Smart View
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Is there a way to automatically find aliases from multiple alias tables in SmartView?Summary: Is there a way to automatically find aliases from multiple alias tables in SmartView? For more context, if I have an Account with the alias 'Acct01' on the defa…
SmartView Add on AdministratorSummary: How do you find the version of the SV Add on Administrator? Content (required): I have a client with very stringent Security requirements and they need the vers…Valerie Fisher-279201 31 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashutosh Bhatikar-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
Can't impact entities through HSSetValue - SmartViewSummary: After Sep-22 update can't impact entity, which cause that entities are skipped by Consolidation process. Content (required): Since Monday (after September updat…
SmartView - "Specified height is Invalid...."Summary: We are seeing random error messages while Refreshing Data Forms through Smart View Content (required): Getting below error message while refreshing Data Forms t…Amit Kulkarni 131 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Amit Kulkarni Financial Consolidation and Close
FCCS: data inputted as FCCS_YTD_Input does not work display under FCCS_YTD with formula HSGetvalueSummary: Content (required): Hi all under the september version of FCCS we are experiencing the following behaviour: data inputted as FCCS_YTD_Input does not work displa…
Why would the "Suppress Invalid data" selection not be enforced on a data form?Summary: Invalid data is still appearing on the data form, despite having enabled "Suppress invalid data - rows". Content (required): We created a data form with valid i…Allison McAllister 21 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Allison McAllister Financial Consolidation and Close
SmartView - Refresh All WorksheetsSummary: Reporting Pack has multiple Tabs with FCCS Data Forms. When we do Refresh All Worksheets, it hangs and crashes excel. Content (required): We have created a repo…Amit Kulkarni 43 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashutosh Bhatikar-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
Quarterly data FTE account unretrievableSummary Account with Time Balance on Balance and Account Type on Saved Assumption cannot retrieve Q1 dataContent We changed for some FTE accounts the Time Balance from F…Joost Mellegers 44 views 9 comments 1 point Most recent by Ashutosh Bhatikar-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
SmartView Plan Type is not setSummary: While using forms in SmartView users have started to get an error "Plan type is not set" when trying to select the entity from the POV ribbon. Content (required…
Issue with ownership retrive in Smart View with DSO applications?Summary: My Smart View retrieve with ownership data no longer works after DSO. Content (required): We have a Smart View retrieve with HSGetValue retrieving all ownership…Joost Mellegers 51 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Joost Mellegers Financial Consolidation and Close
HSGETVALUE retrieves Numeric Zero for Textual DataSummary: HSGETVALUE retrieves Numeric Zero for Textual Data Content (required): Hi Team, We have created one custom member for Textual data input. We are able to correct…DISHIL SHAH 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by DISHIL SHAH Financial Consolidation and Close
Possibility to Include Original Transaction Currency in Data Exchange OutputSummary: Possibility to Include Original Transaction Currency in Data Exchange Output Content (required): Is it Possibility to Include Original Transaction Currency in D…Amit Agarwal-158816 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Hari Nagumalli - Oracle EPM-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
Smart List display as dataSummary: Content (required): Hi all We have an issue where we have a smart list displaying data in SV for some reason. Has anyone experienced this issue before? I am not…
Smartview data extraction becomes unresponsive when we use Custom DimensionsSummary: Smartview data extraction becomes unresponsive when we use Custom Dimensions eg. Profit centre, deptt, office loc I have changed the consol solve order for acco…Gourav Munal 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashutosh Bhatikar-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
Why are several users unable to log on to Smart View?Summary: Two users can only logon to SV a small percentage of time. Security does not seem to be the issue. Content (required): Two FCC users from Belgium are most of th…Joost Mellegers 163 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Joost Mellegers Financial Consolidation and Close
Enterprise Journal from 21.07Content From the July update, Enterprise Journal is released and I have enabled it in test environment to test it out. After going through some configuration on Enterpri…
Viewer Roles cannot view data in SmartViewSummary: Viewer roles seem to not able to retrieve data using SmartView - either by formulae or ad-hoc. Content (required): Viewer roles does not seem to be able to view…ThalNP 259 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashutosh Bhatikar-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
Simple member formula on account not working after DSOSummary: DSO conversion appears to break member formulas Content (required): After converting to DSO, multiple member formulas are not calculating correctly. For example…
Restrict user to input data on Specific in FCCS like in HFM NoinputSummary: Restrict user to input data on Specific in FCCS Content (required): Restrict user to input data on Specific in FCCS Version (include the version you are using, …Sanjay Malviya 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Jeremy Stubbs Financial Consolidation and Close
Does the Default Alias Setup works in FCCS?Summary: we did setup the default alias in the FCCS setting to be one of the custom alias tables we created. In smatview the setup is not reflected and once we connect t…Emanuele Panichi 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Emanuele Panichi Financial Consolidation and Close
Quick way to update POV when multiple forms downloaded from FCCS into SmartViewSummary: Users are frustrated that having created a suite of forms in SmartView to load data to FCCS, they have to update the variable POV members on each sheet individu…
I can't create new journals in Smart ViewSummary: The journal template dropdown list does not appear when creating a new journal entry Content (required): in new ad hoc I have the period available but the templ…Ana Laura Arguello 54 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ana Laura Arguello Financial Consolidation and Close
What's New in EPM Cloud Release 21.09Summary Learn about what's new in EPM Cloud Release 21.09.Content Please refer to the September 2021 What’s New guide to understand the new features included in EPM Clou…Laura Ferris-Oracle 19 views 2 comments 3 points Most recent by David Samaniego Financial Consolidation and Close
Can I link underlying workings to a SmartView upload file?Summary: We are new to FCCS and a lot of our users have existing working files that they want to use as a data source to load to FCCS using SmartView. The users want to …
Is there for an easy way for users to migrate forms in smartview when service URL changesSummary: Our production FCCS is moving - same domain just different service. Our users are using forms to load movement analysis from smartview. Can the forms easily be …Jeremy Stubbs 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashutosh Bhatikar-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
Importing closing balances to consolidateSummary: We have FCCS module to use but have been unsuccessful in executing data. The main issue is just trying to get data imported to run a consolidation. I can perfor…Hiren Kantilal 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Hari Nagumalli - Oracle EPM-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close