Global HR
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Is this possible to track deleted person dependent/contact information through hcm extract.Summary: Is this possible to track deleted person dependent/contact information through hcm extract. I have searched but didn't get any information. Please provide some …
The record referenced by the foreign key attribute JobId wasn't foundSummary: this error show up when uploading position hdl file METADATA|Position|SourceSystemOwner|SourceSystemId|EffectiveStartDate|EffectiveEndDate|PositionCode|Name|Act…
HCM Extract to fetch Absence Day wise breakdown detailsHi We are trying to integrate Absence data from Fusion HCM with Ramco Payroll and looking to extract absence day wise breakdown details using HCM Extracts as only modifi…
Manager Name, Job Name, and Location Name in WORKERS REST API Based AlertSummary: We are migrating custom alerts from EMPS REST API to WORKERS REST API and there are several values I cannot return in the message body Content (please ensure yo…
How to get person extra information field value in fast formulawe have a requirement to compare two values one is element input value and another one is from person extra information field value and give maximum value into an elemen…
Alert Composer - Alerts expression getting errored out for Line Manager and EmployeeSummary: I am getting below error for Line Manager and Employee expression, but the same alert is working fine for HR notifiactions. Employee expression = ${AlertUtils.p…
Restricting SALARIES REST APISummary: Our client wants to restrict access to salary data when using HCM REST API. Is this possible nowadays? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
HCM extract pulling changes several days after change was madeSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, we have a series of HCM extracts that pull various data pieces in order to be fed to a 3rd pa…
Effective Date attribute is not getting value from parameterSummary: Effective Date attribute is not getting value from parameter Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, Greetings! We have the cust…
Dependable Parameters in HCM ExtractSummary: We have an requirement where we have to add Two parameter in our HCM Extract. The First One would be the 'Business Unit' and next one would be the 'Position Nam…
Can I use output from one BI report as input to another BI report?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I know that I can create multiple templates for my output, but that would require me to run the d…
How to Enable WebCenter Content (WCC) Download Applet ?hi, I got the below document reference. How to Enable WebCenter Content (WCC) Download Applet (Doc ID 1374700.1) Administrator 1. Log into WCC UI as administrator 2. Cli…
Unable to fetch the Effective Date Parameter in the Extract RuleSummary: Unable to fetch the Effective Date Parameter in the Extract Rule Content (required): We have a requirement to use the Effective Date parameter value in the Valu…
Need HDL template to load FTE data.Summary: HDL template to load new FTE data for the employees, who are having existing head count values. Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, …
job role to only run HSDL templateSummary: Hi I am creating a Job role to give access to only run spread sheet template and not to create HSDL template. Is there any privilage/duty which gives access to …Partha-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Partha-Oracle HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader (HSDL)
Looking for the right Database Item Group for Original Hire Date of an EESummary: Our payroll integration requires to pull Original Hire Date with help of HCM Extract, looking for the right Database Item Group for Original Hire Date of an EE.…
Final Pay Date attribute cannot be found in UE PER_EXT_WORK_RELATIONSHIP_UESummary: We have a descriptive flexfield Work Relationship Attributes with global segment "Final Pay Date" which cannot be found in the user entity PER_EXT_WORK_RELATION…
New DG added to delivered Payroll Archive extract not pulling data onto generate payslip .xml outputWe are trying to add 'Seniority Date' to our US online payslips in place of 'Hire Date'. I went through and added a Seniority DG into the Payroll Archive extract, but I …
HDL error message : The legislation code isn't valid for the person.Summary: Hello, I would like to change the legislation code of an employee. So I loaded a worker.dat but I met the following hdl error message for one of an employee : I…
Updating position codes on assignments via HDLSummary: Updating position codes on assignments via HDL Content (required): We need to move 600 employees to a different position. I'm trying to do this via HDL, and I'm…
Error while Updating ReportingEstablishmentSummary @Mandeep Gupta I am trying to update the ReportingEstablishment for few employees facing error. Content (required): METADATA|WorkTerms|PersonNumber|ActionCode|Da…
Proposed Worker type field in Worker APIFor integrations via API we are looking to find out all details of pending worker. When we try to fetch details, we do not see any field which reflects Proposed Worker T…
Help in HCM Extract User EntitysSummary: I have a HCM Extract that uses PER_EXT_PAY_EMPLOYEES_V2_UE in the root data group. I need to pull some information stored in the PER_PERSON Attribute3 and I hav…
CHAR type DFF DBI's in IRC_EXTRACTS_REQUISITION_DETAILS_UESummary: Job requisitions DFF char fields are not available IRC_EXTRACTS_REQUISITION_DETAILS_UE or IRC_REQUISITION_DETAILS_UE. We have a number of fields to extract from…
Worker Extract inconsistent data in Changes Only modeSummary: Worker Extract returns inconsistent data in Changes Only mode (Changed and Marked attributes) Content (required): We have copied Oracle seeded Worker extract an…
Multiple Transaction Data on the same day is not pulled correctly in the Outbound ExtractSummary: We have an Outbound Extract, where for one employee has 2 transaction on the same day in the assignment page. Extract was supposed to pull both the transactions…
Can we use page in EL Expression to Display/Hide the buttonSummary: Can we use the page in the EL Expression to display or hide the button and if so, what name? For example, if the page is Benefits **** AND the role is YYY, then…
HCM Extract| How to include Active User Account in HCM ExtractSummary: Hi Experts, We have built an extract which pulls the Employees by their User Category. We wanted to include the Active User Account in the HCM extract. We could…