Create Requisition
Discussion List
Approved Supplier List (ASL)Summary Approved Supplier List (ASL)Content Hi, We have a requirement to restrict any purchasing (Req/Orders) for specific suppliers (Blacklisted). The approved supplier…
How to dynamically return approval group based on categoryI have a requirement for make requisition workflow where we want to return approval groups based on category code. Is this feasible if so how to achieve. We have sql bas…
How to leave the item type field blank as default when creating noncatalog requisitions?Summary: The client wants to leave the item type field blank as default when creating noncatalog requisitions so that they can choose manually from the dropdown list whe…
PO charge account is not generating for destination type as inventorySummary: PO charge account is not generating for destination type as inventory Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): PO charge account is not ge…
Need to split the requisition when line the quantity is reduced while creating a POSummary: We have a requirement where A Requisition is created with one line having quantity 100 But while creating PO using this requisition the buyer has reduced the qu…
how to restrict users from duplicating punchout requisitions?Summary: Hi Team, Our business would like to restrict end users(Preparers) from duplicating punchout requisitions. whenever users duplicate punchout requisitions orders …
Category is not marked as featured category but still visible on SSP category drop downCategory is not marked as featured category but still visible on SSP category drop down
Cascade Note to Supplier from Requisition to Purchase orderSummary: Cascade "Note to Supplier" from Requisition to Purchase order Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Our business users are entering Not…
can we create browsing item category based mapping set in Procurement TBDI have requirement to create category based mapping set to generate charge account on PO. so I have browsing category like B and browsing category BA and then category B…
Requirement to Default the Requisition line level DFF based on the Requesters cost CenterRequirement: We have created a DFF called "Requester's Own Cost Center" with Values Y and N. For Example, if Requester A is from Cost Center 1234 and the Charge Account'…
how to default buyer name in requisitionSummary: how to default buyer name in requisition Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): need to default buyer name in requisition Version (inclu…
“Defaulting 2-Way and 3-Way Match by Commodity Code not the Line Type”.Summary: We are currently working on a requirement where the 2-Way and 3-Way match settings need to be defaulted based on the commodity code rather than the Line Type in…
TAB rule for Item to be treated as Fixed Asset based on itemSummary: User has a item i.e. AS54001. If the unit price of item is more than $1000, then it is treated as Fixed Asset and should pick Asset Clearing account If the unit…
Notes to Receiver added in BPA does not appear in the Requsition pageSummary: We want to add notes in the BPA for certain supplier catlogues so that the requesters are aware of certain T&Cs e.g. delivery charge if order less than X amount…Senthil Mohanraj 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
is ability to set the condition on the standard field in the Purchase reuqest?Summary: i need to set condition in the filed deliver to location in Purchase request like if the requester called ahmed he cant select or see the location called ''Riya…
Unable to restrict user access to destination type-Inventory & source type for creating requisitionsSummary: Selected set of Users need to be restricted access to destination type in requisition preferences as well as while creating a requisition in responsive self ser…Tathagata Ghosh-Oracle 58 views 5 comments 3 points Most recent by Maithily Kohale-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Requisition Account Builder is not respecting the Priorities of the ruleSummary: I have defined an accounting rule for one of the segments of the charge account. Priority 1 is using Mapping Set A Priority 2 is using mapping Set B Priority 3 …
Purchasing: Table value set is not retrieving values as expected in smartform DFFHi All, We have created DFFs (having table value set) in smartform to capture Employee name and Mobile phone number. Mobile phone number LOV should display the value men…
Unable to restrict user access to destination type-Inventory & source type for creating requisitionsSummary: Selected set of Users need to be restricted access to destination type in requisition preferences as well as while creating a requisition in responsive self ser…Tathagata Ghosh-Oracle 9 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Is it possible to split requisition lines with different accounting distributionsSummary: Is it possible to split requisition lines with different accounting distributions, meaning to change the cost center segment Content (please ensure you mask any…
Is it possible to disable or hide "Enter an address" under Preferences?Summary: Under Preferences (Responsive Self Service Procurement RSSP), user is able to "Enter an address" that is not already setup as an internal location. There is a r…
Requisition Approval including Department headWe have a requirement to for Requisition approval to have Direct Manager and Department head for Purchase Requisition approval. Direct manager can be handled with Superv…
It is possible to remove the 'inventory' destination type on the requisition preference screen?Hello, It is possible to remove the 'inventory' destination type option on the requisition preference screen? "Some BUs do not have inventory, but as the base of registe…
How to enable the redwood for purchase requisitions?Summary: I want to know what the steps to enable the redwood for self service requistions i update the profile option: (ORA_POR_RCO_REDWOOD_ENABLE) But nothing is effect…
responsive SSP: How to handle the SSP requisition in new system RSSP?Summary: Hi Team, Kindly answer the below question. How can we handle the old system (SSP) PR in the new system (RSSP) - Is it possible to edit, withdraw? PR Print PDF o…
Is it possible for Req/PO DFF value selection to require a separate field?Summary: We currently use DFFs at the Req/PO header level. If a user selects a specific value from that DFF drop down list, we would like the source agreement field on t…
Unable to restrict the users from clicking on the Update Preparer and Requestor icon using VBSSummary: Hi All, We have a requirement to restrict the users with certain role from clicking on the 'Update Preparer and Requestor' icon by greying out the same under th…
project related requisitionSummary: there is a project related requisition. I can see it in POR_REQUISITION_LINES_ALL and POR_REQUISITION_HEADERS_ALL tables. which column will provide me project d…
can i create Internal Requestion for item without cost "Not purchased yet"I need to create Internal Requsition for items new defined and not include any cost to Retrieve , also Create Misc. Receipt with Cost is not Preferred , any other Work a…
Access Smart form fields from Requisition Creation PageHi, We have a requirement to prevent the end-user from submitting a requisition if the total requisition Amount (Quantity * Price) is more than 5000 K and no agreement s…