Requisition Processing
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This line is Processed by the buyerSummary Created a requisition through punch out and the requisition was approved, but there is no po generated.The po lines show message 'This line is being processed by…
How to disable Popup help option (Example Format) on UI pages?Summary How to disable Popup help option (Example Format) on UI pages? See attached image for understanding. These help popups do not disappear on clicking or on refresh…
How to setup different PO PDF formats based on Sold to Legal EntitySummary How to setup different PO PDF formats based on Sold to Legal EntityContent We have a requirement to setup different PO PDF formats based on the Sold to Legal Ent…
Manage Purchasing Document Lifecycle - ValidateSummary Diagnostic is failing for Test name Manage Purchasing Document Lifecycle - ValidateContent Hi Getting below error while running diagonostics test on Test name Ma…
Suppliers unable to receive Purchase orders through E-mailSummary Suppliers unable to receive Purchase orders through E-mailContent Hi Some of our suppliers in UK region are not receiving purchase orders through E-mail. Buyers …
ADFService11G - JBO-25096: Accessor ItemEFFBIFlattenedVO Was Not Correctly Resolved;Summary Procurement Custom Reports: ADFService11G - JBO-25096: Accessor ItemEFFBIFlattenedVO Was Not Correctly Resolved;Content Hi All, After Upgrading to Release 13 18C…
Purchase Order created via web service is not defaulting blanket agreement number on the POSummary Purchase Order created via web service is not defaulting blanket agreement number on the POContent When creating Purchase Order (PO) via WebService, the Blanket …Atul Kumar-93431 62 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Sathish Jackson Putti Vincent Purchasing
How to add surcharge on Credit Card Payments in PurchasingContent Certain supplier accept credit card but with a surcharge as 2%. How to define this surcharge? I have seen Payment Terms allows discounts to be defined! Similarly…
Onetime Address not populated in Punchout PO XML passed via CMKSummary We are using Punchout for couple of supply vendors. As part of R13, we have ability to create One time address in Requisition. Upon Punchout, the XML doesn't hav…
Purchasing: Create Order Page CustomizationSummary Create Order Page CustomizationContent We have a requirement to customize below 2 fields on Create Order pop up Page(attached screen shot): 1. Supplier Contact -…
BPM Worklist: How long will the Approval History store in the system?Summary BPM Worklist: How long will the Approval History store in the system?Content BPM Worklist: How long will the Approval History store in the system?
Where can we set po accural account defaultSummary Where can we set po accural account defaultContent Where can we set po accural account defaultVersion R13
Lot Numbers in ASN sent by Supplier not showing up at the time Receipt Against The ASNSummary Lot number entered and recorded in ASN is not being pulled in the Receive Expected Shipments screen while trying to receive against the ASNContent Lot number and…
How can view the Standard Units of Measure (UOM) with only the Procurement OfferSummary The task Manage Units of Measure don´t have the standard UOMs, is empty.Content How can view the standard Units of Measure (UOM) in the task Manage Units of Meas…
PO Approval Rules- How to populate PO line level DFF value dynamically from BPA(Agreement Amount)Summary We want to write PO approval rule such that if there is BPA header level agreement amount corresponding PO should be Auto ApprovedContent Business Requirement: I…Narendra Saxena - Cloud Proc 75 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Narendra Saxena - Cloud Proc Purchasing
Multiple PRs added to one PO using Rest webserviceSummary Multiple PRs added to one PO using Rest webserviceContent Hello, In our environment, PRs are automatically created into Fusion Procurement from third party syste…
How to view the PR's for other requesterSummary How to view the PR's for other requesterContent Hi, i can see the PR's for another requester if the status is approved ,is it possible to see purchase requisitio…
REST Webservice to get PO Line QuantitySummary Looking for REST Webservice which would return the Quantity on the Purchase OrderContent Hi all, I am trying to get the PO Line Quantity using REST Webservice bu…
Need report for outstanding PO encumbrance/obligation balanceContent Our purchasing team wants to get a report that includes a list of outstanding purchase orders that specifically includes remaining encumbrance balances. Is there…
Does the attachments added to Requisition follow into PO in FusionSummary Does the attachments added to Requisition follow into PO in FusionContent Hi Folks, Can someone confirm whether the attachments added in Requisitions follow into…
PR & PO creation by using Exel SheetSummary PR & PO creation by using Exel SheetContent Hi, Can we create PR or PO by using excel sheet data, as most of the time our PR and PO are very large and in number …Farooq Syed, CPA, PMP, CISA 79 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Jaykumar Prajapati-81787 Purchasing
Enterprise Structure issuesSummary Enterprise Structure issues BU, LE and Inv. Org.Content Hi Experts,Need your help 1) How can we capture Input Tax Credits (ITC) and claim the same (i.e. the corr…
R12: Vendor are not receiving PO'sSummary 553-SPF (Sender Policy Framework) domain authenticationContent Hi Team, Is it possible to change the from email address for the PO's sent to vendors... Vendors a…Saravanan Thirunavukkarasu-26616 62 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Saravanan Thirunavukkarasu-26616 Purchasing
Emailing all approved requisitions to specific PO emailSummary Requisition to POContent Hi All, Is the Oracle system capable of emailing requisitions once they are approved to a specific email (in order to create a PO), with…
Touchless Self-Service Procurement without Pre-Negotiated AgreementsSummary Simplify how you configure automated order creation from requisitions by eliminating the need for pre-negotiated agreements.Content You can configure your procur…