Global HR
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24A Changes - Unable to edit HCM Extract attribute nameSummary: After 24A , Whenever we create a new attribute to extract record the name of attribute is defaulted to database item name. We are unable to edit attribute name …
Why does partial or full rebuild of an extract fix missing data problemsSummary: We sometimes find that our extracts are missing records that should included. Running the UE and filter sql shows the data should be present. The data is not pr…
How to configure the Global Header to search for employee #Summary: Can someone provide steps on how to set up the global header to search by person number? Content (required): The following article says this is possible https:/…
Generate HCM Data Loader Files for Failed Lines > Not Able to Pass Parameter for ‘File Encryption’Summary: Generate HCM Data Loader Files for Failed Lines > Not Able to Pass Parameter for ‘File Encryption’ Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information)…Bernard T 24 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM Data Loader (HDL)
Oracle HCM Extract: Deprecated User EntitiesHi, Can anyone please let me know how the Product Team announces about deprecated User Entities? Thanks Chaitra
Context sensitive DFF in LookupSummary: Actually i have done all the setup and Before i'm able to see the DFF value in lookup. My system got cloned from Prod. After performing all the steps as before …
Assignment Details in WP TableHi, Looking into the HTS_WORK_PATTERNS_B I am not able to find the person id/assignment id of the records for whom the work pattern is created. How can this be looked in…
DELETE Work Pattern using HDLHi, Can someone share sample HDL file for deleting existing work pattern, shifts and breaks. Thanks
Locations Child Data Group returning records at unexpected eventsWe've a changes only extract to retrieve person, assignment data. In assignment DFF, we've utilized 1 for Site-location(Attribute1) which LOV is retrieved as internal_lo…
How to search for future approvers in an approval process in Oracle HCM Cloud by query?Good morning! How are you? I have a question, exists any VIEW objects or table (Im creating a bi publisher) that I can use to get the information of all the approvers of…
Does anyone have sample Intergration Strategy document of HCM.Hi All. Does anyone have sample Integration Strategy document of HCM. Please share. Thanks, Sowmya
Ethnicity and Race for WorkerSummary: Unable to upload Ethnicity & Race values for worker. Requesting any working template with sample data Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informati…Sowdha Murugan 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader (HSDL)
Extract Error The payroll relationship action ID isn't valid.Summary: A system error ORA-20001: The payroll relationship action ID isn't valid. Contact your help desk. ORA-06512: at "FUSION.PAY_REPORT_BALANCE_GROUP", line 2462 ORA…
Suspended user accounts are not staying suspended.Summary: I have tried to create an HDL load to suspend numerous user accounts and every time the load successfully completes, and we run the Send Pending LDAP Request jo…
How we can devlope our API(s) to use in integration with other systems instead of SFTP folderHow we can devlope our API(s) to use in integration with other systems instead of SFTP folderMohammad Abdelmalik 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andrada-Oracle Fusion Applications Administration
Can we have Mail Triggers, once Extract has run successfully,Full Profile, Extract has been created to do HDL Upload Query : Mail trigger to happen once Extract has run to know how many cases have been failed.
How to get Job offer details using HCM ExtractSummary: I have requirement to extract Job Offer Details like Offer Name, Designation, Person Name, Recruiter etc. using HCM Extract. Would like to Know How can we get H…
SSL Certificate Renewal related steps and validationsSummary: SSL Certificate Renewal related steps and validations Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, Greetings! When the Fusion SaaS (C…
HSDL for Employment on Person ManagementSummary: We need to create an HSDL template to manage the Employment section from Person Management Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, we…Giuseppe Casalino 21 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by MandeepGupta HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader (HSDL)
What is the DBI for getting the latest payroll frequency start dateSummary: What is the DBI for getting the latest payroll frequency start date Content (required): Hi Team, Greetings! What is the DBI for getting the latest payroll frequ…
Request to provide the PVO and VO attribute name corresponding to the Fusion Table and ColumnHi Team, I need the column "Newly Separated Veteran Discharge Date" from to OTBI to FAW. I am trying to achieve it by Data Augmentation route by extending dimension. The…
The action reason is invalid - HDL CORRECTING DATAHello!! I'm trying to update expense default account using HDL but im ghettint the action reason is invalid. METADATA|WorkTerms|SourceSystemOwner|SourceSystemId|PeriodOf…Victor Lezama 404 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Suman Chenumalla-Support-Oracle HCM Data Loader (HDL)
Report to show Employees serving Probation PeriodSELECT Command for extracting Employees that are serving probation period.