BI Publisher Reports
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Cycle countSummary: Unable to find base table for BU association and vendor details for the Inventory Cycle Count Import template. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential …
How to get Miscellaneous Transaction Serial Numbers range if the serial numbers are consequetive?Summary: I have some report requirement to get the transaction serial numbers as: serial_from, serial_to, and range. The only source table I have is the serial number on…
Oracle SCM reportsWe are implementing Oracle Inventory, Cost accounting, receiving and product management. Would like to now existing reports from the application and OTBI. please can you…
Is there any option to run sql for bulk data export (Inventory movement, Sales Order details etc)Hi, Is there any option to run sql for bulk data export (Inventory movement, Sales Order details etc) for one year. We are using reports but it is not working due to tim…
query for inbound quantitySummary: From which table we can fetch inbound and receiving quantity coming up in inventory management->manage item quantities
Can we create 2 User Defined Dependent List of Values for ESS Job Parameter?Summary: Need to create an ESS job for a BIP report and a parameter will get autopopulated based on value we select for other ESS Parameter on which the parameter is dep…User_U3NQ3 171 views 14 comments 1 point Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Inventory Management
Oracle fusion database table for Context based DFF segment API namesSummary: We need to extract API names of context based serial numbers DFF attributes from database table. However, we can't figure the appropriate table which holds thes…
Deep link for lines to be PutAwaySummary: I have one report that allows all the receipt lines to be PutAway. I would like to click on Receipt Number and then the window of the PutAway will be open using…Giuseppe Galluzzo 51 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
STOC REPORTIs there a standard report that shows stock by organization, subinventory, locator and lot and other similar things? The Manage Item Quantities query does not allow expo…
Is shipment Hyperlink is possible in BIP reports.Summary: In the BIP report, Once the user clicks on the shipment number it should take to inventory Manage shipment page in display mode. Please confirm . .Content (plea…KOTTHURI ASHOKBABU 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Umamaheswara Reddy Karri Inventory Management
Which tables have review completed transaction data?Summary Hello , I want to know that which table have review completed transactions data . if any have query and know the table name please guide me. Kindly check the att…
E-Signature Data Model can't be modified to add LotAttributeDFF (Is there an alternative solution?)Summary: Our customer uses E-Signatures for the following in line transaction types: *Inventory Lot Update *Miscellaneous Transaction *Quality Inspection Disposition *Wo…Federico Elicetche 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
Vendor return reportSummary Availability of vendor return reportContent We would like to a printable template (like PO's) for returning items to vendors. We have got the confirmation of Ora…User_2025-01-28-02-43-26-951 50 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by CaioMSMancini Inventory Management
how to add a fiscal document status field in OTBISummary: Hi, we need to add the field fiscal document status from shipping forms to OTBI, there is a away to do this? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential in…Alex Pagliarini - Ninecon 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Vignesh Rajendhiran-Oracle Inventory Management
Print Receipt traveler report is not triggeringSummary: when we are creating expense destination receipts the Print Receipt traveler report is not triggering. For inventory destination receipts was triggering automat…KOTTHURI ASHOKBABU 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
Pick Slip Report ESS Job not sending Attachment for adhoc email address with Bursting enabledSummary: We have enabled bursting for Pick Slip Report ESS job but when trying to pass adhoc email address while submitting the ESS job, only Bursting proces is working …
Movement Request line - Status and status date history information tableSummary: In the Movement Request line, we can find status and status date information in INV_TXN_REQUEST_LINES. If there is a change in status from approved to closed, w…Guthi Mallikarjun 380 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Hari Kurra-Oracle Inventory Management
Query to get the all the items and instrumental serial numbers.Summary: Content (required): need a query to get the all the items and instrumental serial numbers. Is there any thing like product_type='INST'? Version (include the ver…Guthi Mallikarjun 425 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Inventory Management
What is the Subject area can use to get Movement Request CountSummary: We need to get How many movement request are raised against specific inventory organization through the dashboard. We crated OTBI Using Costing- Cost Accounting…Navindu Amarasinghe 192 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
How to Identify dashboard reports / infolets from Oracle Fusion UI ScreenSummary: Identify dashboard reports / infolets from Oracle Fusion UI Screen Content (required): Hi, I have a requirement to identify the dashboard reports / infolets fro…
Any confirmation or fix for translation and default layout for Period Inventory Valuation Report?Summary: Period Inventory Valuation Report - Translation & Template Issues (City Of Montréal) Content (required): Hello We did observe some issues with the Period Invent…
Any confirmation or fix for translation and default layout for Period Layer Inventory Valuation?Summary: Period Layer Inventory Valuation Report - Translation & Template Issues (City Of Montréal) Content (required): Hello We did observe some issues with the Period …
Is there a report or SQL that will show all adjustments of stock counts for items since inceptionSummary: There will be an audit soon in our client organization, is there any seeded report or SQL that will show all adjustment of Stock count done in an Inventory sinc…
In 23C is Report changed from "In-Transit Valuation Report" to "Period In-Transit Valuation Report"?Summary: If the report name has changed from "In-Transit Valuation Report" to "Period In-Transit Valuation Report", I am not able to see "as of date" as a runtime parame…Aditya Wasade 84 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Manikandan S R-Support Oracle-Oracle Costing
About linking transfer order details and shipment detailsSummary: I want to link transfer order details and shipping details. What is the join key for "WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS" and "INV_TRANSFER_ORDER_LINES"? Content (required): …koji takata-Oracle 898 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Adnan Siddiqui-Oracle Inventory Management
Printer Related queries raised by CustomerSummary: This print server will be configured in Oracle SaaS fusion to print the labels and invoices from BI and ESS jobs Content (required): - Does Oracle monitor the e…
Need to relabel product for receiving import productsSummary: Sometimes when importing products they do not have the label information under our country's regulations, in this scenario, we need to relabel the product with …
Inventory Onhand As of DateDo we have standard Report to check as of Balances lets say if customer wants to see onhand balances for 31-Jan-2022 on 11-Feb-2022 how to check through Standard Report
Manage Item Quantities - Page Composer - bindings.Segment1.attributeValue value not being passedSummary: Hi , I have a hyperlink added on 'Manage Item Quantities' screen in Inventory management. This hyperlink launches a BIP report which has Item number and organiz…Sravanthi Kollapudu-Oracle 32 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sravanthi Kollapudu-Oracle Inventory Management
Can I set the parameter to require in Print Movement Request Pick Slip Report ESS job?Same as question. I am going to set From Movement Request and To Movement Request these two parameters to require. Any idea? I can't edit the row :(