Discussion List
How to create a supplier for an existing customer party from Saas application? *NO FBDI*Summary: We need to create a supplier for an existing customer using the same Registry ID (party number). We understand there is a solution to achieve the same thing usi…
Can we trigger email from supplier registration process after approved to internal requesterSummary: Requirement is to trigger email based on DFF value in external redwood supplier registration page after supplier approved to onboard Content (please ensure you …
Steps change tool tip message on next generation supplier registration pageSummary: How to change tool tip message on next generation supplier registration pageI am looking forward to re-name the field in supplier registration page and attachme…
Unable To Enable Prompt Message In Next Generation Supplier RegistrationSummary: We have enabled “Prompt” message and field “Renamed”, please refer to below screenshot. Requirement: We are planning to enable the “Next Generation Supplier Reg…
How to preview changes in next generation Supplier registration using VB Studio without publishingSummary: Hello Oracle Experts! I saw in one of the video reference, that we can preview the changes made in the Next Gen supplier self service registration page using VB…
customize external supplier registration pageSummary: how can i use sandbox in external supplier registration page to add descriptive flex fields Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Versi…
Email Bounce back Notification if the supplier is inactiveSummary: Hi Team, We have business requirement that, If a supplier contact is inactive, any emails sent to that supplier contact should bounce back to admin mail. I kind…
Internal Supplier Profile Change to identify the approval rules by requester's job name?Summary: Internal Supplier Profile Change to identify the approval rules by requester's job name? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Exper…
Approvers getting repeated in the approval hierarchySummary: Content (required): I have set the below approval rules in BPM. Now, I have made changes to supplier and submitted it. It goes for the approval. Approver can lo…
Are "supplier products and services categories" same as Purchasing Item Categories?Summary: Are "supplier products and services categories" same as Purchasing Item Categories? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, I ha…
Personalize Fields on Bank Information Fragment in External Supplier Registration Redwood UISummary: Using Visual Builder in SaaS , we were able to personalize few fields on rs-company-details fragment in Register -Supplier Redwood UI When it comes to rs-bank-i…
Best Practice When Supplier Name ChangeSummary: Content (required): Hello Experts, One of our supplier has change their name. What is the best way to handle in our cloud erp? If I simply update the name. it c…
Merging supplier addresses with tax registration numbersSummary: When merging suppliers, the tax information at the address level from the merged supplier does not follow, even if we copy the site. The tax information disappe…
Allow International payments not visible in OTBISummary: Hi, I am working on the Supplier OTBI report, there I have a requirement of the Allow International Payment field, Which is not available in Suppliers - Supplie…Abu Hussain 26 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Stephen Westerfield-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Redwood impact in supplier Portal and supplier RegistrationSummary: Need a Impact analysis document for Redwood view supplier registration and supplier portal upon the current fusion supplier registration and supplier Portal Con…
How to setup internal FYI notification once supplier has been approved?Summary: Currently in the Manage Supplier Registration Approvals FSM task, there are two stages. Our client is utilizing both stages for approvals, but needs a final FYI…
Create Invoice page in Supplier Portal shows non-received POs alsoSummary: Create Invoice page in Supplier Portal shows non-received POs also for Invoice Match Option = Receipt. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
Queries to extract Install Base assets data from EBS to in required FBDI formatSummary: One of our customers upgrading from Oracle EBS R12 to ERP Fusion. As part of Data Conversions, we need to extract Install Base data from EBS in required FBDI fo…
Is External Supplier Registration Personalization will be Visible to Supplier Profile Level?Summary: Is additional field name in external supplier registration will be visible to supplier profile level? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informati…
Not able to access the Oracle Visual Builder Studio- You are not a member of this organizationSummary: Hello Oracle Experts! When we try to access the VB Studio from Configurations—> Visual Builder in the TEST POD, the application shows the below error message, b…
Unable To Find The Unique Table Value For Joining 3 Tables To Fetch Bank Account InformationSummary: Hi Team, We are unable to find the unique value for joining these 3 tables ("IBY_EXT_BANK_ACCOUNTS" & "POZ_APPROVAL_HISTORY" & "poz_supplier_registrations psr")…Karthick.bhaskaran 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Karthick.bhaskaran Supplier Management
Usage of Customer Number in Supplier SiteHi Experts, Would like to reach out to you regarding the usage of Customer Number in Supplier Site. Please refer to the screenshot that we have all the supplier created …
Customer Connect Training ReplaysSummary A single post that links to all training customer connect replays Content Watch these replays to get more information about implementing your products. You can w…Jeanine Signorelli-Oracle 424 views 8 comments 17 points Most recent by Deep Acharya Supplier Management
Unable To Fetch The Vendor Bank Account Details From Back End Table At Supplier Registration StageSummary: Hi Team, We are building a new notification template for supplier registration process like when supplier completed the registration process. System should pick…Karthick.bhaskaran 24 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Karthick.bhaskaran Supplier Management
Why won't the supplier site field default on PO-matched invoices?Summary: Supplier site field is failing to default on PO-matched invoices. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): The Supplier Site field is popu…Aidan Gleeson 38 views 1 comment 6 points Most recent by Daniela Petria-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
How to enable and disable taxpayer ID field based on supplier type selectedSummary: When supplier selects tax organization type as foreign, taxpayer id fields shall be greyed out/disabled. When any other tax organization type is selected, only …
Supplier Spend Authorization Action by Approval Information Is Getting Overlapped In Backend Table.Summary: Problem Description --------------------------------------------------- Issue Description: Supplier Spend Authorization Action by Approval Information Is Gettin…Karthick.bhaskaran 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ankit Khandelwal-Oracle Supplier Management
Can we add type of file while supplier registrationSummary: I can see currently while onboarding the supplier, in the attachment section we have below types: File Text URL I want to know if we can control this? Can we ad…
How to change the multiple selection search in Next Gen Supplier Reg. Product and Services categorySummary: Hello Oracle Experts! By any chance is it possible to make the Product and Service category selection during supplier registration as Radio button, instead of a…
How to default tax registration number in invoice creation screen in supplier portalSummary: When a invoice (PO-backed) is create din supplier portal, even when supplier has only one Tax Registration Number, it still needs to be selected from drop-down.…