Human Resources
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2月5日開催:ConnectX Webinar『新クラウドサポートポータル(My Oracle Cloud Support) のご案内』平素より大変お世話になっております。 この度、弊社ではOracle SaaSCloudをご利用中のお客様を対象として、コネクト X・ウェビナー 『新クラウドサポートポータル(My Oracle Cloud …
When employee tried to apply vacation leave, approval is failingHi Team, when employee tried to apply the vacation leave, Approval is failing.with the below mentioned error. As in the failed transaction diagnostic report the employee…
HCM work schedule assignment calendar schedule (1st and 3rd Friday of month off)We have a few employees whose work schedules are aligned to the calendar days rather than a weekly pattern. An example of this is non-working days fall on the 1st and 3r…KerryanneLee 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Data is Getting Purged from the Table hrc_txn_headerAs the data is getting purged from the transaction table " hrc_txn_header " ,we would like to know if there is any other table which also captures this data or is there …Karthik Gangadhar-Oracle 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Vikash K-Oracle Human Capital Management
About the time zone of the parameter date of the Synchronize Person RecordsRegarding the time zone of the date parameter, should the date be specified in "UTC" or in the time zone of each region (for example, "JST" for Japan)?Keisuke Yoshida-Oracle 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Nagarjuna Nudurupati Human Capital Management
The flexfields (DFF) in Approval rule configurationWe have a requirement for ORC to use DFF in approval configuration, as follows. Please help me with possible solutions. As part of the approval process, we wish to creat…Madhu GH 149 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Janine H-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Claim functionality using Benefits - Medical, Meal and Taxi.How to claim functionality using Benefits - Medical, Meal and Taxi and if these can be reimbursed how can employee get notified? Environment: Oracle Fusion Cloud Module:…
Run Convert Pending Workers Automatically ProcessBelow is the requirement: Day light saving happened for Netherlands conversion process. Our current schedule time is 6pm UTC. Now we require this to change 6pm UTC to 7p…Rajesh Ediga 64 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Monica Boita-Oracle Human Capital Management
Warning popup message not populating while Line manager submitting the resignation in responsive UI.Hi all, I'm logging in as a line manager, and trying to submit the resignation by navigating to Me --> Personal Information --> Employment info --> Actions --> Resignati…
Manager is not getting end dated in the backend for rehireWhen a person is rehired previous manager details are not getting end dated in backend. It shows two managers for the rehired person in the backend but in the frond end …
Need Approval rule for adding National ID in Personal Details pageWe have written a condition where if a HRIS manager Adds a National ID (like SSN) for an employee for the first time in Personal Details page OR Changes an existing Nati…Anshuman Chatterjee 61 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sanjay Badiger -Oracle Human Capital Management
How do I set up delegationsI need to delegate my approval tasks to my admin assistant. Is enabling the VACATION RULE a prerequisite to setting up a RULE for approving transactions types such as Pu…
2022.11.29開催:Connect X Webinar 『ディープ・リンク機能について』本ウェビナーの資料及びBIAレポート用のレポートサンプルを共有します。 録画リンク 資料をダウンロードするには、本サイトにログインする必要がございます。 ---------------------…
2022.07.28 Oracle CS ConnectX ウェビナー『 Oracle Cloud HCM 22B新機能のご紹介』本ウェビナーの資料をアップロードいたしました。 録画のリンク 資料をダウンロードするには、本サイトにログインする必要がございます。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 -------…
HCM Cloud 22B新機能資料HCM Cloud 22B新機能の日本語版資料を公開します。 必要に応じてご活用ください。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。
2022.05.19 CS ConnectX ウェビナー『Oracle HCM Cloud 22A新機能のご紹介 』本ウェビナーの資料をアップロードいたしました。 動画のリンク先 資料をダウンロードするには、本サイトにログインする必要がございます。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 -----…
カスタマーコネクト X・ウェビナー『Oracle HCM Cloud 21D新機能のご紹介 』お客様各位、 いつもお世話になっております。 このたび弊社では、Oracle HCM Cloudをご利用中のお客様を対象として、カスタマーコネクト X・ウェビナ『Oracle HCM Cloud 21D新機能…
無料ライブHRセミナー 「人事DX検討の前に!事例から学ぶHRテクノロジー導入の秘訣」無料ライブHRセミナー 「人事DX検討の前に!事例から学ぶHRテクノロジー導入の秘訣」Minako.Marushima-Oracle 11 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Minako.Marushima-Oracle 日本語Cloud HCMフォーラム