Outbound Logistics
Discussion List
Bulk Picking in WMSSummary: We are trying to configure wave template such that items under orders meeting Wave Search Template criteria gets summed up and material gets allocated as per th…
Blind LPN to pick Multiple SKU from Active locationSummary: In our existing system we have a container label. Picker scans it and pick the SKU's against single order or multiple order. After the task assigned to him gets…Ashraf Bilal.R 41 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Fabio Buitrago-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Error in Shipment Confirmation integrationSummary: We have processed the sales order and shipped it. On the Outbound Load screen its status is "Shipped". Once ship load is done shipment confirmation integration …Ashraf Bilal.R 41 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Dawn Stockdale-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
How Can I configure SSCC barcodes (GS1-128) for WMS?Summary: I am finding out if WMS supports the generation and reading of GS1 format barcodes (format is GS1-128) and specifically I want to know if it supports SSCC. If i…Renzo Urrelo 81 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rod West-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Transfer of Material between Facility of Different CompanySummary: We have a business use case where we have to transfer material between Facilities which belongs to different company. As WMS does not support such transfer, it …Ashraf Bilal.R 102 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Fabio Buitrago-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
How to do bulk pick and ship based on item numberSummary: We have business requirement where we want to bulk pick all the orders which have specified item and ship all of them together .How we can do that in WMS ?? Con…V_831639 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Fabio Buitrago-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Is there any way to perform Quality Check at the Outbound Process?Summary: Is there any way to perform Quality Check at the Outbound Process? Content (required): Client wants to do a Pre-Delivery Inspection before shipping goods to cus…Nikhil Chourasia 01-Oracle 71 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Carolyn - Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
How do I Task Destination Zone picked up for pick to cart flowSummary: When setting up pick to cart, the task creation template destination zone is not being honored by the pick cart task. Only the dest-task-zone RF parameter in th…Carolyn - Support-Oracle 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rod West-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Add OBLPN Types to Input InterfacesSummary Allow for users to upload OBLPN types via input interfaces Content Many high volume ecommerce customers will ship out thousands of packages a day via different s…Wood Alter-182652 14 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Sudarsan Royam-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Serial Number - Not tracked during IB, But OBSummary: Serial Number is Not tracked during IB, But it needs to be tracked during OB packing. Content (required): There is a use case where warehouse doesn't track S/N …
Alexander Corona 41 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Fabio Buitrago-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Nested LPN vs. OBLPNSummary: Nested LPN vs. OBLPN Content (required): I understand WMS does not support Nested LPN but also know user can create Outbound LPN based on current LPN in the sto…Andrew Shang 41 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Fabio Buitrago-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Setting up Zebra Printers with Redundant IPSummary: We have 9 distributions centers who print Zebra labels within the warehouse. Looking for solution to enable Zebra printing from multiple IPs rather than just on…Cindy Brady 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Fabio Buitrago-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Ability to print label during direct allocationSummary: Can I print a picking label via the RF Direct Allocation? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): 22C Code Snippet (add …Carolyn - Support-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rod West-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Need documentation of integration between WMS - Zebra and weighing machineSummary: Our customer requirement when they complete the shipping process they get from weighing machine the total package and the different weight by package and them p…cgleonch 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Fabio Buitrago-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Order information sent to other system for cubing script during wave runSummary: Can we have the orders information sent to other system for cubing purpose for all orders allocated during the wave execution? Content (required): Cubing proces…User_MQPCG 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Fabio Buitrago-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Mobile SCM application in CloudSummary Mobile SCM application in Cloud Content Do we have the Mobile Supply Chain Application (MSCA) available in Oracle Warehouse Management Cloud ?Anil Nair 33 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Fabio Buitrago-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
How to perform Quality check at Outbound in Oracle WMS cloud.Summary: We want to perform quality check while shipping an order. So how can we perform Quality check at outbound in Oracle WMS cloud. Content (required): Version (incl…Sravan Prasad B V 11 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by Fabio Buitrago-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Is there a way to have multiple pickers start processing the same wave in different locations?Summary: In order to relieve congestion in the pick module, we are looking for a way to stagger the starting location for each picker as they begin their Pick to Cart pr…
How do we setup a Prefix for "Bill of Ladding" Document Ex: AMER1234 (we wanted to have AMER as prefSummary How do we setup a Prefix for "Bill of Ladding" Document Ex: AMER1234 (we wanted to have AMER as prefix) Content Hi Team, Could you please help us, how to configu…
How to see exactly what child items are present inside a KIT?Summary: How to see exactly which child items are present inside a KIT? Content (required): Kitting/De-Kitting Process - How to see exactly what child items(Specific Ser…
Integrate external devices with Oracle ERPSummary: Content (required): In WMS, there is provision to link external devices. We can scan and store the data into ERP. In EBS, this functionality is available so I a…
Find How to and Configuration ContentSummary find the latest links to How to and Configuration contentContent New Tabs on Warehouse Management Cloud Information Center We’ve added two new navigation tabs to…Rachel Walters-Oracle 20 views 0 comments 2 points Most recent by Rachel Walters-Oracle Warehouse Management
Allow picking to be performed in a different UOM than the UOM allocation WMS CloudContent This improvement will allow control inventory by weight as the principal UOM. Case example: Product item "A" with "Std package quantity" 1.500 kg. The LPN Pallet…
Do we have a Mobile GUI client to see Mobile pages on Desktop for WMS CloudSummary Just like the one available for EBS WMS to access Handheld device window on DesktopContent Hi Team, When doing testing from Desktop, We may need to do some wareh…