Supplier Profile Management
Discussion List
Isupplier Portal Default Landing PageSummary: Currently when iSupplier Users are login they are getting "You Have a New Home Page!" Landing page. To go to actual page they need to click into Home Icon Top r…
How to update the Tax Payer ID at supplier address level using REST API?Summary: Rest API Name to Update TAXPayerID at Supplier address level Navigation from Fusion application Menu-->Procurement-->Suppliers-->Manage SUpplier--> Search Suppl…SuranjeAarti-Oracle 412 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Goopikrishnan Jayaraman-Oracle Supplier Management
Is it possible to create a Multi-row EFF on Supplier profile ?Summary: Is it possible to create a Multi-row EFF on Supplier profile ? Business Classifications on the supplier would have sufficed provided it gave me the capability t…
Unable to query existing bank account on supplier paymentSummary: Hi Team, We have bank account set at parent supplier and we want to select same bank account at child supplier. However when we click on select and add , we do …
Displaying Unmasked Bank AccountSummary When Maintaining Bank Accounts we need to see the full Bank Account numberContent There are occasions when our Account Payable's manager need to see the full ban…User_2025-01-22-19-25-44-650 174 views 17 comments 0 points Most recent by Devd2602 Supplier Management
Do we have a seeded report to identify third party/factoring suppliers along with relationship?Summary: Is there a way to identify third party/factoring suppliers? How do we identify which suppliers have a third party relationship (without looking at each individu…
How to default "Use Withholding Tax" flag as always checked?Summary: How to default "Use Withholding Tax" flag as always checked? Content (required): Hi, Whenever we create a new supplier, "Use Withholding tax" flag is unchecked …Abhishek Gattu 62 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Goopikrishnan Jayaraman-Oracle Supplier Management
Can we define DFF at Supplier PortalSummary: Content (required): Hi, I am looking at the possibility of defining DFF in the supplier portal (Organization/Contact/Address level). I am unable to find any doc…
DFF at Supplier Bank Account not visible during supplier registrationSummary: Content (required): I have defined a DFF - IFSC Code - at Supplier bank Account Descriptive Flexfield. It is visible in the supplier master. However, when I try…AbhayT 311 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Goopikrishnan Jayaraman-Oracle Supplier Management
May I know the Corresponding Report or BIP of Requiring Attention in Supplier PortalSummary: May I know the Corresponding Report or BIP of Requiring Attention in Supplier Portal Content (required): May I know the Corresponding Report or BIP of Requiring…
Is it possible to send a mass notification to all suppliers or a subset from the Supplier Portal?Summary: ESS has an annual requirement to survey suppliers regarding their sourcing. Most likely a Supplier Descriptive Flexfield will be created to capture the response…
Options to Update Country & Tax Registration as 'Blank' for an existing Supplier at Profile level ?Summary: Need Options to update country for Tax Registration at Profile level as 'Blank' as FBDI doesn't allow the same. Content (required): Hi Team, We have a requireme…
Issue in Filtering Business Classification in Supplier MasterSummary: Need Filter option at Business Classification Tab and only File attachment should be allowed for user in the same tab. Content (required): Case 1- Option to fil…
Supplier portal Purchase Order ScreenSummary: Hi, When supplier access supplier portal, we don’t want him to view the Additional information section values on Purchase order form. These are DFF's we configu…
FYI to Supplier Admin when 'Hold all Invoices' = YSummary: Business Case : When Supplier Site is updated with 'Hold all Invoices' = Y, an FYI should be sent to all Supplier Admins. How can this be done? In Supplier Inte…Sharmil Nanjappa-Oracle 51 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sharmil Nanjappa-Oracle Supplier Management
Issue with State code in Supplier MasterSummary Issue with State code in Supplier MasterContent Hi, When we converted vendor master data, we converted states with incorrect values. For example, state code file…Bala Ch 31 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Goopikrishnan Jayaraman-Oracle Supplier Management
Taxpayer ID on address levelSummary Taxpayer ID on address levelContent Hi Community, We are having some issues with storing the Taxpayer ID which is required for certain reports of tax authorities…
Process for Mass upload of B2B collaboration setupsNeed to know the process of loading the B2B collaboration setups at Supplier site level, as there is no option in FBDI 1) Creating Trading partners with Service Provider…
Extract EBS Attachments in bulk from EBS to Fusion-suppliersSummary: We need to extract the supplier attachments from EBS to fusion. We want to do it a bulk extraction. can any one share proposed process or document for the same.…Kiran Katti Mobily KSA 81 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Hong Gao-Oracle Supplier Management
Visual Buider for excel: Update Tax Registration Status not working.Summary: I have tried to update the supplier tax using the excel VB. I am using the taxRegistrations Update a tax registration patch /fscmRestApi/resources/…
JPM EFT Payment MethodSummary: Where do JPM EFT Payment Method is useful? Content (required): JPM EFT Payment Method has been created by Oracle in one of the Upgrades. I just want to know the…
How to Disable "Allow Tax Applicability" Check box at Supplier Site LevelSummary: How to Disable "Allow Tax Applicability" Check box at Supplier Site Level Content (required): We are creating supplier/Sites through REST API and system is auto…Kumar 57 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Elena-Cristina Staniloiu-Oracle Supplier Management
Where are the Default Payment Method(s) for a Supplier/Site Stored?Summary: Where (in which tables) are the Default Payment Method(s) for a Supplier/Site Stored? The business need is to identify which Suppliers/Sites are set to incorrec…User_2025-02-11-06-12-35-024 276 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-11-06-12-35-024 Supplier Management
System not validating GSTIN (ORA_IN_GST) validation at supplier registrationSummary: Content (required): Requirement is to validate GSTIN (Tax Registration Number) during supplier registration. I can see there is one setup given 'Manage Country …
Points to consider when importing supplier attachments using Import Supplier Attachments FBDI templaSummary Here are some useful tips for importing supplier attachments using the supplier attachments import template:Content 1. Pick the correct template as per your quar…
Behavior to Upload Tax Classification Code, Allow Tax Applicability, Allow Offset TaxesSummary: Behavior to Upload Tax Classification Code, Allow Tax Applicability, Allow Offset Taxes Tax Classification Code Allow Tax Applicability Allow Offset Taxes Suppl…Elena-Cristina Staniloiu-Oracle 73 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Elena-Cristina Staniloiu-Oracle Supplier Management
Customize Internal Supplier Profile Change Approval e-mail notificationsContent (required): Hi all, I can´t find a definitive answer to if it is possible to customize Internal Supplier Profile Change Approval email notifications through BIP.…Daniel Lundsteen Minke 33 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Daniel Lundsteen Minke Supplier Management
Approach to model Supplier creation in FusionSummary: What are the suggested approaches with Pros and Cons for Supplier creation in fusion Content (required): We are debating to define new Supplier model in our org…
Upload ASN in BulkSummary: Hello folks, has anyone come across a situation where client is requesting for external suppliers to upload ASNs in bulk via supplier portal but not using ADFDI…
Supplier Risk Management solutionSummary: Content (required): Is there any out of box Oracle Cloud supplier risk management solution? Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Sni…Deepti Bharadwaj 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by RANGANATHAN V-Oracle Supplier Management