Cost Management
Discussion List
Accounting for recoverable taxes from invoices that do not generate APSummary: How does the accounting for recoverable taxes work when we enter an invoice in the FDC whose tax flow was accounting records or imported material, since both fl…
Does Fusion Costing consider Issue Transactions for Item Cost?Hi Team, We have requirement to have pay to suppliers an additional amount for expediate delivery service. However, this additional amount should get accommodated in Ite…
How to add landed cost in drop ship PO?Summary: We have requirement to add freight and other charges to the item cost for Drop Ship PO. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have r…
Created Extra $0 Amount Transaction Taxes Lines for Receipt into Inspection under Receipt AccountingWe are getting extra $0 amount transaction tax lines for 'Receipt into Receiving Inspection' transaction type under Receipt Accounting for purchase orders. Please let us…
WIP Inventory Valuation Report-functionality clarification neededHello, Could you please help us understand why WIP Inventory Valuation Report has to pick the closed/cancelled work orders? We really have to see the valuation from open…
Tax being entered in the FDC as recoverable, but it is generated in the cost as non-recoverableSummary: We are launching the FDC of imported material for stock and with this we are recovering the ICMS. We configured the system so that this tax is recovered. In the…
Multiple Cost Accounting Periods OpenSummary: In Oracle Fusion Cost Accounting in the Ledger attached to a Cost Book (Primary) 'Maximum Open Periods' can be set. While it is a good practice from better inte…Ananthakrishnan Swamikulathu-280587 152 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Chandra Potnuru123 Costing
Custom role to access "Goods Received Not Invoiced" standard fusion reportSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, We are trying to provide access to user to "Goods Received Not Invoiced" standard report…
User-defined formula is not getting applied. Can anyone provide a resolution?The detailed screenshots is attached. Can anyone identify the issue in the setup?
Map Shipping Cost on Transfer Order Shipment Line to a Cost ElementSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Experts Is there a way to map the shipping cost recorded on a transfer order shipping line …
Can Cost Accounting use the Accounting Rules created in Receipt AccountingCan Cost Accounting use the Accounting Rules created in Receipt Accounting, will there be any impact? Logically since these are separate applications, system should now …
Resource rate in redwood pages, how to change currencyIf we chnge the profile ORA_CST_RESOURCE_RATES_REDWOOD_ENABLED to Yes the Redwood page presents the cost in USD this where in EUR in the standard screen. How can we chan…Joao Margalho 21 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Venkat Jagan Pakala-Support-Oracle Costing
"cost component identifier" to generate acctng using mapping set for Component Substitution VarianceCan we use "cost component identifier" to generate accounting using mapping set for "Component Substitution Variance" under "Work Order Close" event class. Job Close var…
Error while exporting Journal Entry Lines in Cost ManagementSummary: In Cost Management, user is trying to export the data from 'Review Journal Entries - Journal entry Lines' But while exporting the data we are getting the below …
How to Change Unit cost for an inventory item using Manage Cost AdjustmentSummary: I am trying to change the unit cost of an inventory item via Manage Cost Adjustment functionality. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information)…Sheldon Toussaint - TSTT Consultant 7 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Manikandan S R-Support Oracle-Oracle Costing
If standard cost project enbld valuation unit & TO to receive @Actual cost Val unit, project needed?Summary: Standard cost enabled Valuation unit has valuation structure as inventory org+ Projects If we transfer Items from above mentioned valuation unit through Transfe…
Compare Standard Costs User Interface / OTBI ReportSummary: While using the Compare Standard Costs User Interface we have noticed that only partial data is shown and exported (limited to 34 rows). We have seen Oracle Not…Ananthakrishnan Swamikulathu-280587 43 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Sritama Sarkar-Oracle Costing
SLA based on Transfer Order DFF or Destination type or Destination location.Summary: Hi Team – We are using SCFO for transfer order shipment to generate interco AP/AR invoices. When we do shipment from source org, below entries get generated: In…
Changing cost off option from user defined to Auto on PRODSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, There are a lot of transactions pending to post in system from Jan period, currently Jan peri…Priyanka Patil-Oracle 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Manikandan S R-Support Oracle-Oracle Costing
how to derive Inventory valuation account from PO charge account for PO deliverySummary: Hi, I'm testing the process of standard PO receipt and I was hoping that Receipt accounting and cost accounting could derive the Accrual and Inventory Valuation…
Job ending with error: No cost scenario exists for the scenario ID when triggered using SOAPSummary: we are trying to publish cost scenario using update standard cost ESS job . From the back end we are using SOAP API to run the job, job is getting triggered but…Anmisha Sakala 14 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Manikandan S R-Support Oracle-Oracle Costing
Invoices are not getting auto associated with trade operations - Stuck with Need to ReviewSummary: I have several invoices, all of which are updated with the Trade Operation Reference Number in the Landed Cost Reference tab on the Invoice screen. The referenc…
Cost Element of "Adjustment" type for Item CostSummary: Cost Element of "Adjustment" type for Item Cost Content (required): Hello Team, Below is the business case. Item is manufactured in US Org (LE1), and is transfe…
for new implementn, how to get inventory valuation for uploaded qty in perpetual and actual method?Summary: for new implementation, how to get inventory valuation for uploaded qty in perpetual and actual costing method? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential…
While creating standard item cost, material overhead type cost element doesnt come in lookupSummary: While creating standard item cost, material overhead type cost element doesn't come in lookup for entering cost for it what could be the reason? kindly revert C…
Cost period closed with pending interface "Receivables" recordsSummary: We've closed the period with having pending interface "Receivables" records 1500+. We've the Import Revenue lines job scheduled for every 6 hours, create Cost A…
Can we do actual costing till lot level for organization and subinventory ?Summary: Our client wants to do actual costing at the level of cost org- Org- Subinventory-Lot. I see that we have valuation structure till that granularity but can we d…Manali_DattaRoy 10 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Manikandan S R-Support Oracle-Oracle Costing
How to create trade operation, charge lines, charge references using visual builder?Summary: How to create trade operation, charge lines, charge references and associate PO using visual builder? Content (required): How to create trade operation, charge …
Average Costing of item at subinventory as well as lot level in Oracle FusionSummary: Problem Summary --------------------------------------------------- Average costing at different levels for same item Problem Description ----------------------…
Cost Accounting the user can view all the Inventory organisation for which user is not having accessSummary: Hello Experts, I am facing an issue where the user is able to view all the cost organizations in the review cost accounting distribution for which the user is n…