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Send Multiple Change Orders while updating item attributesSummary: We need to update Planning attributes and Purchasing Attributes in an Item and based on the 'Item Master Rule Set' it should go to two separate approvers in a s…
query to find out all the change orders in PIM approved by a particular userHi, I need a query to find out all the change orders in PIM approved by a particular user. If any one is already having a query please share. Thanks a lot. Nagari
Users not in approval group receiving a change order notificationUsers who are not in approval group are receiving a change order notification to approve or reject a change order. What might be the reason to do so? Is there a way to d…PraveenPDHCloud 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by PraveenPDHCloud Product Master Data Management
How do I configure auto approval on NIR from Items imported from a specific Spoke System?How do I configure auto approval on NIR from Items imported from a specific Spoke System? While these items are approved automatically, the rest of the items should go t…
New Item Request: Email notification not received for Request for Information from ApproverSummary: New Item Request: Email notification not received for Request for Information from Approver Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): As pe…PraveenPDHCloud 29 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by UserKV-Oracle Product Master Data Management
Change the sender of emails from production environment.Summary: Hello, First of all, I may have selected the wrong module, if it is wrong, can you direct SR to the correct team? In emails sent to users for information or con…
New Item Request Workflow showing Applications Development Framework Application Identity for SCMSummary: New Item Request Workflow showing Applications Development Framework Application Identity for SCM in history. Please let us know why this is showing? Content (p…PraveenPDHCloud 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by UserKV-Oracle Product Master Data Management
number of rules we can include in ChangeOrderApproval task in BPM and How does it ImpactHi Team, What is the maximum number of rules we can include in ChangeOrderApproval task in BPM and How does it Impact if we are writing 100 plus rules?Currently there is…
How to run the approval process when creating an order?Summary: How to run the approval process when creating an order? Currently, create order does not have an approval process. Version (include the version you are using, i…achia.tseng 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Cornel Melinte-Support-Oracle Product Master Data Management
With SSO enabled, can you use the Oracle password for PLM changeorders and still reset password?Summary: We have turned on SSO in Oracle Cloud. However, for change orders in PLM we have the approval of changeorders that requires the Oracle password (not the SSO pas…
Feasibility to customize Proposal and concept approval email notification in Innovation managementHi Experts, Business requirement is to have a customized email notification for the proposal and concepts. For this we need to customize the existing approval email noti…AnkitSingh0107 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Hari Kurra-Oracle Product Master Data Management
Having exceptions in the item request approval workflowDear all, I have the following scenario: the business has a unique item class called "X", and for the security related it has many inventory orgs with multiple users. Th…Victor Chrabieh 1 view 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Victor Chrabieh Product Master Data Management
Unable to create item with revision other than Starting revision in the Organization ParametersSummary: We are integrating Oracle PIM with a legacy PLM system, and we're creating items in different phases: Proto Pilot, Advanced Release, and Production. We've set '…venkatesh ravi 42 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Manoj Bagul-Oracle Product Master Data Management
How to setup item change order approval for item structureSummary: Hi, I need to trigger change order approval process if any change occurs in the item structure. Please share step by step guide of how to setup the change order…
how to define an approval workflow for item modificationHello, I have already created an approval workflow for the item request (item creation). But now, the required is an approval workflow for the modification of the item a…Victor Chrabieh 11 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by MANALI BISWAS-Oracle Product Master Data Management
How to define an approval workflow for item creationHello, please share in detail the steps to be done with the navigation. ThanksVictor Chrabieh 21 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Victor Chrabieh Product Master Data Management
in Item request approval, the page is blankNo details appears. Please advise. ThanksVictor Chrabieh 21 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Victor Chrabieh Product Master Data Management
item request submitHello, I am creating a new item with user A, in order to have approval from User B. I have define the approval worfklow. when I create the item, the status of the item i…Victor Chrabieh 21 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Cornel Melinte-Support-Oracle Product Master Data Management
ITEM REQUEST PROCEDUREHello, in item request type, how can we skip from Open status to Approval directly, and from approval to confirmed?Victor Chrabieh 11 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by MANALI BISWAS-Oracle Product Master Data Management
Bulk Cancel/Delete New Item request in PIMSummary: We have uploaded 10000 item in Oracle and since new item request was enabled system created one NIR per item, we are looking for an option to cancel all the NIR…venkatesh ravi 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by MANALI BISWAS-Oracle Product Master Data Management
Is there any workaround to have Serial/Sequential approval in Product Management Change Order?Hi Experts, We have a business requirement to implement serial approval (preferably BPM rule based) in PIM Change Order. However, as per oracle documents, it is not curr…AnkitSingh0107 13 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Hari Kurra-Oracle Product Master Data Management
Auto Approve New Item Request based on specific conditions in Product HubWe would like to auto approve items based on specific conditions. Items that comes from a specific user and has a value in "spoke system Item" under relationships-tab. .…
Update CCO creation formSummary: Hi All . Is there any way to update change order creation form, We want to make Reason code in case of priority on creation form and make it make mandatory, Con…
Can CCO be restricted only to few inventory OrgsSummary: We have requirement to restrict CCO only for few Inventory org items , Client has many stores, of the many stores only few stores should be change controlled, .…
Rule Based approved based on change order affected object EFF attributeSummary: Rule based approver in the Approval status of the Change Order and creating Rule in BRM Worklist: Criteria is one of the EFF attribute value on an affected Obje…SanjayaKarigar 12 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by SanjayaKarigar Product Master Data Management
Is there a process to bulk approve / reject item change orders ?Our client gets multiple item change orders approval requests in a month. Instead of manually approving / rejecting item change order lines from UI notification worklist…Toyesh Patra 26 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by MANALI BISWAS-Oracle Product Master Data Management
need to add EFF field to configure Approval rule for CCO Workflow.Summary: need to add EFF field to configure Approval rule for CCO Workflow. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have requirement where we a…
how to set up approval rule based on organization for commercialization orderSummary: There is requirement to set up Approval rule based on organization for CCO. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): There is requirement …
Approval for item change order is not working properly.Hi, After editing the Item, The system allows the user to save or to save to change order. Is there a way to force the approval for all users after the edit?
Import Items with "approved" status PIMHello, We have many items to import using FBDI, but an approval workflow is configured for any item creation. Is there a way to import these items with an "approved stat…Hamza.L 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by MANALI BISWAS-Oracle Product Master Data Management