Global Order Promising
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How to Set Up a Sub-Inventory Which is Particular to a Sales Order (for Reservation, Shipping)?Summary: There is a requirement from the customer for setting up a separate sub-inventory for each sales order and also that the shipping for the particular sales order …
Enable HVGOP: Supply Order NO not getting generated for Back to Back sales order supply type is buySummary: Enable HVGOP: Supply Order Number not getting generated for Back-to-Back sales order supply type is buy Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…
How to assign custom orchestration process in SOs which are created through transfer Order?We are creating the Sales order from transfer order and configured process assignment rules for sales orders based on ship method condition but system assigning standard…Kishore Kumar Reddy Bhushanam 46 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Gururaman Subramanian-Oracle Order Management
Back to Back Sales Order Supply Order Created but Requisition Not FoundSummary: B2B SO is Created, Supply Order Number Populated, Requisition Number Generated Navigate to Manage Requisition or Process Requisitions and Search for the Generat…
Need to change the ATP Rule in use from Supply Chain Search to Lead Time Based. Is this possible?Summary: The customer now wants to promise the items based on the product lead times. The Supply chain availability mode is in use currently. So, to switch to Lead-time …
Global Order Promising split linesSummary: Hi, We have the following customer scenario: They have a primary warehouse A and secondary warehouse B and they require the following logic from GOP: If order q…
Setup ATP rule to have schedule ship date to be calculated as 'Order create time + lead time'Summary: Dear All, we would like to have schedule ship date to be calculated as 'Order create date + lead time', (Request type is Ship On), Currently we defined lead tim…
Integration For EBS 12.1.3 to Fusion Cloud Planning - Used for GOP Cloud too?Summary: Is there a whitepaper or MOS Note to support a footprint of GOP Cloud on EBS(similar to Oracle Support Document 2339436.1 Integration For EBS 12.1.3 to Fusion C…
Sales Order - Validation Error: Currency attribute is invalid. Value provided: USDSales Order - Validation Error Order Order validation: The value provided for the Currency attribute is invalid. Value provided: USD Line 1 Order validation: An order wa…
Current client who has implemented Demand classes to try to reserve supply for customers/DemandSummary: Hi Current client who has implemented Demand classes to try to reserve supply for customers/Demand is asking for the below: What Verticals or types of companies…Tim Clinton 38 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Tim Clinton Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
GOP and Order Promise Dates: UTC vs local timeHi We are struggling to align our delivery-on-promise reporting for customers in the US. Our system database time is in UTC and we have a distribution site in Boston, MA…
Subject: B2B Sales Order Not Working Due to Errors with Reservation and Supply LineHi Oracle Community, We're encountering an issue with a specific item for which B2B is not functioning correctly. The purchase requisition isn't getting created when try…
Can it be create Allocation Rules based on forecasted quantities ? (Fair Share)Summary: Customer require to do allocations based on forecasted quantities cross customers Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (includ…Francisco de Castro-Oracle 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Thejaswini Kamreddy-Oracle Order Management
How to make Cancellation Reason mandatory when cancelling a sales order - Header and Line LevelSummary: Can someone help with setups or a complete OM extension for how to make the cancellation reason field mandatory when cancelling a sales order? Content (please e…
How can GOP Consider Warehouse Cut off time while deriving WarehouseHi We have following Requirements for one of our client. Item is eligible to source from two Warehouse A and B Cut off time for Warehouse A is till 2.30 PM EST and for w…
GOP schedules sales order on weekendSummary: Dear Experts, Please help.. We have defined calendar with length of 7 days and 5 working days (1 to 5 with Monday as start day). Collections are run with regene…
Review Supply Availability shows incorrect dataSummary: Hi experts, we have a problem with Review Supply Availability report. We have a sourcing rule in assignment set which says that if there is warehouse A on the S…
Customer cut off time for order acceptanceSummary: I read there is cut off time for the warehouse but is there a way to define cut off time for each customer? e.g Customer A has 12 pm ET cut off time. This means…
Sales orders are stuck in Awaiting billing statusSummary: Many sales orders are stuck in Awaiting billing status even though invoices have been generated successfully in receivables. Please advice how to close the orde…Kaleem Khan 1.4K views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
Transfer Order not getting created for B2B orderSummary: Transfer Order not getting created for B2B order Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are trying to enable B2B Transfer flow for th…
Issue in Back to back Sales orderSummary: In a back to back sales order, we had a scenario where for a line the work order was generated but automatically it has unassigned the work order and automatica…
Supply Order Number not getting generated for Back-to Back Transfer FlowSummary: We are testing Back-to-Back Sales Order (Transfer Flow). For the same, we have set up ATP Rules, Global Sourcing rule and local sourcing rule, assigned the Back…
Can we cosider Item lead time in back to back?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have back-to-back process, and the requested ship date is same as requested delivery date in P…
Automatic item substitution not happeningSummary: Item substitution doesnt happen automatically when creating a sales order Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the ve…
How can we achieve a drop ship order for service charges/Service item.Summary: Could anyone please suggest me a way to achieve a drop ship order for service charges/Service item and the orchestration process thats being used is DOO_OrderFu…
Global Order Promising - Stock reservations are not taken into accountHow does Oracle Order Management handle the display of item availability during sales order entry without deducting existing stock reservations? Consider the scenario wh…
How to setup sourcing rule for make,B2B item to check the availability from onhand before gen WOThe business case as below: There is one item: SKU A which is a Make and Back to back item. When there is a SO, the orchestration will go to Back to back flow and genera…
ATP Rule and Sourcing Rule Assignment Mass UploadHello Is there a way to assign items to atp rule assignment and sourcing rule assignment sets using mass upload? Thank you
Can we define sourcing rule based on any custom attribute?Summary: Can we define a sourcing rule based on any custom attribute like EFF value on Sales order line level? Is this possible? We are already using demand class as Nor…
Frequency of Data Collections for efficient GOP ATP checkDear Experts - Need your advice: For sales order conversion, we have 2 sets of lines. a. Set#1 has schedule ship date provided in the FBDI file. Before we load this set,…