Discussion List
Learning Content DevelopmentSummary What tools are recommendedContent Hi Learning Experts, I'm wondering if anyone has any recommendations or general feedback around learning content development to…
Cannot see complete list of Courses/Offerings in Learning InitiativesContent Hello, Wondering if someone could help me in finding the reason why I cannot see al Offerings/Courses when I go to create a Learning Initiative in Fusion Learnin…
Mass Delete Learning Assignments via HDLContent Hi all, Has anyone successfully deleted Learning Assignments via HDL? I tried for Learning Assignments on both Offering and Course levels but I'm getting these e…
Learning Assessment FeedbackSummary How does the "feedback" functionality execute?Content Our client wants to have a functionality that shows what answers you got right and what answers you got wro…
Learning R13 18B Implementation GuideSummary Learning R13 18B Implementation GuideContent Can someone share link for "Learning R13 18B Implementation Guide"...I already have the :Using Learning guide" . Tha…
Unable to process LearningRecord.dat in 18B for Active Courses.Summary Unable to process LearningRecord.dat in 18BContent Hi All, I am trying to import completion records but get the following error. The courses are already configur…
Learning - Using FTP to Upload WBT ContentSummary How to upload web based training content (SCORM) through sftpContent Hi all, is it possible to import a WBT Content using FTP Server? Currently, it seems possibl…
Learning IconContent Hi All, Is it possible to change the learning icon for a particular instance? One of our customer would like to change the current learning icon to something els…
What elearning content is compatible with Oracle Learn ?Summary What elearning content is compatible with Oracle Learn ?Content We are creating several bespoke e-learning modules and have to provide a technical specification …
Multiple Learning AssignmentsContent Hi all, Has anyone encountered the issue of Learners having multiple Learning Assignments on a Course when added via Org Chart? Thanks, Janine
Page Composer - Learning Management ContentSummary Page Composer - Learning Management ContentContent When attempting to customize a page In 18B, the Learning Management content folder is not available when attem…
Using LECTORA to build SCORM filesSummary We are migrating our LMS onto Oracle and our SCORM 1.2 files are built in LECTORA we have a critical issue with load times. Does anyone else use this authoring t…
Learner's can't view Courses assigned to themSummary Learner's can't view Courses assigned to them 18BContent Hi guys, Some learner's are reporting that they can't view courses even though I can see it has been ass…
Managing Learning Initiative Best PracticesSummary Learning Initiative Best PracticesContent Hello, I'm looking for best practices for managing learning initiatives. We've discovered various impacts when attempti…
Learner Access settingsSummary Learner Access settings on a Course for all staffContent Can someone please assist me as I am struggling to understand how Learner Access works We have a Course …
Table names to fetch Score, Primary Instructor & Primary Location?Summary What are the table names to fetch Scores, Primary Instructor & Primary Location?Content 1. I want to create a Data Model to fetch the Primary Instructor & Primar…
Implementing OLC in another HCM PlatformContent Hi All, Would like to ask if you were able to implement an OLC project where customer's Core HR is not in Fusion. How do you go about with this integration? Hope…Karol P Panaligan-Oracle 46 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Arun Kumar Krishnan [AK] Learning
Unable to change a course, offering or activity in learning, once there are learners assignedSummary Since R13 18B, ther is no possibility to change the title, description, or other elements of a course, offering or activity, once threre are some learning assign…
Emp / admin cannot see learnings createdSummary Emp cannot see any offerings created/assigned to them after upgradeContent Admin issue - Admin creates an offering. Can see that offering in the catalog and can …
Tracking of InformationContent Hi Team, Please provide some inputs on how to track the below items in Fusion Learning. Training requirements, Training Cost and Training Tests. Is there a possi…
Issues with spreadsheet loader for modify Learning assignments statusSummary Issues with spreadsheet loader for modify Learning assignments statusContent Using spreadsheet loader (in Release 12 but also in R13 18B in test environment) for…
Assignment Status 'Not Started' in Analyses ReportSummary Assignment Status 'Not Started' in Analyses ReportContent Hi, I am trying to create a course registration notification but unable to fetch the correct status in …
Specialization with Completed CoursesContent Hi All, Has anyone tested this scenario: 1. Created two Courses with Advanced Rules (renewal in 2 years) wherein a Learner is added to both. 2. Created a Special…
Personalize 'Action' buttonSummary 18B - Would like to disable few options under 'Action' button available for Learn SpecialistContent Hi All, I am trying to personalize the 'Action' button for th…
Alerts ClarificationSummary Alerts ClarificationContent Hello, Can someone confirm that the new learning alerts cannot be configured to send an email when an assignment is made. Do we have …
Prerequisite TrainingContent Dear All, Please let me know if there is any option in Fusion Learning to achieve this: Employee must attend a prerequisite training, before proceeding to the ne…Arun Kumar Krishnan [AK] 92 views 10 comments 1 point Most recent by Andrew DellaPosta-Oracle Learning
User interface - different texts for a self-paced learning and an instructor led classSummary The user interface gives the same wording for an instructor-led class or a self-paced learningContent Is there any way to differentiate the wording. For example,…
Ability to shorten query on learningSummary The catalog query works fine in R13 18B, but the standard query is far too long and needs to be shorten for every user (most of the fields are useless for most s…
Learning initiative using analysis not returning any usersSummary Learning initiative using analysis not returning any usersContent Hi, Already spent quite some hours on figuring out how analysis work :) I created an analysis t…