Discussion List
Is it possible to set approval/notification when learner marks their ILT offering as completed by thSummary Is it possible to set approval/notification when learner marks their ILT offering as completed by themselves.Version 19 A
Learning Request showing blank pageContent Hi All, Post upgrade to 19A, we are seeing that Learners are not able to initiate Learning request workflow, as after clicking on 'Request learning' it is showin…
HCM Learning offline?Summary Possible to take learning offline?Content Hello, I have a request to view learning offline in a plant for instance where an Internet connection is not always the…
Hiding a course in LearnSummary Hiding a course in LearnContent Hi Experts, I want to create a course that is only visible to a selected audience. I have created a secret community that include…
Re enrolling the user into a course, which he has already completedSummary Re enrolling the user into a course, which he has already completedContent Hi, We have a requirement where we contigent worker is converted to Employee, he needs…
Restrict CourseSummary Restrict Course based on a criteriaContent How should we restrict courses based on criteria? Examples: 1. to restrict course enrollment to three courses (for cou…
SCORM file sampleSummary I need a sample SCORM file to upload and testContent Hi, It would be great help if anyone can share a SCORM file. We would like to try an upload and run. Regards…
Functionality of Override Course Default Payment and PricingContent Hi All, At offering Level we can Override Course Default Payment and Pricing, but while doing that in Line Item it gives 2 options to choose one is List Price an…
Unable to Load Scorm ContentSummary Unable to Load Scorm ContentContent Hi All, We have received SCORM course from client, i am unable to load the content to server.When we load the content .zip fo…
System should have ability to deduct from employee’s salary based on pre-defined rulesSummary For external classroom trainings, system should have ability to deduct from employee’s salary based on pre-defined rules, if enrollment cancellation is done less…User_2025-02-04-22-11-33-638 22 views 0 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-04-22-11-33-638 Learning
How to record presence/absence of ILT partecipantsSummary how to holds a custom fields for enrollmentsContent Hi all, with Instructor Led training offerings, how can I record the presence/absence of each enrolled user? …
Facebook messenger, WhatsApp with Learning?Summary Facebook messenger, WhatsApp with Learning?Content Hello gurus, I have the following question related to learning. I tried to find some information related to th…
Sequence of Steps for implementing Fusion LearnContent Hi Team, I am novice to Fusion Learn so wanted to check with the experts over here about the sequence of steps / prerequisites required for Fusion Learn. Appreci…
Legacy Learning records imported via HDL issueSummary Legacy Learning records imported via HDL are not visible in UI after QPB8 updateContent Hi All, After the QPB8 update (on Aug 4th/5th), we are not able to import…
Required learning limited to 500 members in a community?Summary In 19A it seems that we can no longer assigned required learnings to communities with more than 500 membersContent Dears, We are using communities as "academies"…User_2025-01-30-22-29-59-990 51 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-30-22-29-59-990 Learning
Parallel Approval ConfigurationSummary Parallel Approval ConfigurationContent Hi, Can someone help us in achieving the below requirement on approval workflow. When a learner attempts to register for a…
Using Course Amount as Criteria in Workflow ApprovalContent Hi there, I would like to seek for your inputs on one requirement that we have for an APAC customer. They would like to make use of the course amount in USD curr…Karol P Panaligan-Oracle 12 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Karol P Panaligan-Oracle Learning
Learning admin unable to delete the reported contentSummary Learning admin unable to delete the reported contentContent Hi, We have a requirement whenever a video or tutorial is reported by someone, a notification should …
Creating a custom alert message templateSummary Variables for creating a custom alert message template to the LearnerContent I am trying to create a custom alert template to send a message to the learner when …
SCORM & Tin CanSummary Does OLM support SCORM & Tin Can ?Content Hi Everyone, Does OLM support SCORM & Tin Can file formats? if not, then what's the work around (if any)? YasminUser_2025-01-28-07-47-26-775 47 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-07-47-26-775 Learning
Oracle HCM Cloud Mobile (New Edition)Summary Oracle HCM Cloud Mobile (New Edition)Content Hi Team, Can you please confirm when we enable "The Default Home Layout" to Newsfeed, the desktop view will also get…
Learning request ‘Start on or After’ and ‘Complete by’ datesSummary Learning request ‘Start on or After’ and ‘Complete by’ datesContent I understand the concept of these dates – but business feels that it causes confusion when th…
Complete list of supported OLC HDL files - 18BSummary Complete list of supported OLC HDL files - 18BContent Hi all, According to the 18B updates, there are quite a few of supported HDL files. However, when I downloa…
Multiple Assignment Names for Single Learning Record in OTBISummary Dual use of Assignment Name causing Access Groups to skew reportingContent Hello, We have noticed a change in the Learning Management Real Time Subject Area to t…
Assessments functionality - documentationSummary Looking for documentation on Assessments functionality, which is expected to be released soonContent If anyone has documentation on the upcoming Assessments feat…Chaitanya Choudem-Oracle 121 views 11 comments 2 points Most recent by Christian Schmidt-130948 Learning
Two routes for Learning Request ApprovalsSummary Two routes for Learning Request ApprovalsContent Is it possible to have two separate approval rules for Learning Requests, Business would like to route ‘Behaviou…
Can Learners withdraw from 'Required' learning?Summary Can Learners withdraw from 'Required' learning?Content Can Learners withdraw from 'Required' learning, or does the Learning specialist have to withdraw them? I f…
How to rescheduling an Instructor-led Offering and activitySummary Rescheduling an Instructor-led Offering and activityContent Can someone please explain to me the best way to reschedule an Instructor-led Offering and activity. …
Request Learning 'Start on or After’ and ‘Completed by' datesSummary Request Learning 'Start on or After’ and ‘Completed by' datesContent When a Learner enrolls in an instructor-led offering/activity for example 15 December, he co…
Sending Notification Agents in Multiple LanguagesSummary Need to offer notification agent message in different languages all in the same notificationContent We have users from all over the world and I need to send a "r…