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To identify the user who inactivated Supplier user account in fusionContent We can inactivate Supplier user accounts and contact details by following below provided steps. Please let us know how to track the user who inactivated the Supp…
How To Disable the manage schedules Option In Supplier Portal ?Summary: How To Disable the manage schedules Option In Supplier Portal ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello I was wondering if you can …
AUDIT NEGOTIATION CHANGES - 24A New featureSummary: we have the new feature AUDIT NEGOTIATION CHANGES as a part of 24A upgrade. Just want to understand, by enabling these audit reports, will it cause any performa…
How to update Supplier using integration when it is in under approvalContent Hi, When we are trying to update supplier and sites got below error : "This supplier profile is locked for editing as a profile change request is pending approva…
Can we audit Supplier Site Attachments?Summary: Can we audit Supplier Site Attachments? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am trying to enable Audit tracking for various fields o…
Can we Remove Columns from Search and Select Results view?Summary: Email Address and Phone numbers are exposed in the search results view when selecting Requester or Received by name. As these are Personal Identifiable Informat… 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Arindam Bhattacharya - Oracle-Oracle Supplier Management
Supplier audit report does not show the bank account approversSummary: When we run the supplier audit report, it does not show the approver who has approved the profile or bank account changes. Content (please ensure you mask any c…
Does enabling supplier audit report causes any performance issue to environment?Summary: We are planning to use supplier audit report for our client. Will that have any impact on the performance of the pod? Eg: instance slowness etc Content (please …
How to get supplier approval details in Audit reportSummary How to get supplier approval details in Audit reportContent We have enabled the audit log for supplier, it is possible to capture the approver info who approve t…
How to audit Manage Supplier Registration Approvals and Manage Supplier Profile Change ApprovalsSummary: I have been tasked with auditing if anybody disables the supplier approvals. This is maintained via the Manage Supplier Registration Approvals and Manage Suppli…
Is there a report that displays supplier registration requests, their status, and rejection reasons?Summary: In Manage Supplier Registration Requests, you can view which requests have been rejected, accepted, or are in pending. However this area does not display when a…
Table name to store available auditable attributesSummary: Multiple auditable attributes available for each object do we have any table name where it will store all available auditable attributes available in each objec…
Can't see additional attributes in the audit reportsSummary: Content (required): I have enabled auditing in the audit policies. For supplier model, classification attribute is selected by default. I have added another att…
Can bank details be shared between employees and suppliers?Summary: As part of Fraud mitigation - Can bank details be shared between employees and suppliers? One type of fraud would be employees setting up false companies Conten…
Supplier Balance Aging Report - the prompt lacks some ledgersSummary: When scheduling a Supplier Balance Aging Report (seeded) I cannot find all ledgers to which I have access. Content (required): When scheduling a Supplier Balanc…Wojciech Krzyczkowski 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Wojciech Krzyczkowski Supplier Management
Transaction segregate as per the supplier renameSummary: lient renames supplier name as XYZ (New Name), Old name (ABC) in Nov 2022 instead of inactivate it. Because of this all transactions comes under XYZ (new suppli…Priyanka Vinayak Hatagade 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Piyush Singh-Oracle Supplier Management
Supplier Audit Report Not Displaying Old ValuesSummary: We have enabled Audit for Supplier Model and in Payment Method child Attributes, we have enabled all attributes like Default, Payment Method, From Date, To Date…Singulure Haritha-Oracle 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Naresh Babu-Oracle Supplier Management
Is it possible to include the changes made in Audit Report during supplier registration?Summary: Is it possible to include the changes made in Audit Report during supplier registration? Content (required): In the supplier registration, the information was p…
How to activate the Business Type Object in Audit Reports work area for Supplier Model Product ?Summary: I'm trying to extract a Audit report from the "Tools--> Audit Report", I'm able to select all the other filters but not the "Business Type Object" attribute. I'…
Supplier PortalSummary Supplier Portal Changes NotificationsContent Is there a workflow notification that can get triggered whenever a supplier makes a change within Supplier Portal th…
How do we add the additional columns in Supplier Audit report?Summary: Hello, Currently, we are trying to extract supplier audit report which is available out of the box in the system through Supplier Audit Reports. We observed tha…
What product team owns the role "Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist"Summary: I want to log an Idea about a design issues in this role "Supplier Self Service Administrator". Is this role owned by Supply Chain Orchestration? Any suggestion…Jeff Hare CPA CISA CIA 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Jeff Hare CPA CISA CIA Supplier Management
EIN/Taxpayer ID Field No Longer Visible on SupplierBased on a request from our auditors, we have noticed that the EIN field is no longer visible on the supplier record. Our auditors are asking us to remove the tax id for…Robert G Wilkinson 21 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Robert G Wilkinson Supplier Management
How to track Supplier Logins , that are through the supplier portal ?Summary Supplier Portal Login AuditContent Good People, How to track the supplier logins form supplier portals ? Thanks, Soumya
Inactive Date- is there a report that shows who has made a supplier inactive at a profile level?Summary: Inactive Date- is there a report that shows who has made a supplier inactive at a profile level? The Field is currently not set up for approval as yet. We still…
Configuring Oracle Data Quality Matching for Suppliers and CustomerSummary How to enable the Oracle Data Quality Matching for Customer and Supplier Potential MatchesContent Hello Experts! We aim to enable the configuration of the enterp…Jennica M Pedro 212 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Piyush Singh-Oracle Supplier Management
Interal supplier Registration without a contactSummary Certain supplier types e.g. utilities that need to be established for payment do not have an actual contact. There is a need for internal registrations to not re…
Supplier active AudutSummary We would like to track the audit history of who has inactivated the suppliersContent We would like to track the inactivation of suppliers. There is no standard a…
Skipped Supplier NumberSummary Number was skippedContent A number was skipped for supplier numbering 10333. Is there a reason behind this? It went straight from 10332 to 10334. Is it a bug? Ve…