Supply Planning Cloud
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Safety Stock Quantity in the Items table in supply planSummary: There is a field called safety stock quantity when we open the Items table in supply plan. What is this for? When we load safety stock using FBDI this field doe…Rahul A 61 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by User_RRJ4O Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Supply Plan ignores forecastSummary: We have loaded forecast using FBDI into planning and can see the forecast in plan inputs screen but when supply plan is run it is not picking up this forecast. …Rahul A 51 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Prateek_16-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Import Measure data at 2 Levels of different Customer HierarchySummary:Import Measure data at 2 Levels of different Customer Hierarchy Content (required):Hi All, Client want to import the data at Customer Group 1 and Customer Group …Nitin.Joshi 71 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Sovan_-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
What is the use of Supplier Site Source System and Shipping Method parameters in Sourcing Rule?Summary: Content (required): What is the use of Supplier Site Source System and Shipping Method parameters in Sourcing Rule? Version (include the version you are using, …Sumit_99 43 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Thierry Lamote Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Descriptive flexfields in Planners UISummary: Descriptive flexfields in Planners UI Content (required): Hello All, We have a requirement to have some descriptive fields on Manage Planners UI. When we checke…Anand Dhinakaran 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Cherry Bruns-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Sub Inventory is not getting defaulted for Transfer OrderSummary: Sub Inventory is not getting defaulted for Transfer Order Content (required): Hi, Can we default a sub inventory for receiving while creating TO from Supply Pla…AJSS007 61 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Thierry Lamote Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
What does it mean by release status cancel and action cancel in Supplies and demand table?Summary: Content (required): We have created a work order which is in unreleased state, after running the collection, when the plan is run. The work order is shown in th…Sumit_99 132 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sumit_99 Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Significance of "Not Available" in tablesSummary: We often see the word "not available" in tables that we create within Supply Plan . What does this "not available" denote? Content (required): We often see the …Rahul A 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Satwik Kumar Patel-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Notes added on Planned Order do not show on note to buyer field on Requisitions(23A feature)Summary: We are testing the new 23A feature Manage User-Defined text attributes on supply and demand entities but this is not working as intended. The note shows up in D…
Which table stores dates for tim_lvl_member_idSummary: We have to use dynamic tables for safety stock values in planning and the table (example MSC_DATA_104058_DYD) has field tim_lvl_member_id representing date. Whi…Rahul A 211 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by User_MJNIS Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Requirement for planning to consider multiple pricelistsSummary: Requirement for planning to consider multiple pricelists Content (required): Currently in our implementation, the client is maintaining a customer based priceli…Shagaf Hasnain-Oracle 64 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by NinaLyubenova-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Planning- Set Up a Drop Shipment Validation OrganizationSummary: You must specify a drop shipment validation organization for each source system that supports drop shipments. Specify the drop shipment validation organization …Rocio Barreras-Oracle 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Cherry Bruns-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Can a Custom Measure be added as a Dimension in Supply Planning TablesSummary: Customer wants to see a Custom Measure as a filter in the tables/views of Planning. Is it possible to achieve? Or can we create a custom dimension to achieve th…Vatsala Bharadwaj-Oracle 101 views 13 comments 0 points Most recent by Sebastian Thomas Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Automatically Create Consigned Purchase Order from Work OrderSummary: How can we automatically create a consigned purchase order from a Work order that has been created from a Sales Order? Content (required): How can we automatica…Sakti Swaroop Mishra 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Prateek_16-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Auto Release Planned orders based on CatalogSummary: We have a set of items we want planning orders to release automatically. We defined a catalog for such items and add the items categories to that catalog We add…Nikhil Bhan 51 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Victor Martin Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Query in Demand Plan & Supply Plan GenerationSummary: Query in Demand Plan & Supply Plan Generation Content (required): There is a requirement from Client asking the possibilty of achieving the below Scenarios. Req…AJSS007 132 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashish Khanna Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Forecasting Methods and Engine TuningSummary Whitepapers on Enginer Tuning - DM CloudContent Hi All, We have a total 15 forecast models in DM cloud. While we create the Forecasting Profile, we see a lot of …Vignesh Subramanian 171 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Sumit_99 Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
How to display item cross reference in supplies and demands screenSummary: We maintain a mapping between oracle part# and legacy erp part# in the item relationships screen in PIM .How can we have the legacy part# show in supplies and d…Rahul A 61 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Robert Zazzera Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Export Planning data into Flat/CSV from ExportSummary Export Planning data into Flat/CSV from ExportContent We are Working on solution where Demand Planning Remains in Cloud whereas Supply Planning Sits in On-Premis…User_IZCYX 70 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Goutham.Manthri Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Updating Planning Table (Editable Measure) using REST Api / SOAP UI/ CURLSummary 19A provides End Point access via Rest API to the Planning Data Tables, but what is the way to Selectively update the data (editable Measures only) in that table…DHIRAJ RATHI 84 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Goutham.Manthri Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Is there any REST API for supply chain planning forecast measureSummary Is there any REST API for supply chain planning forecast measureContent Hello, I have a requirement to load demand planning forecast measure data from third part…Hemen Shah-90655 134 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Goutham.Manthri Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
With Demand Planning, can a forecast be loaded via REST API?Summary: With Demand Planning, can a forecast be loaded via REST API? Content (required): We are implementing Supply Planning and finding there is no way to load externa…SCMLEAD_AA 43 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Goutham.Manthri Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
How to export data for Planning exceptionHi All, Do we know if we have any REST API/ any ESS JOB which can be used to export Demand Planning exception data. The requirement is to send this data as email attachm…Vikash Tiwary 111 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Manasa Nayak Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Attribute base planning : Wanted to used a global number attribute in planning measure expression.Summary: I wanted to use a Global number attribute from PIM to planning in Supply planning custom measure expression Content (required): I can see the value of global at…Sovan_-Oracle 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sovan_-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Export and Upload Planned Orders for releaseSummary: Is it possible to export planned orders from supply plan supplies and demand screen>mark the appropriate ones for release in the exported file and upload back t…Rahul A 81 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Alex D-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Client is looking for Production Planning and Scheduling and how to do a resource plan and scheduleSummary: Client looking for Analysis and Adjustment Using the Gantt Chart ( Analysis and Adjustment Using the Dispatch List ( Analysis and Adjustme…Saroj Maharana 47 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by M. Bolsinger-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Setup to prevent Planning from generating planned orders for a specific item/organizationSummary: The ABC organization and the item XYZ are set up with the Planning Method attribute as "MRP Planning" and this item is creating planned orders in the Planning m…Rodolfo H Bassetto 71 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Rodolfo H Bassetto Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Is anyone using Attribute based Planning for Creating Supply based on various sizes for same item?Summary: Attribute based Planning to net Demand and Supply based on Size attributes from Item Order Capture for Supply planning recommendations. Content (required):We ha…Aniket_D 124 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Sovan_-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Difference between Planning Central vs Supply PlanningContent Can someone give a quick, brief, high level comparison of Supply Planning vs Planning Central Cloud? Thanks in Advance
Exception count is not considering all seeded exceptionsSummary: Exception count is not considering all seeded exceptions Content (required): We have defined a table with 2 measure, Exceptions: Quantity and Exceptions: Count.…Asish Govinda 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Prateek_16-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration