Cost Management
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Default Cost Profile is not getting applied to new items definedSummary Items have to be manually associated with the cost profile even though the default cost profile has new item cost creation set to 'Auto'Content I just defined a …
Track correctly Transfer Price VariancesContent Gurus, we have the following scenario and don't see a way to track accurately the Transfer Price Variances. Can you give a solution to the following scenario: Op…
Need to understand correct accounting for internal requisitions of inventory expense itemsSummary Need to understand the correct accounting for internal requisitions of inventory expense itemsContent I’m wondering if you can help give me some guidance for my …
Unable to close the costing periodSummary Costing period close errorContent Hello Team, Getting an error while clsing the period, view exceptions shows 'Pending preprocessing' error against the few items…
Create Default cost profile is not picking the default Asset cost profile or default Expense cost prSummary when i am creating default cost profile, not able to fetch the default asset cost profile of default expense cost profile.Content when i am creating default cost…
19C Standard Costs Import FBDI Template generates csv file with tabs instead of commasSummary The Standard Costs Import FBDI Template for 19C generates csv files with tabs between the fields instead of commas. This then errors when you try to load the fil…
Cost Roll for Finished Goods Item at Cost Org level in Oracle CloudSummary Cost Roll for Finished Goods Item at Cost Org level in Oracle CloudContent Hello, Can you please help to understand how Costs are rolled up in the scenario where…
How to generate billing for Transfer order - org's with in single BUSummary How to generate billing for Transfer order - org's with in single BUContent I could able to generate distributions for destination org and receiving org but I do…
open/close periods for multiple cost organizationsSummary Solution/Workaround to open, close periods for multiple cost organizationsContent We have a requirement to open, close periods for multiple cost organizations an…
Unable to generate Trade Sale Issue transactionsContent I have created a transaction to transfer material from Org1 -> Org 2 Both the orgs are diff PCBUs and diff cost orgs. After the transactions-- When I generate th…
Facing error: The work order close transaction could not be processed because there are unprocessedSummary In Review cost accounting processing, I am facing the error "The work order close transaction could not be processed because there are unprocessed transactions o…
receipt distribution exceptions is showing exceptions from other BUsSummary receipt distribution exceptions is showing exceptions from other BUsContent Hello, I run receipt distribution for BU-A with process ID 111 however the exceptions…
What does accounting status MULTIPLE meansSummary What does accounting status MULTIPLE meansContent Hi, For one of the transactions ' Acquisition Cost Adjustment', i am seeing accounting status as multiple in co…
How to get lot cost of an itemSummary I have created lot controlled item and received item with lot level cost but after submitting the requisite process like transfer transaction to costing and crea…
How to create a SET ID in costing and details about itSummary Hi, Could some one help with creation of SET ID and details about it
Manage Charge Invoice Associations Does not show Open Trade Operations to AssociateContent When I try to associate the transferred invoices to Trade Operations, the search does not retrieve any trade operation. The invoice status remains in "no match" …
Identify the list of items in org for which standard cost is missingSummary Identify the list of items in org for which standard cost is missing
Accounting for Inventory Item without CostSummary Accounting Distribution for Receipt of Inventory Item with Cost DisabledContent When I do the all process of receiving of an item with the following attributes (…
Unable to calculate overhead rule cost in cost managementSummary Unable to calculate overhead rule cost in cost managementContent Our business needs to add a freight to a PO in OSP manufacturing, as there is no direct way we h…
Implement Cost Management & Enable Costing Flag to Yes after 6 months of Going live with Finance andSummary Best approach to Implement Cost Management after Few months of Going live withContent Business Case/Background: * Client is a New start up and using Jan-Dec as G…
New Costing Master KMsSummary New Costing Master KMsContent Costing Support team has created the following Master KMs, which explain the various setups/ features. Please review the content an…Sridhar Konakanchi-Oracle 43 views 0 comments 1 point Most recent by Sridhar Konakanchi-Oracle Costing
Import Default Cost Profile through CSV ImportSummary Can you import Default Cost Profiles through CSV Import?Content Using the Functional Setup Manager, I exported the Cost Management functional area to CSV. I down…
Costing Valuation Unit FunctionalityContent Hi, I have a question I would like to confirm. I will put examples to make it clear. First Scenario Valuation structure is two-level (Cost org - Inv Org) to main…
Possibility of Analyzing Transportation / Handling / Commission VariancesContent Is it possible to analyze Transportation / Handling / Commission Cost Variances without using LCM? Thanks Version 19B
Landed cost management: How to import line allocation rate for a Trade OperationSummary Landed cost management: How to import line allocation rate for a Trade OperationContent I created a Trade Operation and using allocation basic is Manual allocati…
Can we cost Transportation Charges without using Landed Cost Management?Content Hi, Is there any way to cost transportation charges without LCM? Thanks and regards, Version 19B
Roll Up Standard Cost when Item already has manually entered Standard CostSummary Roll Up Standard Cost when Item already has manually entered Standard CostContent Item A is manufactured item with a work definition. I created Cost Scenario 1 a…