Internal Material Transfer
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How stablish destination subinvetory during the realease and pickSummary: How can change the destination sub-inventory when manufacturing creates the Movement Request Pick Slip need to use different source and different destination? F…
Is it possible to create an Internal requisition without on-hand in Source organization?Summary: Is it possible to create an Internal requisition without on-hand in Source organization? Content (required): When we create an Internal requisition, we select t…
Serials Picking and allocation behaviorHello we have a requirement to enable the system to allocate serial number during picking and ship accordingly. we have enabled the option as showing within ( Doc ID 217…Ahmed Saeed-Oracle 61 views 3 comments 4 points Most recent by Ahmed Saeed-Oracle Inventory Management
How can configure picking secuencie to supply my manufacturing plantSummary: In our scenario, we have 5 Inventory Organizations that have their own sub inventory What needs to take into consideration to make the request from MFG ORG from…
Do we have any report or email notification for TO/PO which are yet to be receivedSummary: We need a report or Email notification to be send to receiving(Destination org) org when the transfer order is shipped from Source organization Content (require…Singulure Haritha-Oracle 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Singulure Haritha-Oracle Inventory Management
How can setup Generate Movement Request bettween Inventory ORG to MFG plant ORG automaticIn our scenario, we have 5 Inventory Organizations that have their own sub inventory Our MFG Org create standard work order but the material was in another Inventory org…
From the work order can't create the sourcing materialFrom the work order can't create the sourcing material show this message
transfer order line is showing shipped but not interfacedSummary: The transfer order line has been in shiped status but not interfaced, the item is active and assigned to the source and destination, lot is active and i dont se…
The material sourcing process failed to create picking suggestions for lineSummary: From the work order can't create the sourcing material show this message
What is the definition for Inventory Transaction types?Summary: What is the definition for Inventory Transaction Types -Transfer Order Issue, Transfer Order Pick,Transfer Order Interorganization Receipt,Transfer Order Intero…
Is it possible to make Source Subinventory mandatory in Transfer Order?Summary: Is it possible to make Source Subinventory mandatory in Transfer Order? Content (required): We are interfacing to Transfer Orders to WMS. We would like to make …
Transfer Order from Purchase Requisition for transfer between subinventoriesSummary: Content (required): Is it possible to create Transfer Order from Purchase Requisitions for transferring between subinventories? Version (include the version you…Merlin Rajesh Avery 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Merlin Rajesh Avery Inventory Management
Functionality of Transfer Order Description fieldSummary: For Transfer Order, there is a description field which is seen under Manage Transfer Orders. But this field is not updateable irrespective of whether you are lo…
How can i enable an attachment at transfer orderSummary: How can i enable an attachment at transfer order Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snip…User_2025-03-08-03-49-56-344 83 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Navindu Amarasinghe Inventory Management
List of available KFF in InventorySummary List of available KFF in InventoryContent Hi all, List of available KFF in Inventory. Thanks, Dev Thota. Version 19B
How to modify Ranking order of the supply source for Ad-Hoc transfer orderSummary: How to modify Ranking order of the supply source for Ad-Hoc transfer order Content (required): Can we modify the ranking order by sorting on the basis of quanti…
Generate or give different lot no other than shipped lot no while receiving in Inter-Org TransferSummary: How to generate or give different lot number other than shipped lot number while receiving in Inter-Org transfer? Is it possible? If yes, which setup needs to b…Sush2312 33 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Peddiraju Peddineni-Oracle Inventory Management
Print pick slip reportContent When running the pick slip report, it is displaying blank for shipment priority and carrier field. Carrier and shipment priority is present on transfer order for…
Unable to transfer project stock from one project to another Project using IMTSummary: Unable to transfer project stock from one project to another Project using IMT Content (required):The customer is using PDSC. We are trying to do an inter org t…Ashok Rout-Oracle Consulting-Oracle 33 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Thierry Lamote Inventory Management
Why are Packing and Shipping Instructions,even when entered not printing in the Packing Slip Report?Summary: Content (required): During the ship confirm step while fulfilling an order, there is an option to add Packing and Shipping instructions as Notes. When we print …Tannisha Das-Oracle 367 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sandip Roy-Oracle Inventory Management
Able to perform subinventory transfer of an item Which is reserved against a sales orderSummary: Able to perform subinventory transfer of an item Which is reserved against a sales order. This reservation is at org-level. Is this a standard functionality sim…
Customer wants to keep item on hand in a SubInventory after doing a ship confirmSummary: Customer wants to keep item on hand in a SubInventory after doing a ship confirm Content (required): We have a requirement where customer wants to keep item on …Anirban_Banik-Oracle 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Inventory Management
which request we run to print transfer order issue confirmationSummary: after items issued on transfer order from store we need to print a document for this issue confirmation , and is it applicable for user to run it directly from …Mohamed AttiaAllah-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
We have business process needs to capture loaded and return quantity dailySummary: we use sub inventory transfer to capture the loaded but the process takes time to record the lots, there is a 45 process and needs 15 min for each , if there an…
Send Notification to Quality Team before moving items between SubinventoriesSummary: Content (required): In my company, we have FGTHOLD, FGTACCEPT, FGTREJECT subinventories, where after manufacturing or receiving a product, it goes to the hold a…Abdullah ElHalabi 71 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
What is the best approach to return expense transfer orders shipmentsSummary: Hi All, I understand from various posts in the customer connect and oracle metalink that there is no possibility or straight fit for the use case where expense …Pavan K Kosaraju 42 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Inventory Management
How to create transfer order for an model item manually?Summary: How to create transfer order for an model item manually Content (required): 1. Define CTO item with Item Structure type as Model and Assemble to Order as 'Yes' …
requester of internal requisition need to be notified if transfer order line status change backorderSummary: If there are any backorder lines in an transfer order the requester of the items should be notified of these backorder lines. so how we can achieve that ? Conte…Mohamed AttiaAllah-Oracle 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Mohamed AttiaAllah-Oracle Inventory Management
The picked quantity is invalid because the picked quantity must be less than or equal to the requestSummary: The picked quantity is invalid because the picked quantity must be less than or equal to the requested quantity. did all the setup The below oracle note also fo…
Need to understand the ASN FunctionalityHello Everyone, When Po is sent to the supplier Supplier will acknowledge and create an ASN for the PO. Once he submits ASN how will Buyer and Warehouse team aware when …