Outbound Logistics
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How to add field validations or make specific fields mandatorySummary: How to add field validations or make specific fields mandatory Content (required): Our operators need to capture certain extra data in WMS so the system can sen…Harold Kerckhaert 111 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Harold Kerckhaert Warehouse Management
Exception invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'LPN'Summary: Exception invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'LPN' error while defining the selection criteria on Task Template UI. Selection criteria Allocation UOM=LPN C…Ashraf Bilal.R 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Geno Hawkins- Support -Oracle Warehouse Management
Outbound Audit Count (Quantity Prompt) via UI ScreenSummary: Is there a functionality available in UI screen to prompt for quantity when scanning the item in the packing station? Content (required): Is there a functionali…Pavan13 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Geno Hawkins- Support -Oracle Warehouse Management
Allocation Mode to Group Multiple Customer Order LinesSummary: Hi, There is a business use case where in system is expected to group or sum up the qty of an SKU against multiple customer order lines. Is this applicable or m…Ashraf Bilal.R 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Automatically Printing reports when Outbound Order is PackedSummary: Depending on the order type or the ship-to-address, we need to have printed different reports (we are using custom reports developed in the Web Reports tool). W…Jeferson_Matoso 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mihaela Peptan-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Order the task on Replenishment RF screenSummary: How to Order the task on Replenishment RF screen Content (required): How to Order the task on Replenishment RF screen Version (include the version you are using…
Grouping of Load NumberSummary: Hi, Can anyone tell me how sales order lines are grouped and load number is assigned to them. And how can we partially shipped lines assigned to a particular lo…
Do we have any provision in the product to disable a bin for transactionsSummary: Do we have any provision in the product to disable a bin for transactions Content (required): Do we have any provision in the product to disable a bin for trans…
Custom field mapping on Outbound Load UISummary: Hi, We are capturing some identifiers from our upstream system ERP to Custom Fields of Order Headers through the std prebuilt integration. We did this mapping s…
Cycle Count and Inventory AdjustmentSummary: Can anyone assist with some reference that would help us understand the difference between Cycle Count and Inventory Adjustment. And how they could be configure…Ashraf Bilal.R 42 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Geno Hawkins- Support -Oracle Warehouse Management
Can we use one facility for several Company in Oracle Warehouse Management SystemSummary: Hi, We have a requirement where warehouse team wants to do inbound and outbound operation such as Receive, Put away, Pick and Ship based on company linked to Pu…Ashraf Bilal.R 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Fabio Buitrago-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Hoes WMS cloud support 2 step audit on OBLPN?Summary: Client wants to perform 2 set audit on OBLPNs. Step1: Count total quantity on OBLPN. Step2: If there is mismatch in total quantity, count quantity for each item…Aniket Kadam-235775 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Geno Hawkins- Support -Oracle Warehouse Management
Does WMS Cloud support manifest close from RF?Summary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):Aniket Kadam-235775 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
In a kitting process, is it possible to replenish the assembly location from an active location?Summary: The question is the following: Is the replenishment of the assembly location supported from both active or reserve locations? Or the only way to replenish the a…Celine Nader 33 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Fabio Buitrago-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Ship confirmation standard integrationSummary: Hello , The standard ship confirmation integration mapping sheet has following mappings however these fields are not mapped in standard integration. INV WMS Car…Abhishek_Chauhan 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Fabio Buitrago-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Pack and Ship Confirm WMS APIsSummary: Once Pick Wave process is completed in WMS, we would like to use our external system for Packing and Shipping. once done we want to send same Packing and Shippi…
How Sales Order Prebuilt Integration between Fusion and WMS will Work ??Summary: We have a requirement that we will create sales order in oracle Fusion (Order Management Application). So cycle will be like this In Fusion Order Management App…V_831639 78 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Fabio Buitrago-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Auto PickSummary: After running the wave template, how can we complete the tasks automatically without scanning the LPNs via the RF application? Content (required): I need to exe…Mohammad Abu Humaidan 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Fabio Buitrago-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Bulk Picking in WMSSummary: We are trying to configure wave template such that items under orders meeting Wave Search Template criteria gets summed up and material gets allocated as per th…
Blind LPN to pick Multiple SKU from Active locationSummary: In our existing system we have a container label. Picker scans it and pick the SKU's against single order or multiple order. After the task assigned to him gets…Ashraf Bilal.R 42 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Fabio Buitrago-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Error in Shipment Confirmation integrationSummary: We have processed the sales order and shipped it. On the Outbound Load screen its status is "Shipped". Once ship load is done shipment confirmation integration …Ashraf Bilal.R 43 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Dawn Stockdale-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
How Can I configure SSCC barcodes (GS1-128) for WMS?Summary: I am finding out if WMS supports the generation and reading of GS1 format barcodes (format is GS1-128) and specifically I want to know if it supports SSCC. If i…Renzo Urrelo 87 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rod West-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Transfer of Material between Facility of Different CompanySummary: We have a business use case where we have to transfer material between Facilities which belongs to different company. As WMS does not support such transfer, it …Ashraf Bilal.R 101 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Fabio Buitrago-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
How to do bulk pick and ship based on item numberSummary: We have business requirement where we want to bulk pick all the orders which have specified item and ship all of them together .How we can do that in WMS ?? Con…V_831639 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Fabio Buitrago-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Is there any way to perform Quality Check at the Outbound Process?Summary: Is there any way to perform Quality Check at the Outbound Process? Content (required): Client wants to do a Pre-Delivery Inspection before shipping goods to cus…Nikhil Chourasia 01-Oracle 71 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Carolyn - Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
How do I Task Destination Zone picked up for pick to cart flowSummary: When setting up pick to cart, the task creation template destination zone is not being honored by the pick cart task. Only the dest-task-zone RF parameter in th…Carolyn - Support-Oracle 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rod West-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management