Discussion List
Extending Pricing Algorithms to apply Shipping Charge Attribute AdjustmentsSummary: Unable to find the step 'create shipping charges' in the calculate shipping charges algorithm to do algorithm customization to extend Pricing Algorithms to appl…
price sales order line based on requested ship dateWe have defined price list with different date ranges for an item. We need to Price Sales Orders Based on Requested Ship Date so Updated Service mappings with Request da…
Can we update ASSESSABLE_VALUE in AutoInvoice interface line using REST API or any other methodSummary: Can we update ASSESSABLE_VALUE in AutoInvoice interface line using REST API or any other method Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): C…
Bulk upload of Pricing GuidelinesSummary: Hi Experts, Is there any option to upload bulk data of pricing guidelines? Thanks, Shantanu Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Versi…
How to make delete button and delete action on pricing strategy to invisibleSummary: Hi all, I have a business requirement to make the delete action invisible. I've tried using "page composer," but the options seem blocked. Do you have any other…
Pricing Strategy Assignments don't recognize Channel method conditionSummary: Client wants to add channel method as new condition in “Manage Pricing Strategy Assignments”, Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): SET…
Not able to find the step 'Evaluate Pricing Matrices' in Algorithm setupHi team, We are trying to execute a Pricing customization to calculate the discount list based on a EFF from sales order line. We are following the document attached, ho…
Sales Order tax computationSummary: How can I setup Tax calculation for Sales Order? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if a…
Send Request ship date to OIC along with other attributeSummary: Hi Experts, Need a quick help. We are following the Oracle document to get cost from costing module. Oracle document to get cost from costing- https://docs.orac…
How to reprocess Pricing FBDI Batch Name which failed in the first executionSummary: How to reprocess Pricing FBDI Batch Name which failed in the first execution Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are trying to mas…
How to reflect correct price on SO line, when implementing "Override Base List Price" ?Hi @Mekala Hanu Teja-Oracle , @Srilekha-Oracle, @Anuradha - User352 -Oracle , @Shyam_Patel , We have implemented the following solution: Created EFF at Item in PIM to St…
Updating Matrix adjustment using ADFDI while pricing method is cost MarkupSummary: Hi Experts, We are maintaining price list as "Cost + Markup" with Matrix adjustment to add some markup on top of the Net cost (Net cost = Cost + Markup). While …
Derive Pricing strategy based on customer master DFF in pricing assignmentsSummary: We have requirement where we need to use the Customer Master DFF as one of the conditions in pricing strategy assignments. Please suggest how to achieve this fu…
Discount list based on AccountSummary: hi I am trying to Add the Attribute base Discount to Work on Account Level working on Matrix Classes - Pricing Term Adjustment the Compare to Attribute is :Head…
Selling price derivation using ChRM ship and debit programSummary: Hi, Greetings! As per our understanding, if a ship and debit program is applied at the line level, it is not automatically adjusting the selling price based on …
stop updating the sale order line item price for the import ordersSummary: Requirement: Do not update the price on the sales order lines which are imported from Source system, but need to allow to add new lines Setups did : on Order Pa…
Examine next price list if item price is 0 in current price listSummary: Hi Experts, Just wanted to understand if pricing engine can evaluate the next price list if the item price in the current price list is "0". Can this be achieve…
How to Access custom DB table using pricing algorithmI want to get discount percentage/ price override values stored in a custom DB table to fetched when calculating price of an item.Can this be done using pricing algorith…
Why am I unable to add a custom infolet under Order Management Analytics?Summary: I am unable to create a new custom infolet under Order Management Analytics Content (required): In Oracle Fusion home page, in the bottom below Analytics, I cho…
Best discount to calculate net cost for an itemSummary: Hi Our customer derives the selling price by deriving "Actual cost" from costing module or "Market cost" captured in cost list. Some customer uses actual cost a…
System did not generate Retro Price AdjustmentSummary: Scenario PO line is for qty 6 Price 87.94 Invoice is keyed 5/11/2023 @ 11:08AM for qty 6 price 74.75 and goes on hold ‘Billed Quantity Exceed received quantity’…
Pricelist FBDI Success and Error SQLSummary: Pricelist FBDI Success and Error SQL Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are using FBDI for Pricelist Upload. Is there a SQL avail…
How to sum and derive the sales order line price from order line level EFF valuesSummary: We want to sum and derive the sales order line price from order line level EFF values We will enter three different EFF Values at sales order line level 1+1+1 a…
Testing of custom algorithm and sandbox behaviorSummary: Hi, I have added an attribute in the service mapping while the sandbox was not published and tested the algorithm successfully. After publishing the sandbox, th…
Using best rebate (adjustment) to calculate selling priceSummary: Hi, Our customer maintains fixed price for few items, market cost for few items and also pricing based on Actual cost from costing. Once cost is derived, an adj…
What is the best way to Implement Style Item Pricing ?Hi @Shyam_Patel, @Mekala Hanu Teja-Oracle , @Srilekha-Oracle, @Anuradha - User352 -Oracle , Our Client is in Footwear Business, so for them the Item in Oracle PIM have b…
"On Document" Aggregation Method for Tier PricingI am currently using tier pricing to adjust a discount list. The requirement is the ability to calculate the item price based on the TOTAL order quantity (NOT item quant…
Is it possible to setup Discounts based in objectives? (Rappel)Summary: I need to setup discounts based in objectives, for example: 1 - if the customer "X" buys more than 100k units in 2024, he will have a 10% discount onwards. or 2…
How to restrict sales order data to specific users based on order type, customers, items, any fieldSummary: How to restrict sales order data to specific users? It could be based on any sales order field like order type, customers, items, EFF. Is this possible? Content…