Discussion List
Does deep linking work for anyone? Specifically Negotiations?Content We are trying to get Deep Linking to negotiations to work. Whether Negotiations (admin view) or Negotiations (supplier view), neither seems to produce the desire…
Cloud instance nameSummary Query to fetch cloud instance nameContent Table: ASK_DEPLOYED_DOMAINS Schema: FUSION_SETUP The field EXTERNAL_VIRTUAL_HOST stores the external link Condition: DE…
Patch Impact Analysis for Oracle Fusion CloudSummary Patch Impact Analysis for Oracle Fusion CloudContent We have a scheduled maintenance every quarter with Oracle Cloud support for the quaterly patching cycle.Thou…
Sandbox cannot use EL function fn:startsWithSummary: Using the EL expression #{fn:startsWith(bindings.DeliverToLocation.inputValue, 'XX')} in Sandbox Page customization Oracle ERP cloud is returning error Error: E…
White Paper: Using External Data Integration Services for Oracle ERP CloudAll, We have latest White Paper published for ERP Integration Service / FBDI - Using External Data Integration Services for Oracle ERP Cloud (Doc ID 2102800.1) - Link It…
OIC-FBDI-Supplier creation with existing RegistryID failing with Invalid value.Hi, We are trying to create supplier using FBDI by providing the existing Registry ID of existing customer of type Person. On Import we are receiving an error as "You mu…
Is there any business event to send PO's Pending Supplier Acknowledgement to OIC?We have a requirement to use PO outbound integration from Oracle Cloud to OTM. We are planning to use OIC layer for the transmission of PO’s. Business requirement is to …
Optimal Image Dimensions for Supplier Registration Landing Page in Visual Builder StudioSummary: We are customising the supplier registration page using Visual Builder Studio and would like to replace the current image on the supplier registration landing p…
Update supplier error using ERP AdapterSummary: Hello, I am getting error as below while updating supplier through ERP adapter Update Supplier Service. "Received a SOAPFault while invoking https://eiwv.fa.us6…
"Extending Next Generation Supplier Self-Service" Registration" deploy from TEST to DEVSummary: We are not able to see the update of Supplier Self-Service Registration after changing the DFF's properties and after deploying then from TEST to DEV. Content (…
import customization from test environment to productionSummary: Looking for a method to import Page customization done through Sandbox from test environment to production Content (please ensure you mask any confidential info…
REST API to close a negotiation and complete technical evaluationSummary: Looking for a REST API to change the negotiation status. Example: Close the negotiation - From ACTIVE(Locked) to Closed (Locked) Complete technical evaluation -…
Recommended way to extract supplier, supplier site, contact and bank details via OIC or other.Summary: For a third-party integration we need to supply a combination of data from supplier, supplier site, contacts and bank details in one table/Json file (max 6000 r…
Unable to close PO schedule using REST APISummary: Getting following error while closing PO schedule using REST API Error code - 403 Forbidden Using "xml2Json" is deprecated. Use "require('xml2js')" instead. Att…
How to do a funds check in Purchase Requisition in Oracle SaaS from Jaggaer using REST API?How to do a funds check in Purchase Requisition in Oracle SaaS from Jaggaer using REST API? We want to trigger this from Jaggaer app and validate funds check based on Or…Abhilash K - Deloitte USI 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Abhilash K - Deloitte USI Purchasing
Link Suppliers to Customer while Importing Through REST APISummary: Requirement is for /fscmRestApi/resources/ API to enter Registry ID to allow linkage of Supplier and Customer Party ID, but unlike FBDI thi…
Supplier Bank Account Duplicate Checker - "A record with this combination of values already exists"Hi Guys Long story, but where I am working our various procurement depts across the organisation are not communicating, so it is a free for all when it comes to maintain…GAVMAX 170 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by MariusS-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
How to create external link with context in ERPWe want to be able to add an external link with context in ERP under Procurement module. The external link Icon should appear next to Suppliers Icon
Inbound and Outbound Data File Encryption through ERP Integration ServiceSummary How to encrypt and decrypt data files between ERP Cloud and On-premise/PaaSContent Introduction Since your inbound or outbound data files are transmitted over th…
Please provide the technical and security reference documents for DocuSign integrationWe are implementing Procurement Contracts and the customer's Cyber team require the technical details for how the DocuSign integration is secured. I cannot find this inf…
Cost factor in SDCI'm trying to generate an SDC with a cost factor, but the value I entered in the cost factor is not included in the price in the PO. Can I make the SDC cost factor part …
blanket purchase agreement not visible in purchase requisitionSummary: blanket purchase agreement not visible in purchase requisition Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have created a BPA with category…
Create change order via SOAP web service when PO is "Pending Supplier Acknowledgement"Hello, We are aiming to simulate Supplier Portal functionalities via SOAP Web Services, more in detail mainly with acknowledgePurchaseOrder and changePurchaseOrder. We n…
Retiring of Oracle Social Network from update 24C.We have been using the Oracle Social Network from 2022, and we have been notified that this will be retired in update 24C and will be integrated with MS Teams . We have …
How to Import Standard Lookup Codes with DFFSummary: Hi everyone, we're looking for any documents or references on how to bulk import lookup codes with DFF values. We're trying to import lookup codes; however, we …Sofia Danielle Sarmiento 109 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Sofia Danielle Sarmiento ERP Integrations
REST API to Approve/Reject PR and POSummary: Is there any Webservice REST/SOAP we can use to update the final approval status of the PR or PO? Content (required): For integration purposes with external App…
How to restrict a user to enter only in EnglishSummary: How to restrict a user to enter only in English Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, We got a requirement to customize the Reg…
Table mapping between 11i EBS and Fusion CloudSummary Table mapping between 11i EBS and Fusion CloudContent I'm interested in the database table mappings between Oracle EBS 11i and Oracle Fusion Cloud.This is requir…
POST multile lines via REST in Custom ObjectContent Hi , We have created custom object & we are dumping data in Object from external system. As of now it is working fine for inserting single records. is there any …
Unable to create Purchase Requisition via REST APIGetting following error while creating Purchase Requisition using REST API "The request content does not represent an action or it has an invalid structure." I have also…