Closed Captioning to the courses we have in our …
Do you know if is it possible create an autocomplete rule for "Record External Learning" ?Hi all, On the page 'Record External Learning', there is a field called 'Start date'. Our client has requested if it is possible to limit the selection of a day. Specifi…
Is Oracle LMS support bi-directional data flow between 3rd part content provider and Oracle?Summary: As Oracle LMS support bringing 3rd part learning content (SkillSoft, LinkedIn, OpenSesame etc.) to oracle cloud. We client would like to know below scenarios if…
How to auto-assign courses based on another activity's assignment date?Summary: I have a business need to create automatic assignments of a course or specialization based on another course or specialization's assignment (not completion) dat…
Online Course created from Self-Paced learning "Review Attempt" functionality behaviorWe have created an Online Course via My Client Groups > Learning > Self-Paced Learning. In the Online Course configuration, the learners are allowed to REVIEW their answ…
Reporting on SCORM & HACP Learner Interactions in Oracle LearningSummary: Learning departments often want to understand how learners are responding to questions included in their SCORM-based courses, to assess whether there are proble…
Reminder to Learner to Complete an Optional Evaluation AlertSummary: We urgently need a way to trigger a reminder notification/alert to the learner when they complete a self-paced offering or are marked complete in an ILT offerin…
Is it possible change assignment display?Hi all Is it possible to change the display mode of the assignments from 'First Name and Last Name' to 'Last Name and First Name' I've attached the screen for more clari…
If the learner uses the 'Record External Learning' feature, can the Learning Specialist modify item?Hi all, If the learner uses the 'Record External Learning' feature, can the Learning Specialist modify the item added by the learner? Thank you, Fabio
Is it possible to load the flexfields of the WLF_LEARNING_REQUEST_DFF context through HDL?Hi all, Is it possible to load the flexfields of the WLF_LEARNING_REQUEST_DFF context through HDL? Thank you, Fabio
How I can share the QR code wit Learner?Hi all, we have activated the new feature 'Learner Attendance Form and QR Code.' How is the QR code shared with the learner? I've attached the screen for more clarify. T…
Do you know what kind of action I must do it to use MS Teams in Oracle Learning?Hi all, we've configurated parameters between MS - Teams and Oracle Learning and we've validate it. The screen below for more clarify: Do you know which action I must do…
How can I remove the MS - Teams invitation from Outlook calendar?Hi all, Is it possible delete Instructor -Led Activity invitation for Learner and Instructor from Outlook calendar? Particular if I run the job " Sync Instructor - Led T…
Learning Initiative Stop Date doesn't workSummary: Hi all, We are facing to an issue, we canceled an Learning iniative but forgot to put an initiative stop date. Now when we try to put an initiative stop date, a…
Remind learners to Save and Close before closing SCORM playerSummary: Hi experts! We're trying to encourage learners taking SCORM content to hit Save and Close to save their progress in the course before closing the eLearning play…
Add more types of items than just Courses/Paths/Videos to a Learning communitySummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi there, I am looking into using the Topic Communities but there are a number of limitations tha…
Non Catalog Learning Data Migration (Attachment and DFF)Summary: Hi everyone, Hope you're all doing well ! We've been doing mass data load for Non-Catalog learning items on our fusion environment using the below steps and it …