Discussion List
How Purchasing Module interacts with other Oracle modules.Content Hi all, Is there any Doc IDs/Link/ whitepapers or any other Detailed Documentation on understanding how Purchasing Module interacts with other Oracle modules in …
Approval workflow to a specific positionSummary Requirement to send PO approvals based on amount and to a specific positionContent Hi, HR Departments have been setup, Positions and Job levels within the HR dep…
In Purchase Order Approval window Requisition hyperlink is disabled in 19B versionSummary In earlier versions of fusion, when we tries to click on requisition number, it used to redirect the approver to requisition page. Now the hyperlink on requisiti…
R13 - Docusign for PO /CPA documents- Enabling for multiple Docusign templatesSummary Requirement to choose different Docusign templates based on the conditions/rules during the process of approvalContent Hi All, We were able to enable the Docusig…Jayashree Keerthivasan-Oracle 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ivan Pena-Oracle Purchasing
What is the Limit of records that can be inserted for individual Lookup Type in Manage Standard LooSummary Task : Manage Standard LookupContent Hi all, We wanted to know what is maximum number of records we can create to a Lookup type (Max Lookup codes we can store un…
Error in approval using Position HierarchySummary Error in approval using Position HierarchyContent I am trying to set approval rule using position hierarchy. But when approval PO, it throw an error: "Error occu…
Approval Rules enhancementsSummary Approval Rules enhancementsContent Hello, I am looking for an intelligent solution which should minimize the number of approval rules for PO. We have around 4000…
Closing unfulfilled demand on PO by requisition userSummary Wondering if it is possible for a user to initiate the close of a PO?Content We use autocreate PO from requisition. It is common for users to estimate a quantity…
Purchase Order Approval views Life CycleSummary Purchase Order Approval views Life CycleContent Hi all, Current setup: Various approvers in the approval flow of a PO who do not have procurement agent/buyer/pur…
Is it possible to add multiple suppliers an option in purchase agreements?Summary Is it possible to add multiple suppliers an option in purchase agreements?Content Hi all, We have a requirement like Is it possible to add multiple suppliers an …
Need to attach the final signed documents from Supplier to Purchase OrderSummary Our requirement is we need attach a final signed legal document from Supplier after the Purchase order is in open statusContent When we send out Purchase order t…Sabarish Reddy Ganda 39 views 24 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-28-16-09-27-393 Purchasing
How to write approval rules for “Outside Processing Purchase Order” through BPM?Summary How to write approval rules for “Outside Processing Purchase Order” through BPM?Content Hi all, When we are releasing the work order our requisitions are auto ap…
Purchase order approval email notification includes taxs amount in headers amountSummary Purchase order approval email notification includes taxs amount in headers amountContent Purchase Order approval email notification has header order amount with …User_2025-02-03-22-11-49-695 50 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Boyuan Zhu-Oracle Purchasing
Approval flow for Purchase Order created through work order(WO).Summary We are implementing manufacturing cloud in R13 19B. When we are releasing the work orders, requisitions are auto approving and PO's are creating from the approve…
Bell does not show Notification but Worklist has the notificationSummary Bell does not show Notification but Worklist has the notificationContent We are on R12. I see that PO approval notifications are appearing on the worklist but no…
Using source agreement (CPA) for a PO in PO approval rulesSummary I am unable to find an indicator which can distinguish between PO lines assigned to a CPA and those which are not in the Purchasing Document approval rulesConten…
User Cannot see the PO details in PO approval NotificationContent Approval Notification is just showing APprove, Reject buttons, it is not showing any details in the body. Please check the attached Screenshot Version Oracle Fus…
Query- PO Change Order approvals - Cannot use attribute 'Requester Job Level' in the condition sectiSummary Query- PO Change Order approvals - Cannot use attribute 'Requester Job Level'Content We have approvals on Requisitions and Purchase Order (Change Orders) For Req…
ERP – Recommendations for Modeling Procurement Operations in Oracle Cloud Purchasing, 20 June 2019,Content Submit your questions for the SCM – Recommendations for Modeling Procurement Operations in Oracle Cloud Purchasing session to have them answered during the live …
Parallel and series approvals simultaneousSummary Parallel and series RulesContent hello, community, the client wanted to generate a hierarchy of approval in parallel and series in simultane for all document BPA…
Purchase Order Approvals at line levelContent Our Requirement is to have the approvals based on Line item Category. So I am just wondering what happens if we have two lines in purchase order with different c…
Multiple actions in Approval ruleSummary Multiple actions in Approval ruleContent Hi, If we configure more than one action for a particular rule, is there any specific sequence in which the actions are …
Disabling PO Approval Email Notifications for specific userSummary I would like to turn off the email notification sent when a PO requires approvalContent Hi, Is it possible to disable the email notification an approver receives…
Access other's Approval notifications incase of EmergencySummary We have 4 people as buyers and one of them is out because of emergency, but there is certain purchase that waiting for her approval, is there a way to acess them…
Purchase Order Approval SetupSummary Purchase Order Approval SetupContent Hello All, Please find the Purchase Order Approval Setup Removing links as they are not working for now please go through th…
Unable to configure the Contract auto approval rule by using Approval group method in BPMSummary Unable to configure the auto contract approval rule by using Approval group method in BPMContent when we are trying to configure the Contract approval from BPM (…User_2025-02-01-06-36-39-620 58 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by ROHIT.R-Support-Oracle Purchasing
Low Fund Notification to the Requestor based on date or amount thresholdSummary Is there any confirguration available in procurment where we can send Low fund(Purchase order) notification to the requestor?Content Hi All, Is there any configu…User_2025-01-28-01-42-26-090 48 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-01-42-26-090 Purchasing
Use Cases for Requisition and Purchase Order ApprovalSummary Sample use cases for setup of requisition and purchase order approval scenariosContent Is there any documentation on sample use cases for configuring the approva…
Notifications for PO or Req approvals have dead links for the document numbersContent Approval Notifications for PO or Req approvals have dead links for the document numbers; Approvers are unable to drill down into document details from the notifi…
Contract Purchase Agreement -- How to set Auto ApprovedSummary Contract Purchase Agreement -- Auto approve setupsContent Hi, We have cloud purchasing enabled ( POs are set to auto-approved currently) and now implementing Sel…