Product Lifecycle Mgt Analytics
Discussion List
what are the setup required substitute itemHow do we create substitute items and the necessary setups, such as profile options and item relationships? Additionally, how will the system suggest these substitutes t…
Is there any option of mass uploading Approved Manufacturers ListSummary Need a feature to mass upload Approved Manufacturers ListContent Client needs to upload the manufacturers and Manufacturer Parts in Product Development "Approved…
Item Number generation based on Main Category and Sub CategorySummary: Hi Team, Item Number need to be generated automatically after selecting the Main Category and Sub Category. User wants to select the Main category and Sub categ…
Item EFF PVO's are not giving dataHi Team, We have below VO for item EFF extract , we have created custom offering ,added the data store and created the job. After completion of JOB run , when we check t…
Showing Item Image in Sales Order and Manage Item QuantitiesSummary: Is there anyway to show Item Image in Sales order when enter item and in Manage item quantities task when search it? Regards, Content (please ensure you mask an…Mohammad Hussein 25 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by MANALI BISWAS-Oracle Product Development
Need to send notifications to users not involved in NIR approval process once its approved!Summary: We have a scenario wherein we need to send notifications to users that are not part of New Item Request(NIR) approval process. Content (please ensure you mask a…
Auto generation of Item structureSummary: We have a requirement that based on Item property , Item sturcture will be automatic created. For exmaple- In flexiable packaging manufacturing division ,based …
How can hide the Structure tab from one of subclassHi, As per business need, They want to hide the "Structure" tab from one of the configured subclass. Could any one please suggest. Note:- We are avoiding to go via "Page…
How to GET GTINS FROM EXISTING GTIN RELATIONSHIPS USING ITEM RULESSummary: Need to understand the 23C feature and how we can set up the rule. Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet …
I need help finding in which table we can get this column in the screenshot?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
How Do I update Mass product Images in Product Data Hub (PDH)?Summary: We have a requirement where there are several items for which we need to update the item images in PDH. Its about 1000 approx. we are looking for a functionalit…
Need Effectivity date from ACA_STR_REPORT_OUTPUT tableSummary: Need a XMLfield from XMLREPORT column from ACA_STR_REPORT_OUTPUT table. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Business need is to make …
Cannot see accept reject button for concept/proposal approvalSummary: We have created Concepts and Proposals and submitted it for approval. Later we added the approver in the list and sent the proposal for approval. However, appro…
To automate Item Creation process through Sourcing.Summary: Hi Experts, We have a business requirements where Engineering team creates and idea and it is send to sourcing team to create an RFQ and get the supplier respon…
BOM item explosion Oracle FusionHi, We Need Entire BOM item explosion query(without passing Item Parameter values), along with organization, structures and its component items, quantity and level of ea…
Deep Link to navigate to CHANGE REQUEST,PROPOSAL or CONCEPT using OTBIHI All, We could see the deep link doesn't work for CHANGE REQUEST, PROPOSAL ,CONCEPT and REQUIREMENTS. If I try to use OTBI dashboard a blank page opens up. However, wh…
How to create FYI for Item Status Change Order when item status is changed to deactiveSummary: We would like to test FYI change orders for Item Status changes to items. The FYI notification would go to the TC Value Analysis group when item status CO is se…
How to delegate authority for existing notifications?There is a process to delegate notifications by using pre-defined vacation rules. Is there any process, to delegate authority for existing notifications in Oracle?Abhishek Bhatele 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by MANALI BISWAS-Oracle Product Master Data Management
Item Descriptive Flexfields default based on selecting User Item TypeSummary: We have created a Few Context Descriptive Flexfields (DFFs) at the Item Level as per the client's requirements. The DFFs should default based on the user Item t…Nagarjuna Markapudi-Oracle 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by MANALI BISWAS-Oracle Product Development
Unable add and delete Attachments for item manually on PD/PIM in UISummary: Business user is trying to add or deleting the attachments manually for an item in PD/PIM but there is no + symbol and remove symbol. Please let us know, does i…Veeranarayana Swamy-Oracle 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Veeranarayana Swamy-Oracle Product Development
How to remove the concept design, ideas, innovation management applications from product managementSummary: We need to remove concept design, ideas, and innovation management applications from the product management spring board by using roles, privileges, or offering…
How to create variable EFFs in Item creation screen?Summary: I am working on rule-based Item description generation while creating the items. The item description should be based on the EFFs. EFF 1 is independent. EFF 2 i…Mathaiyah Mathiyalagan 32 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Manoj Bagul-Oracle Product Development
What are the pros and cons of using style and style variant for item creation in OracleSummary: Content (required): Anyone please help us in understanding the advantage and disadvantage of using style and style variant for item creation in Oracle. is there…
Phase in phase out featureSummary: I am a planning Practicing consultant Our client wants a Product Life cycle management (PLM) feature. Business Looking for Phase-in and Phase-out functionality.…
Change request number link not opening from supplier portalSummary: We are using change requests in product development and given the requestor as supplier contact(' Now through the Boomi process, we are …vijayakrishna 41 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Kathy Kikoshima-Oracle Product Development
Why PH Dashboard role and PLM Dashboard work area do not exist on specific environment?Summary: PH Dashboard does not exists on Security Console. Also PLM Dashboard work area does not exists on Structure under Product Management Suite. Product Management o…Wilromar_Benevides 63 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Srivalli Maharaju-Oracle Product Development
Unable to view My Dashboards icon on the springboard.Summary: Users are unable to view My Dashboards icon on the springboard even though they have the ability to navigate to dashboard from reports and analytics section. Pl…
In what table are the item/categories association in the audit trail stored?Summary: The item audit trail report does not give enough information for the auditor to analyze all the information correctly. For example, the item description is not …
Looking for innovation2commercial GSE demoscriptsContent Hi Experts, As internal DEMOSTORE update, I cannot find PLM demoscript files. Would you like to share the GSE PLM demoscripts of ideas_to_commercial upon 20A ver…
Application Composer: Add custom button/Actions drop down entry on Change Order screenSummary: Add custom button/Actions drop down entry on Change Order screen Content (required): Hi, We have a requirement to call custom logic from change order screen. Tr…